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Where can I find a complete walkthrough for PCEngine Y's 4?
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7. October 2006 @ 03:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The preceding walkthrough which I pasted below is pretty good.
Unfortunately it is incomplete. It left me hangin at after I beat the two Gargoyles near the end of the game. I downloaded this faq fram scroll down to view walkthrough. Does any one know where I can download a full walkthrough for PCengine y's 4 the dawn of y's?
I would talk to people in the towns if i knew Japanese but I don't understand one word so I'm stuck. All I know from the point I'm at is that at Leface shrine the spirit said that I need to find Garuda and get back the Cleria shield. Does anyone out there know the answer?
Help is appreciated. Also can't figure out how to get items for the clear potion to obtain Leo's armor. Have a hard time getting back to
Famitsu see walkthrough below this line

FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0
by Deuce (

Welcome to the Ys IV FAQ/Walkthrough. Note that this is NOT meant for the
Super Famicom version of Ys IV, "Mask of the Sun." This is solely for the
original PC Engine CD version, which is probably one of the best action-RPGs
ever made.


I. Version History
II. Credits
III. General Tips
IV. The Cast of Characters
V. The Walkthrough
1. Prologue and Town of Minea
2. Town of Promalock
3. Village of Arieda/Abandoned Mine
4. Lava Pits of Nelgal and Slano Shrine
5. Selceta Forest and Town of Yupel
6. Earth Village of Laparo/Templar Castle
7. The Sinking Desert/Miyu Shrine
8. Water Village of Libra (aka "The Trouble with Tim")
9. The Selceta Flower
10. Return to Minea
11. Darm Tower
12. The Mountain Shrine
13. Rady's Temple
14. Moon Village of Serene/Romun Castle
15. Torie Shrine (aka "EscherSpace")
16. Lefance Shrine
17. The Forest and The Ritual
18. The Gold City
19. Zanria Tower
20. Lunes Tower
21. Shrine of the Sun
22. The Final Battle
23. Developer's Room


1.0 - First release. Complete walkthrough of the game from start to finish.
Probably overlooked a few secrets and tricks. If I missed anything,
Please let me know. Any and all submissions are welcome.


Falcom -
For making this spectacular game! Damn them for not releasing it in
the United States though... :( This game is good enough to have been a
real system-seller.


1. Ys is very unique in its experience/level system in that a certain
creature will not always give a specific amount of experience. The
amount decreases geometrically whenever you gain a level. If, for
instance, a creature gives you 40 experience points when killed, it will
only give you 20 experience points once you reach the next level. When
you gain yet another level, it will be reduced to 10, then to 5, then
to 2, then to 1. The game always seems to round down in this regard.

2. Because of the experience system shown above, it is extremely difficult
to overpower yourself. The game is very strictly paced, and in order to
make your level unnaturally high, you would have to spend a large amount
of time killing monsters that are only worth 3 or 5 experience points.
This is tedious and boring, and it effectively prevents one from
cheating in this manner, so to speak.

3. Can't beat a boss? Gain another level. Sometimes it makes all the
difference in the world. Typically, you should be able to beat a boss
if the experience point point value of the most common enemy in the area
is 10 or less. Of course, at the beginning of the game, experience
given is less, so make your own calculations there. If there are some
monsters around which still give a decent amount experience points per
kill, then go and kill some of them! Gaining levels doesn't really take
that long.

4. When fighting weaker monsters in close combat, try not to attack them
head on! You stand a good chance of taking damage if you do. Move up
or down (or left or right, depending on the orientation) one "block" and
attack. The creature will almost NEVER be able to harm you like this.
Just watch out for the ones who change directions suddenly.

5. When fighting small enemies, particularly quick ones, set the game speed
to "Slow." The Fast speed will sometimes allow you to pass THROUGH the
creatures and thereby make them touch you from behind. This spells
damage for you. And you don't want that, ever, right? Just be warned,
sometimes the really quick enemies will be able to do this anyway.

6. There are a few discrepancies between the instruction manual and the
game itself. The most notable of these is the "Rune Seed." The game
itself clearly says "Rune Seed," while the manual says "Rune Shield."
In cases like this, the text of the game always has the final say.

7. You will periodically hear the characters in the game make mention of
the words "Akage no kenshi." If you're wondering what this actually
means, it literally translates to "red-haired swordsman." :)


Adol Christin
The hero of the story, and a wandering adventurer. He and his erstwhile
companion Dogi are returning to the land of Esteria after two long years of
journeying and adventuring. Adol is the one resposible for saving the
people of Esteria from Dark Fact, as well as saving the people of Ys from
the reign of Lord Darm. The climax of this second battle is the one shown
in the game's introduction.

