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Blu ray vs DVD (which is better?)
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17. July 2006 @ 12:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would not bother with either HD or Blu-Ray/BD. HVD is basically done with standardization as is other holographic-based media. DVD had a very short lifespan in the consumer marketplace (really, only about 4-5 years, for all intents and purposes, although the format is older). It's sort of a waste to re-purchase your DVD collection because you will have to re-purchase it again in HVD or another HM format.

-Do you believe you own your computer and shouldn't be told what you can run and do? Then say *NO* to Microsoft Vista!
-Since half the questions here involve media problems, here ya go: Only use Verbatim or Taiyo-Yuden discs (get your TYs from, not Supermediastore or meritline). Forget the rest, no matter what "brand" they sell under. Always burn at 4x speed regardless of the speed rating of this discs or your drive. If you have burn problems with these then you have to update your drive's firmware. For double-layer discs, only use Verbatim DVD+R DL and burn them at 2.4x speed.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2006 @ 12:17

Senior Member
17. July 2006 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the technology to put nearly 1.4gb of data onto a cdr isnt new, it might not use a blue laser but i saw a burner about a year ago that shortens the length of the pits on a disc so it could store twice as much data on it.

"This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten new pirates are recruited. Wherever you go, we are already ahead of you. You are the past and the forgotten, we are the internet and the future."-Brokep
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17. July 2006 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i know what u r talking about

and it was done with blu ray
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20. July 2006 @ 15:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
MARLBOR WTF are talking about seriously. Besides the glaring grammer mistakes that reside in your posts, do you even have a clue what you talking about? Just hearing myself think about what you have written gives me a head-ache.

"Cable thief is a victimless crime."
20. July 2006 @ 22:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've seen some of the newest HDMV titles (other than Sony's crappily encoded DVDs on crack), which you may or may not know is BD's internal competing coding rival to JAVA. The HDMV lacks the fancy moving cursors/highlights and interactive menu animations, but it's much faster to produce and still much cooler than any DVD you've ever seen. I'm still hoping JAVA prevails because it will heighten the user experience, but I think it may be some time before the right authoring software is developed to make the process efficient enough. As for HD DVD, you have to be kidding me. Focus people! It's cheaper now because it's a more simple technology. If we hold out and choose Blu-ray, we actually have a chance for it lasting a decade or two. And in the first 2 years you know the disc and player cost will drop dramatically. Choosing HD DVD is taking baby steps into the future, and the next bigger better technology will just replace it that much sooner. Don't be the same stupid consumers that let the Betamax incident happen.

BD OWNS!!11!
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23. July 2006 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
omg i cant beleave there r this many stupid people all in one place

ok did i insulat any of u no did i go an attack any of u no for what u all said no i did not i gave my opinion that was it

i gave a edited by ddp opinion u dam wel should be smart enough to decied for your self on weather to listen to it or not edited by ddp if u disagree with me fine ill get over it

no 1 has yet to post a comet saying y i am wrong only that i am stupid and bias and blah blah dont know what i am talking about whatever then plese tell me at what point was i wrong on any thing i said that would help me
to see your point of view

now basic truth blu ray is by far way better then hd as for who will win the war who know who cars buy what u want

note this last remark has nothing to do with the question at hand neither has any of your remarks since i posted so my basic stament is stick to the matter at hand not to put your personall feeling
other wise i dont care what school u went to how many degrees u got
u r still stupid

the qustion was about what 1 was better blu rays or hd

if u cant not post a coment stating your opion with actuly info in other then your supid and bull crap like that i will asume u r and edited by ddp there for u will do the work of making your self look dumb with out me cominting i am not going to fight with u people any more i simple gave opion now it time to put up or shut up

put some actuly info in the post instead of your personal coment

gee i see y that 1 guy said dont waste your time u people dont care about fact and actuly info just what ever u want to beleave

and sad fact is i dont even realy care about blu ray or hd so i guess i am not better then any of u for allowing this to continue

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2006 @ 17:35

23. July 2006 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First of all this thread started as Blu ray vs DVD not...

"the qustion was about what 1 was better blu rays or hd"

Second of all, you must be new to forums because long threads like this frequently evolve into a new discussion. That's cool you want to get things back on track or whatever, but there's no need to get all worked up. I think your lack of effort to spell and type correctly makes you look somewhat lazy and hotheaded, and info you share in this fashion is not easily deemed as reliable. You didn't state where you got your info either, so why would expect anyone to backup their arguments against your so called facts? Anyone can say they've been following Blu-ray for 6 years, so prove it if you want to command any sort of respect. Any for God's sake, stop typing like a drunk.

BD OWNS!!11!
23. July 2006 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
MARLBOR, read the forum rules above about posting & language. post edited
Senior Member
30. July 2006 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
havent read all the posts sorry if i am repeating anything.

BluRay rocks!!! sony all the way.

i heard that TDK had made a prototype 200gb BluRay Disc.
i read it somewhere.
but that has to have some potential, right?

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever." - Chinese Proverb BluRay.
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28. April 2007 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ Nephilim,

This is the oldest Blu-ray vs HD DVD thread I could find... Can we continue our debate now, please? It just started to get good.


29. April 2007 @ 06:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did anyone bother to read the first sticky in this forum? lol

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29. April 2007 @ 20:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"This is the oldest Blu-ray vs HD DVD thread I could find... Can we continue our debate now, please? It just started to get good.


Good Point, Ced. Well, first I want to say that I don't own a single Blu-ray product, so by looking around my apartment, one would have to assume that I would vouch for DVDs. Turns out that I work at a Blu-ray authoring facility and haven't yet been convinced to drop the $$$ for a proper set up. The resolution is 4X that of DVD, the available sound quality is much higher, and the menus are much flashier, yet I still would rather pay $2000 for a 60" 480i stretch dolby surround 2.1 system than $4000 for a 50" 1080i 5.1 DD system. The load time on these things is ridiculously slow and I would rather spend the money on repeat viewings at a full-res theater. Picture quality is nice, but if it aint big, who cares? I stare at a 1080i screen all day and then go home to standard def DVDs every night, and could care less. It's not that I don't enjoy the higher res; it's just that I don't need it to enjoy the experience, the art is enhanced, but I don't see the big deal.

BD OWNS!!11! > forums > archived forums > hd dvd discussion > blu ray vs dvd (which is better?)

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