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how to connect my cable channels to home theatre
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Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have this durabrand home theatre system in a box, i mean the dvd player and all the 5 speakers and the woofer came in a box, now i can watch my dvd movies pretty well on my tv with 5.1 sound, but I was wondering if there is any way i can watch the regular cable channels also in 5.1 , i know that all the channels dont have this capability but still even if the sound comes out from the 5 speakers thats much better than two speakers from the tv. So how do i hook it up with my tv, the speakers are connected to the dvd player.
What I have is an Insight Digital Cable Box, which gives provides me with all the cable channels and I have a VCR too, so how do i set it up such that the sound comes out of the 5 speakers.
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7. September 2006 @ 09:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can you post the exact name and model of your in the box HT system so we can check what sort of inputs it has?
Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 10:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the brand is Durabrand and the model number is STS98R
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7. September 2006 @ 10:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm looking for a product this the back of your unit?

I'm trying to figure out what it says around those inputs/outputs ...damn peepers ain't what they used to be lol!

1. What kind of tv are you using?
2. Is your cable box Insight Digital or Insight Digital HD?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2006 @ 11:32

Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 12:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks so much, yeah thats exactly the back of the dvd player, the tv that i am using is Konka K2001UM and the cable box is just Insight Digital Box not the HD one.
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7. September 2006 @ 15:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Joy!

That is a tough little unit to get information on LOL! As it turns out, durabrand is actually a whole lot of different companies. Rather than try to explain, here is a list of Q&A and it explains about the TV channels there. There is a toll free number for this particular model at 1.800.252.6123 and you can get information, a product manual and other things at this web address:

Here is the manual:

(I'll look at your cable box next but its best to connect the cable box itself, not the tv to the unit.) Anyway, here are those questions and answers:


Compact Home-Theater-in-a-Box (HTiB) System
Works With Your Existing Television
DVD/CD Player
Amazing Surround Sound with Dolby Digital Decoder and Dolby Pro Logic Decoder
150 Watt 5.1 Channel Amplifier
5 Satellite Speakers
Input Jacks to Connect Additional Audio/Video Components
Easy VCR Hookup
Full-function Remote Control
Color-coded Speaker Connections for Quick and Easy Setup
Quick Connect Guide Ensures You are Up and Running Fast

Please enter a valid quantity.

STS98R Product Manual.PDF

Q: Why do I have sound but no picture?
Q: How do I connect the home theater system to a television using an RF modulator?
Q: My DVDs and CDs are freezing and skipping?
Q: Why are my DVDs playing without color? Why is the color fading in and out?
Q: How do I get my regular TV programs to play through my home theatre speakers?
Q: Why are the rear speakers not working?
Q: What is the Pink Noise Test?