A young red-haired girl whom Adol met in Ys II. After he sought out a rare
herb to cure her of a terminal illness, she developed an extreme crush on
him, and never stops hoping that one day he will stay in Minea for good and
be her husband.

An attractive young swordswoman, Adol meets her early in the game, being
harassed by some soldiers of the Romun Army. She turns out to be a loyal
friend and ally to Adol, though he sees very little of her throughout the
course of the game. She manages to keep in touch with him through the use
of her carrier pigeon, and she constantly offers him advice and the
occasional item of use.

Dogi's best friend, and fellow adventurer. The two have recently returned
from the land of Dogi's birth, known as Felgana. He is more interested in
catching up on old times with friends than Adol, as Adol is forever
consumed by wanderlust. Dogi also has very little tolerance for alcohol,
despite his rather large size. :)

A blonde-haired girl who helps Adol recover from a near-death experience.
She has deep emotional ties to the being known as Eldeel, and is sorely
tormented by the changes in her old friend.

The last survivor of an ancient race of winged humanoids. Formerly a very
good friend of Leeza, he has changed in recent times... and is definitely
no longer the kind, caring soul he once was.

The powerhouse of the Evil Ones, he is large and strong. He also has a
very twisted sense of humor, and delights in humbling Adol whenever
possible... also holds very extreme grudges. He doesn't take kindly to
Adol's constant reappearances in the Evil Ones' plans.

This member of the three Evil Ones is a beautiful but evil sorceress.
She weilds power of the forces of nature, and also possesses the ability

to transform creatures and objects. She seems particularly entertained
by using her powers to prey on those weaker than her, especially when
they are helpless.

The leader of the Evil Ones, this blue-haired swordsman is a calm,
calculating man. He always waits for an opening before making a move,
never giving away too much too soon. One to be respected, if not feared,
for he is a very dangerous man. He proves to be Adol's greatest rival.



Be warned before you begin this, I have included a few spoilers here and
there. A totally spoiler-free guide is a little more editing work than I
have time for, plus if you need a walkthrough for a Japanese game, odds are
you don't understand what's going on to begin with.

Anyhow, I have attempted to make this as comprehensive as possible, from
solving puzzles to using items to defeating bosses. It should allow you
to complete the game with a marginal understanding of what's going on.
Unfortunately, my Japanese is not as good as I'd like it to be, so this
will be incomplete as far as story goes. If anyone wants to email me at and give me full details of the plot, you are more than
welcome. And so, without further adieu...

1. Prologue and Town of Minea
The game opens with Dogi and Adol returning to Esteria after their
adventure in the land of Felgana (see Ys III: Wanderers From Ys).
After getting off of the boat, the two run into Goban, the thief from
Ys I and II. After a moment or two of horseplay, the three continue on
to the town, reminiscing. Goban explains that Minea has changed quite a
lot since they were last there.

When you get there, go explore around the town a bit. The people in the
shops will recognize you. Go and visit Sara, the fortuneteller. She is
in the building in the bottom left corner of the town. She will tell
Adol about a land known as Selceta, and request that he journey there.
Answer yes, then she will give you an item. Afterwards, go to the bar.
Adol, Goban and Dogi will laugh it up for awhile, then the three will
go to sleep at Goban's house. In the morning, Lilia will come knocking
on the door, wanting to see Adol. Goban goes to wake him, only to find
that he is missing...

Elsewhere... cloaked figures stand around a strange altar, upon which
an almost humanoid form sits. The flesh begins to form and congeal, but
it falls apart and melts away. One of the cloaked figures orders the
others away, and the three vanish. The introductory animation sequence
begins to play.

2. Town of Promalock
Adol awakens in the ship, which has journeyed to the town of Promalock.
First item of business is to get outfitted, so put on that Cleria
equipment and get going. Go around the town if you like. Once out-
side, fight the monsters until you reach level 3. It shouldn't take
more than a few minutes, since you have some of the most powerful items
in the game. Follow the path and you will come across a couple of
solders harassing an attractive young girl. She seems capable of
taking care of herself, but one of the soldiers notices you and asks
if you are friends with her. They prepare to attack, but the girl
breaks free and the guards are knocked out shortly after. She gives a
quick introduction, says her name is "Carna," and dashes off. Not a
moment later, a shouted command of "Don't move!" is heard.

