In order to put Modded Maps onto my Xbox for Halo 2, do I need a Modded Xbox? I Modded my Xbox at one time, but I dont wanna do it again.
Also, how do I put these modded maps onto my Xbox?
OK, after you have softmodded your xbox with either dash. Go to where it connects to FTP EX:LINUX, EXOX, UNLEASHEDX. Then go on ur computer and then get a FTPing program or use ur webbrowser ftp://put xbox ip in here. or use a FTP Client such as FlashFXP. Connect to ur xbox standard user and pass is xbox and then in. For FlashFXP Server or URL put in ur xbox ip and click connect. Do this by clicking the lightning bolt aka quick connect. Then the right side is ur xbox left ur computer. Go to E:/TDATA/*******64/$c/ ok in here are 3 folders 001,002,003 ending with. Drag and drop each of them onto ur computer. Disconnect FlashFXP. Now make backup copies of ur maps. Next make or find some ppf,sppf,SERENTIY patches and apply to makes with patchers and do it to the ones ur want to mod not ur backups! Then, Reconnect to ur xbox FTP wise and then go back to the $c where u got the 001,002,003 and drag and drop each of the modded folders onto the xbox side and it will ask u to overwrite and ALLOW IT!! then when finished Go on ur xbox Halo2 and Mod NEW MAPS! Old maps are way different to mod on xbl! But i do have a sort of post. any questions? AIM--alexbreezy