Q: Why do I have sound but no picture?
A: You must connect both Audio & Video output [(yellow cable) or S-Video] from the Home Theatre System/DVD Player to the AV Input on your TV. Then put your TV in the input mode. Read your TV instruction manual to learn how to put your TV in the input mode (for example TV in the Video Input mode). This setting allows your TV to get access to the RCA inputs (red, white and yellow jacks). You can access this feature by pressing a button on your original TV remote. Each TV manufacturer has its own name for this button. Look for TV/Video, Video, Input, Source, Game, AUX. If your TV has no inputs, then you need a RF Modulator. Visit your local retailer of electronics to buy an RF modulator. If the unit is hooked up correctly, you will see a DVD logo on the screen in DVD mode.
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Q: How do I connect the home theater system to a television using an RF modulator?
A: Simply hook the RCA OUTPUTS from the DVD player (YELLOW, RED and WHITE) to the RF modulator box INPUT. Then connect the RF modulator (OUT TO TV), using a coaxial cable, into the TV coaxial INPUT. Now you can watch DVD movies on channel 3 or 4 on your TV.
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Q: My DVDs and CDs are freezing and skipping?
A: Try doing a factory reset to clear any changes. In DVD mode, 1. Press the setup button. 2. Use the cursor button to select Rating, then press the enter button. 3. Use the cursor button to shift and select Factory Set, then press the enter button. 4. Use the cursor button to shift and select yes, then press enter button. 5. Turn off machine by pressing the power button on machine. 6. Wait 5 minutes and turn the machine back on. Also, clean the laser assembly while the unit is off. Find the laser eye located in the center compartment. You will have to remove the cover of the machine to locate the lens (2 screws on each side and 3-4 on the back). It is perfectly round, and made of glass with a bluish tint. To clean, lightly moisten a Q-Tip in rubbing alcohol, and gently swab just the glass lens, taking care not to soak it.
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Q: Why are my DVDs playing without color? Why is the color fading in and out?
A: If you are using S-Video, make sure to disconnect the yellow RCA cable. DO NOT CONNECT THROUGH A VCR (read note below). Make sure that the Audio and Video OUTPUT from the DVD player is going DIRECTLY to a TV and not through anything else. Also, make sure that it is connected on the back of the TV where it says INPUT (yellow, red and white -- not blue, green and red). Make sure that the DVD player OUTPUT (above) is not connected to the VCR. Also, check the following settings on the DVD. Video output -- CVBS (it?s in the set up menu for your DVD player) To protect copyright, a DVD is designed to play only when directly connected to a TV. The poor picture quality suffered when trying to send the signal through a VCR to the TV is a deliberate engineering feature. This leads to the very common problem of customers hooking up their DVD players through their VCR and getting a substandard result on the TV. Accordingly, we recommend you never hook up your DVD player through a VCR.
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Q: How do I get my regular TV programs to play through my home theatre speakers?
A: Connect the AV out from the source (satellite dish, digital cable box, VCR, etc.) to the AV IN on the Home Theatre System. Press the function button on the Home Theatre System remote to AV IN. This will get you sound and video from source. *NOTE: Audio Out from TV is not always active. We strongly suggest using the audio out from a separate source other than your TV. MAKE SURE THE SOURCE IS IN STEREO OR DOLBY PRO-LOGIC. Using a mono source will result in only a few speakers working. Press the Pro Logic button to select audio settings.
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Q: Why are the rear speakers not working?
A: When playing a DVD or CD, the surround speakers will only work if the disks are 5.1 Dolby Digital disks. Otherwise the rear speakers will NOT work. Press the 5.1 button on remote control before inserting DVD. Six speakers do not work all the time. The purpose for Surround Sound is to have a realistic movie experience. If all speakers produce sound all the time, the sound will only be amplified. The DVD movies are each encoded with audio that is mixed by the producers. Each speaker has its own audio channel. When the DVD disc transmits a signal, sound will be produced. If there is no need for sound for that channel no sound is produced. Usually the center speaker is for voices, right and left are for music, rear and subwoofer are for special effects. If the DVD is not 5.1 compliant, please press the 2.1 button on remote. You will only get sound from the right and left speakers, as well as the subwoofer. You can always test our amplifier using the built in Pink Noise Test.
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Q: What is the Pink Noise Test?
A: Refer to your owner?s manual for instructions and settings.
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©copyright 2005. ALCO Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TRUTECH is a trademark of Target Brands, Inc. DURABRAND is a trademark of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. All rights reserved. ILO is a trademark of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy. Site by Appian.


I'll take a closer look at the manual as soon as I can ... I was looking at some message boards which complained that there is only one set of video/audio inputs and that you have to connect the cable box through the VCR ... I'll tell you if thats true as soon as I get a chance but it could well be true; it's common on the less expensive models but actually works just as well but its a bit more confusing to set up. I'll let you know as soon as I can; I'm having one of those days here LOL! See if you can find out in the stuff I gave you but I'll have a look as soon as I can....Gerry

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. September 2006 @ 15:32

Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 17:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks a lot man, i didn't expect this kind of quick and useful response ever, you are great, i will try to see what i can do after reading it and then if i still have a problem i will write in the forum
Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i actually have this manual, but still could not figure out what to do
Senior Member
7. September 2006 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
According to your manual, your dvd HT equipment, doesn't have any digital inputs, so you won't get 5.1 from anything except your dvds.
If your tv has the red & white rca outputs, for audio, you can hook them into the red & white inputs on back of the HT equipment, and watch the tv with Pro Logic audio (simulated surround). That's the best you can do, I'm afraid.

You may want to start saving for a decent A/V receiver and a speaker package. You can get an entry level receiver, with digital inputs, for $150 - $200. You can get some ok speakers for around $300, or so. Then save for upgrades. Once you have a good starter system, you will want to upgrade. I promise....... :o)

Unless you have some pay movie channels, or HD channels, there won't be anything on tv that broadcasts in 5.1 surround. I have digital cable, and the only channels I get in 5.1, are the Encore channels, which costs extra.

Wal Mart (probably where you bought the Durabrand) usually has a Sony and/or Pioneer system, for around $400. That's receiver and speakers, and maybe, dvd player. See if it has more than one digital input. The dvd player will take one. You'll need one for the digital cable box. Cable boxes are usually digital coax, so the dvd player needs to be optical output. Just a suggestion...........
Good luck!