An ugly, bald man comes out, with a slew of troops following him. As
his conversation with the soldiers reveals, this is General Leo. He
orders his soldiers to bring out the cannon, and he demonstrates its
power on a nearby tree. You are taken prisoner, and your Cleria
equipment is taken from you. If that weren't enough, you're dumped
into a dark cell to boot! Inside there, talk to your cellmate. He
will tell you his name is Duren, and after a short conversation, tell
you to get some sleep. Go to the other bed to do so.

A short while later, you will be awakened by the sounds of combat.
Who should come bursting into the room but Carna! She says to keep
quiet and that she's come to rescue them. Duren is a little too
excited to keep quiet, so Carna hushes him and explains that she
wants to destroy the Romuns' supply of tanks. Duren notices an
armory nearby, and you grab some equipment from it. Unfortunately,
an alarm is sounded, preventing Carna from accomplishing her mission.
As the three of you prepare your escape, you are surrounded by
soldiers, and Duren beats a hasty retreat, leaving you and Carna to
fend for yourselves. I recommend wandering around the courtyard for
awhile and attacking the soldiers. They're worth good experience and
are easy to kill. Just remember, though... if Carna kills them, you
don't get any experience for it. When ready, exit out the back gate
and head southward.

3. Village of Arieda/Abandoned Mine
As you approach the south path, some men will jump from the bushes and
threaten you, mistaking you for a Romun Soldier, due to your equipment.
Carna will come out and explain to them that you are a friend, and then
they will let you pass. Inside the village of Arieda (that's
Ah-ree-EH-dah) you will run into an old friend... Dr. Flair from Rance
Village. Be sure to purchase an Herb from him, and go to upgrade your
armor and weapon as well. Speak to the village elder in the northwest
house and she will explain that her son, Lemnos, was taken prisoner
inside the abandoned mine just to the north of the village. She will
give you the key which will allow you to enter the cave.

Inside there, your visibility is extremely limited. The lowest level
holds nothing of value aside from an Herb. The higher level holds the
boss and the Power Ring, an extremely valuable item. Unfortunately,
the chest containing the Ring is locked, and you cannot get the key
yet. To get to the chest, follow the left wall. To get to the boss,
follow the right. When you reach the boss, you will be best off if you
are at least level 4 or 5, and have full life with an Herb available.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
The boss is a big spider with obnoxiously long reach on his legs. The
pink blob which extends from his mouth is your target. You need to
learn how to space yourself so that you hit him without getting hurt
yourself. When you hit him, the blob will shift to the hindquarters.
(Yuck.) Run down and to the left, then get behind him and attack the
rear. It will shift back to the front. Go around the right side this
time, and repeat the pattern. When you get him down low enough, he
will double his speed. The only way to attack him at this point is to
move up and down to hit the blob as it shifts. You NEED to be as
healthy as possible by this point, because it will do a lot of damage,
and it's impossible to avoid. Use the Herb and keep plugging away and
the spider will collapse, revealing the injured form of Lemnos.

Carna will rush in with one of the village fighters, and they will
take Lemnos back to Arieda. Fight your way back out and go back to
the village. Carna will rush off, much to Dr. Flair's chagrin. Buy
another Herb and go after her. You will find her shortly afterward,
lying on the ground. When you try to help her, a monster will come
out from behind a rock and attack. Finish it off, then help her. She
will ask you to accompany her, so head north into the nearby cave.

4. Lava Pits of Nelgal and Slano Shrine
In the lava areas, you will be aided by Carna, who will follow you
around and attack any creatures who come close. She's very powerful,
and will kill most enemies in no more than two hits. Don't let her do
your work for you, though. You don't get any experience for the
creatures she kills. There's no free lunch here, buddy. You may come
across a lavaspout that you cannot cross. There is no way to pass at
the moment. When you get the Freeze magic later, you'll definitely
want to come back here.

Keep going through the area. It's totally linear, though it does not
look like it, so there's no need to worry about getting lost. If
Carna gets left behind, keep going. She'll automatically run in after
you if she falls too far behind. You may want to get her "stuck" on a
ledge so you can attack enemies without fear of her running in and
stealing your experience points.

Shortly, you will find a locked treasure chest. Bypass it for now,
and keep heading north. There are two paths, the bottom one of which
you cannot cross, as there's no bridge across the gap. Go to the top
and cross, and you will obtain the Treasure Box Key. This will enable
you to open the chest you found a short while ago. Inside of it is
the Mattock.

Now that you have the key, I suggest backtracking slightly. You can
now go back into the abandoned mine outside of Arieda to pick up the
Power Ring, which will prove very useful against what is to come.
When you return, Carna will automatically be with you again. Also,
restock at Arieda if you have to.

Now, to keep going, go to the upper pathway again, and use the
Mattock. The rocks will drop to the gap below, allowing you to cross
to the other side. Once across, you will find a small temple. Go in
here and continue fighting the creatures to keep your level up. Just
remember to keep ahead of Carna so she doesn't kill them before you
get a chance to. At the heart of the shrine, you will find a stone
pillar. If you touch it, you will be transported to fight with the

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
The boss is a suit of armor filled with glowing magma. It attacks
primarily by tossing out axes at you, which have very slight homing
capability and return to its hands. Your safest bet is to focus on
avoiding these rather than trying to do damage. After it tosses its
axes a few times, the lava will leave the suit and begin flowing
slowly toward you on the floor. The armor itself will warp to your
current location. This is your chance to get in plenty of hits. To
make the most of the opportunity, try to keep as far away from the
lava as possible when the armor warps. Once you have won, the
spirit of Slano will grant you magic power, and give you the wand of
Fire magic.

Carna is nowhere to be seen... make your way back to the entrance
and you will find her again, looking for you. A moment later, your
reunion will be interrupted by three very vicious-looking characters,
who refer to themselves as the "Evil Ones." The first is a large
man, named Gadis. The second is a purple-haired sorceress by the
name of Bami. And the third, their leader, is a thin, wiry man with

blue hair, by the name of Guruda. Bami fires four magical blasts at
the wall behind you, and monsters begin to form from the stone. The
three leave you to be destroyed, but the creatures only pose a
threat if you're REALLY careless.

Once they're taken care of, go upstairs, and you will meet the Evil
Ones again. Bami prepares to cast another spell to finish you off
for good, but a sudden tremor in the ground stops her, and you all
escape. They promise that you will all meet again. Once out of the
temple, head to the right... a fresh pathway will open up, allowing
you easy access back to Arieda.

As you approach Arieda, Carna will pull out the Flute of Wind and
play it. A small bird flies in and alights on a nearby rock. She
gives you the flute and says that she will use this bird, Ruse (or
Luse, or Ruusu, depending on how you want to romanize it), to keep in
contact with you. Just use the flute near those rocks covered with
white substance. What is the white substance? Take a guess... what
are birds known to produce in great quantities, particularly on
parked cars? But since there are no cars around here, parked or
otherwise, the birds will have to make do with nicely conspicuous
trees and rocks.

Now, go back to Arieda and restock, as always. You may now speak to
Lemnos in Dr. Flair's office, who will explain to you that he was
transformed into that spider form by the Evil Ones you and Carna met
earlier. Once you're ready, head back to the east and this time,
head southeast from the cave, into the Selceta Forest.

5. Selceta Forest and Tree Village of Yupel
The forest can be a bit confusing, as it has two levels and you must
pass through trees to get from one to the other. You should practice
using your Fire magic on the snakes and animated flowers that abound
here. Also, don't forget that you can charge up your magic attack!
Just hold down the I button until your lifemeter starts flashing
white, and let go to fire the charged-up blast. Press the II button
to cancel the attack.

As you proceed, you will find a VERY large tree with a doorway at its
base. Go inside and climb to the top to the village of Yupel. There
is very little you can do in the village aside from journey to the
upper levels, where there are more monsters. The creatures here are
somewhat difficult. They are fast and tend to move in random
directions. Don't be ashamed to use your Fire magic on them, as close
combat is often inviting severe injury. In the first area, go to the
right first, and you will see some of the story of the winged ones, as
well as be given an orb which will be used later on in the story. At
the end of the first area, there will be a Roda Tree Nut lying on the
ground. Pick it up and use it if necessary. If you use it, go into
the second area and return, then the nut will be there again.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
At the end of the second area, you will find another pillar like in
Slano's shrine, which will teleport you to fight the boss. This one's
quite easy, and you should have no problems if you're level 11 or
higher. It's a giant bird that fires sharpened feathers at you and
periodically divebombs. Stay out of the direct center of the screen
and pelt it with fireballs. When it flies in from the sides, go to
the opposite side in the corner and fire some more. If it starts
divebombing, stick to one of the upper corners, so it will be less
likely to hit you. When you are victorious, the spirit of Talim will
give you the Alter magic for your efforts. This will slowly consume
your MP, and turn you into a monster for the duration. During this
time, you may speak to monsters, are immune to damage, and you can
also swim.