Hey gerry1..............WASSUP?

Junior Member
7. September 2006 @ 18:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
actually even if i get sound from all the 5 speakers thats better than getting from tv atleast when you are watching football. my tv just has red white and yellow holes in the front to which i connect the cables when i watch dvd and also hook my ps2 in it. is that what you are talking about, i dont see any other colored "holes".
Senior Member
8. September 2006 @ 03:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No, those are inputs.
You need to run rca cables, from the red and white audio outputs on back of cable box, to the red and white audio inputs on back of your HT equipment. Then have the sound turned off or down completely, on the tv. The tv is used only for video, in an HT system. If you play cds in it, you can get music through all the speakers by using the Pro Logic setting.
Good luck!

Sorry we're having a hard time. It's kinda hard to explain like this. I could set it up, if it were right in front of me.

Junior Member
8. September 2006 @ 07:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so you are saying that i should connect the rca cable (red and white ) at the back of the cable box for audio out and then the other end at audio in at the back of the dvd player. and my initial configuration where the cable box is connected to the tv remains the same (for the channels). Let me see if it works, i will let you know.
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8. September 2006 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@JVC....thanks for jumping in there buddy ... I'm always biting off more that I can chew LOL! I'm doing really great though; how are you doing?
Junior Member
8. September 2006 @ 07:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
JVC, gerry1 you guys are great, i did what JVC told me, and bingo the sound is now coming through all the 5 speakers (though not quite 5.1) but still much better than tv speakers, now as this problem is solved can you tell me if it depends upon the channel that i will get a 5.1 surround sound or do i have to buy something else.
Senior Member
8. September 2006 @ 10:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
With the system you have, you'll never get 5.1 from the tv, no matter what channel you get. To get 5.1, you MUST use the digital output from the cable box, but you MUST also have a digital input on your system, and you don't. Sorry........ Set your system for Dolby Pro Logic, and the channels that broadcast in stereo, will give a very good simulated surround. Sometimes my Pro Logic sounds almost as good as the 5.1 surround.

I was at Wal Mart this morning, and thought about you. I went to the HT area, and saw a Pioneer system (receiver, speakers, and Subwoofer), for $198.76. It has 3 digital inputs (2 coax & 1 optical). This is a decent starter system, for very cheap. You could use your existing dvd player, but I'd get one of those $35 - $40 dvd players, and put the one you have now, in the bedroom.

I'm glad we got it coming out of all your speakers for you. You're right! It does sound a lot better than the tv speakers....... :o)

I sent you a PM.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. September 2006 @ 10:26

Junior Member
8. September 2006 @ 12:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi i was also thinking if there is any way to get the sounds out of the 5 speakers when i am playing a game on my ps2.
Senior Member
8. September 2006 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Since you don't have anymore inputs, there's only one option that I know of. Go to Radio Shack, and tell them you need an A+B switch, that accepts the stereo rca composite cables, for hooking up multiple devices, to one input.
If you have another device, that you want to hook up, such as an Xbox, you'll need an A+B+C switch. Depending on how many you want to hook up, you may need an A+B+C+D switch.
When you go to buy it, ask them to show you how to hook it up. They can show you easy, while right in front of you.
I don't think they cost much.
Good luck!

Junior Member
8. September 2006 @ 13:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah but what if i dont use the tv and ps2 at the same time, i mean when i am playing the ps2 then i can unplug the cables from the tv.

again thanks for the help
11. February 2007 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
*NOTE: Audio Out from TV is not always active

Why is it that some TV's are not always active and how can I check if mines is or is not? Thanks for the help.
Senior Member

3 product reviews
12. February 2007 @ 23:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
RE: to joy83,

Yes, you can simply unplug one component and plug in the other, but you need to include the video of the game console as wel to see it on the TV connected to the reciever. Most games today support various forms of multichannel so "YES" you will get some kind of effect for surround sound through you Dolby Pro Logic Mode. To add, for you TV channels, most cable boxes have a direct audio out and the box set up can be set to "matrix" and this will support all Dolby Surround channels on the air (and there aare lot by today, na deven a lot now in Dolby Digital, but will pass through as Dolby Pro Logic. Remember, Pro Logic is basically a newer version of the old chhool "QS" (stereo quadrophonic 4.0). Surround sound has bean around for many years, just barely getting simple to get a hold of for the average folks.

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