Go back to the village and you will be guided to the elder's house,
where you will be given the Ring of Roda (though the game says
"Loda"). This ring is very valuable indeed, as it will slowly restore
your magic points without the use of a Roda Tree Nut. Now, exit the
village and once out of the tree, go to the left.

You will shortly see a strange-looking creature that you cannot do
any damage to. Speak to it in Alter form, and he will tell you his
name is Robin. He asks that you find him the "Rune Seed." It's
definitely in your best interest to do it for him. Remember to always
equip the Ring of Roda when in Alter form, so that your MP level will
not drop. Hop into the river, and swim around. You may notice a
small island linked to the main land by a rope bridge. This is where
you will find the Rune Seed. You will have to work your way around
to get to it. Bring this back to Robin and he will move out of the
way. Move to the spot behind where he sat and you will get the Broad
Sword! This will be most useful. Remember Robin, as you will run
into him later.

Proceed further and you will overhear the Evil Ones talking about you.
After they chat a bit, they will leave, and it's up to you to follow
them. Take off your Alter magic at this point and head north. You
will find yourself on a bridge. At the end is none other than Gadis
himself. He will cut the rope bridge, and you will take a nasty fall,
leaving you with one hit point.

As you start to awaken, a pretty blonde girl will run in to help. She
will treat your wound, healing you back up to 10 hit points, then she
will leave. Sit tight for a few until your HP are back up to maximum,
then keep going. You will see her again shortly. When you do, she
will tell you this is her favorite place to relax, because she loves
the view. She will eventually realize she has somewhere she has to
go, and will leave. Follow her, and you will soon reach...

6. Earth Village of Laparo/Templar Castle
This place is something of a welcome sight. You can restock your
items as well as purchase better equipment. And you will need it, as
a somewhat tougher area is up ahead. You can also talk to Leeza in
her house at the northwest. You may want to fight a few creatures
outside to raise your level a bit. Watch out for the piglike things
that spit fire. Your magic will not harm them.

From Laparo, head to the left and then up, and you will find yourself
in a very large courtyard. There will be some very speedy armored
enemies here who are also immune to magic and can do a good bit of
damage to you if you're not careful. They are reasonably good for
gaining experience though.

At the north end of the courtyard (where is it written that all doors
in RPGs must face south?), you will find the entrance to the castle.
This place is a bit mazelike, and the enemies inside are dangerous,
particularly those speedy blue spinning creatures. On the upside,
you can gain a lot of experience here. Search around and you will
a semi-long hallway with a staircase going down at the north end.
Halfway through this hall, you will find a strange item on the
ground. Once you proceed down the stairs, head to the right and you
will claim the Shield Ring.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
Eventually, you will run into Leeza again, who is calling out for
help. A pair of tentacles creep into the room after her, then pull
back. It's up to you to save the day again. Prepare your Herb and
Shield Ring, and get ready to fight. You should be level 15 for
this fight. Go into the next room and you will square off against a
really strange creature. The tentacles will block your Fire shots,
and you can only hit it when the body is outside of the "shell." It
will also spit out three blobs from time to time, which can be
killed easily with the Fire spell... but be careful, as they will
launch projectiles at you, which can do extreme damage in the right
conditions. If you're patient, though, you should be able to beat
this creature without even wasting an Herb.

When you're done, go back outside to talk to Leeza. She will notice
the bandana that she used to bandage your wounds earlier. She
thanks you for coming to help her, but says she cannot leave yet, as
there is still something she has to do. She walks back into the
room where the monster was, and you must follow. (Or else the plot
cannot continue! *gasp*)

You will find that Leeza has been taken prisoner by the Evil Ones,
and Guruda demands that you hand over the magics of Fire and Alter.
Having no other choice (and just being the sort of guy you are), you
do so. Of course, Guruda seems to have no intention of fulfilling
his end of the bargain, until Duren comes in. Remember the guy in
the Romun Castle prison? Well, he evidently has a bit of a past
with Guruda, and subdues him, allowing Leeza a chance to escape.
The Evil Ones fall back, and you follow, Leeza and Duren tagging
along behind.

In the next room, you come face to face with Eldeel himself, who
explains that part of the power he seeks is about to become his...
he absorbs the energy from the statue behind him, and it shatters.
He then uses this power on you, knocking you unconscious and nearly
dead. Eldeel and the Evil Ones then leave, and Leeza and Duren
taking you back to Laparo.

You awaken in Leeza's house, where she and her father explain what
Eldeel used to be like, and how he has changed. It seems all of
Selceta is in danger from what he plans. They ask that you help
them in their time of need. When you exit Leeza's house, go into
the Elder's house, to the right. He will give you an item which will
be used in the next area.

Remember to equip your Power Ring, since you will have to rely solely
on your physical strength to keep going. Now, go back toward the
Templar Castle and you can go through the newly-opened gate on the
right. Follow the path and you will come to...

7. The Sinking Desert/Miyu Shrine
This place is a bit of a puzzle. The first item on the agenda is to
attack the big iguana-like creatures to get experience, as they
should be worth about 45 experience by the time you reach here. They
are definitely worth killing. You can gain a level or two quickly by
simply moving up and down the first island, causing the lizard to
reappear again and again so you can kill it.

Remember, the sands will drag you continually down the screen, so in
order to cross from one island to another, you need to find the right
place to start, so that the current will not carry you too far. In
the first area, there is a treasure chest containing an Herb to the
far right if you need it. In the first area, things are simple.
Just keep moving downwards and you'll arrive at the "shore." Go to
the right and you'll come across a great pyramid, which doesn't seem
to have any available entrance.

Duren is over by the pyramid, and he is also wondering how to get in.
The pathway is hidden, and you must use the item that the village Elder
in Laparo gave you. Go to the broken pillar in the top row, the second
one from the left, face up, and use it. The pathway will open up.
Duren will follow you inside.

Once inside, there will be a multitude of slow-moving brown creatures
with single blue eyes. Fight these and/or the lizards outside until
you reach level 18. Then proceed to the center of the shrine. There
is another pillar which will take you to fight the boss.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
Prepare your Power Ring and Herb, of course. This guy is a piece of
cake. Your only chance to do any significant damage is when his head
and tail are both sticking up out of the sand. Attack the tail only,
or else you'll get hurt. Move to the left and right over the tail to
continuously do damage. Avoid the weird little projectiles that the
mouth spits out, and be careful, as they will bolt at you whenever
you are at a right angle to them. When he's diving in and out of the
sand, stay as far to the top as you can and he should be completely
unable to hurt you. When you're victorious (and you have to really
be playing around not to be), Miyu's spirit will give you the magic
of Warp, a very useful spell indeed.

Exit the shrine to the right, and you will find another area of
sinking sands, except this time you have to work against the flow.
It may take a bit of practice, but if you take the time to gauge how
far you can get, you can make it to the top easily. Along the left
side, you will find a treasure chest containing the Topaz, an item
useful for nothing more than selling later. Neat to have for a full
inventory screen though. The exit is at the upper right corner.

8. Water Village of Libra (aka "The Trouble with Tim")
This area will probably prove to be a stumbling block for most players
their first time playing through the game. When you approach the
village, you'll see a man running towards it in a panic. As you enter,
you'll overhear him imploring the villagers to help him get back his
grandson, a little boy named "Tim." Aside from listen to the peoples'
heartfelt pleas for help, there's not really much you can do here. So
it's time to go and save the kid.

Before you go charging off, however, make a little detour. Use your
"Warp" magic to teleport back to Promalock. It is the first item on
the list. Select it, then choose "hai" (two Japanese characters).
Once you get there, go to the weapons and armor shops to upgrade your
equipment. You will definitely need it. After you're done shopping,
teleport back to Arieda (second item on the list) and visit Dr. Flair's
office to heal up and restock.

Once you've done this, teleport back to Libra (last item on the list).
Then, be prepared to do a lot of level-gaining. The upcoming boss,
known as the "Ice Immurer" or "Ice Murmur," is quite tough. I would
recommend working your way up to at least level 21 before attempting to
tackle it. Use the brown creatures and the Godzilla-wannabe monsters
to gain a level or two, then proceed north and fight the snowmen to
gain the rest. There's a blue creature at the top of the mountain,
which gives decent experience, but it's difficult to catch, and can
also do a ton of damage to you in a hurry. You're better off sticking
with the snowmen. Remember, NEVER stop moving in this area. There are
some invisible enemies which can and will sneak up on you when you
least expect it.

Once you're powerful enough, climb to the top of the mountain and
enter the cave on the left. The one on the right is a dead end and
holds nothing of value. The doorway isn't far. Equip your Herb and
Power Ring before entering. As you enter, you will see the old man
(Jeff) pounding on a block of ice, inside of which is a little boy.
He notices you and pleads for your help. Touch the ice three times and
the creature will awaken. With a quick attack, it pushes the old man
out of the room, leaving you to fight it alone.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
This guy can be TOUGH. Defeating it will require a lot of patience on
your part. If you try to rush things, you will never win. It splits
into six pieces, only one of which can be damaged. This is the one
with the dark blue figure. The rest will hurt you if you touch them.
You will have few opportunities to do damage, and you must make each
one count. When it merges, the part you can hit will always fly from
the bottom right corner, giving you the opportunity to hit it as many
as three or four times. As it spins, DO NOT GET CLOSE. Stay in the
upper-left corner until it finished forming, then dash behind it to
the upper-right. Look out for the blocks of ice it'll drop (just
avoid the shadows), and move back to the left, in front of it, when
the coast is clear. When it splits again, the part you can hit will
usually go off toward you, giving you another (albeit riskier) chance
to hit. Repeat and be as cautious as you can. Eventually, you will
win. It is possible to kill it at level 21 without using the herb if
you watch the pattern enough.

Once the Ice Immurer is dead, Jeff will come back in and thank you, as
will the boy, Tim. They tell you to go to the back, to the frozen
village. Once they leave, head north and enter the open house (there
is only one). You will speak to the child, who is the reincarnation
of the sage, Enzo. He will detail to you further facts about Selceta's
past. As you leave, the woman will give you another orb.

9. The Selceta Flower
When you return to the village, all will seem well for a bit, then Tim
will develop another problem... his legs turn to stone! (Tim is what
is known as a "problem child.") In order to put things right, warp
back to Arieda and go to Dr. Flair's office. Don't forget to restock
if you need to, and answer "hai" (two Japanese characters) when you
speak to him. You'll warp back to Libra automatically. When Flair
surveys the damage, he concludes that the Selceta Flower could be used
to fix the curse. He asks that you go to find it. Choose "hai" again.
Now, remember that old guy who always kicked you out of his house in
Libra Village? Leave the town, then come back in. Then go back to his
house, and he will build a raft for you. Exit his house and head north
to get on it.

The raft is automatically guided, and will take you to your destination
fairly quickly. Make sure to move around while travelling, otherwise
the purple bird-creatures could sneak up on you and do some nasty
damage to you. You'll stop off in a cave. Just get back on the raft,
there's nothing to be done here... yet. You'll return here later.

Once you finish your journey, you'll be in for a surprise. (You're
going to love this one.) Shortly after, you will meet up with the Evil
Ones again... Gadis will want to just kill you outright, but Bami has
other ideas. She puts a curse on you of her own. Nice lady, eh?
Anyhow, go up the hill to enter the cave. Fight the creatures for lots
of easy experience! You can go up two or three levels in no time here.

As you proceed, you will find the Selceta Flower and eventually come to
a spring. Enter it and choose "hai" to heal and have the curse
removed. Then go back out and head north, to the crack in the wall.
Use the Mattock on it to break out of this prison. Then warp back to
Libra! Dr. Flair will be most pleased to see you. You will warp back
to Arieda to go to his lab automatically. Stock up and wait around.
It will take a few minutes before the Elixir is ready. Enter and exit
a few buildings. Eventually, you will see a man standing to the right
of the north gate. Speak to him, then go talk to Flair again. Time
to warp to Promalock! (I think he's just in this for the travel.) If
you haven't already done so by warping back here, upgrade your weapons
and armor, then head to the shipyard.

10. Return to Minea
After arriving, you will soon run into Dogi. After he leaves, go to
the weapons and armor shops to get better weapons. You should be able
to afford it. Then head out to the field. Things will look quite
different from how they did in Ys I. To the south, there is a second
Roda Tree, where Lilia is. Talk to her, then head to the northeast, to
Zeptic Village. In there, go into all of the houses. The one at the
bottom-right holds Jeva, the old woman from Ys I. After talking to
her, go to the southwest house, and talk to Luta Gemma's wife. Then,
go to the northernmost house and talk to the village elder. Once you
speak to him, you will find Luta in front of his home. Speak to him and
he will give you the Silver Harmonica. Exit the village and go into the
mine to the north.

There are no monsters in the mine, so explore freely. There is a
treasure chest on the second level which you can open. When you reach
the room with the goddesses' statues, stand directly in front of one of
them and use the Harmonica. The goddesses will then awaken and speak
to you, and give you the Mask of Eyes. Immediately afterwards, someone
will come in and tell you that Lilia has been captured by the Romun
soldiers! Return to Zeptic Village, and Jeva will tell you that she
was taken to Darm Tower... so head north!

11. Darm Tower
This won't take nearly as long as it did the first time through. The
only enemies will be Romun Soldiers, and they're not that strong. If
you do get hurt, remember that you can recover HP on the outer decks.
When you reach the long passage lined with statues, put on the Mask of
Eyes and enter the hidden area. Once inside, switch to another item,
since you can't see enemies while wearing the Mask. Get the contents
of the treasure chest, then go back out and keep going upstairs. You
will find a treasure chest containing a strange fruit. Save this for
later. It will raise your level by one instantly when you eat it, so
it's best to use it only at the end, when levels are harder to come
by. Shortly after, your path upwards will be blocked by a collapsed
stairway. Go back down to the hallway with the statues, and enter the
hidden room. Inside there, use the Mattock on the crack in the wall.
This will lead you to a shortcut to floor 23. Work your way through
the maze of mirrors, and you will reach the very top of the tower

Atop the tower, you will find the captured Lilia, held by Gadis. As
it turns out, he has taken control of Keith Fact, who attacks you.
Don't worry... Fact will defeat you no matter what you do. He's not
the real boss. You will be magically healed, then Gadis will step in
to fight you himself.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
At level 24, you're pretty well-equipped to defeat him. At level 25,
it's a walk in the park. His attack patterns consist of drifting
across the screen, shooting five fireballs in succession, charging
up for a blast of four fireballs at once, a black beam of energy, and
an attack with his sword. The ones you have to look out for are the
beam and the charge-up attack. The charged attack will take about
90% of your life with one hit if all the fireballs hit you! Don't
rush things. Take your time to learn his patterns, and you'll be
fine. When you get him down to about 50 hit points, he'll start
attacking three times in a row with his sword. Just keep moving and
you should be able to avoid him.

Once he's defeated, you'll get back your Fire magic! The Romun
soldiers will run away, and then Dogi will come in to help, having
heard what happened from Goban. Keith wakes up and apologizes. He
says that somehow they controlled him because he was the descendant
of a priest. The four of you leave the tower, to be greeted by Dr.
Flair once more. He says that he finally has the Elixir ready to
cure Tim. The two of you warp back together, and Tim is cured.

12. The Mountain Shrine
All seems well, doesn't it? Tim's zipping around like a hummingbird
on crack, and everyone is happy. However, his attention is taken by
a strange little yellow creature. Curiously enough, one identical
to the form you take when you used your missing Alter magic. The
boy chases after the creature, and Dr. Flair asks that you go and
look after him. After all, we can't have the townsfolk worrying
even more.

Exit the village, and head northwest. The floating eye creatures
are tough to kill, and can do a lot of damage, but they're very slow
and are worth a lot of experience. Gain a few levels here before
proceeding. Enter the shrine when you feel you are ready.

Once inside, Tim will lead you on a wild goose chase. He will show
you how some flame traps work (and singe you in the process), and
then run off again. There is a room FULL of these things coming
up, so SAVE WHEN YOU ENTER IT! They can kill you in less than a
split-second. The proper path is up the left passage, left until
you are flush with the wall, then rush through the two horizontal
tiles. You'll have to move diagonally up-right to get to the door
unscathed. It takes practice, but it can be done.

Eventually, Tim will lead you to a room with two teleporters. He
will use the one on the left, but you must use the one on the RIGHT
to catch him... keep moving until you see a room with an open door
(NOT a stairwell) then proceed. You will end up in a very wide
open area. Enter one of the doorways at the bottom, and stick to
down and left when possible. You'll end up taking a rather nasty
fall, and be trapped in the room with Tim and the creature. The
door is locked. Fortunately, Dogi will come blasting into the
room shortly, and lead you to the exit.

Before you follow Tim and Dogi, however, head Right and then Down.
You'll obtain the Heal Ring! A boss fight is coming up, and I
would recomment being at least level 27 for this one. If you need
to gain levels, an excellent opportunity is provided in the room
just north of the Heal Ring. Before proceeding, heal up using the
Heal Ring and prepare your Fire magic, as well as the Shield Ring.
Use the Ring of Roda to recharge magic if necessary.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
The boss may come as a bit of a shock...literally. He attacks with
lightning, and has quite an aggressive pattern. He first attacks
with a vertical lightning bolt. Time your attacks in between the
bolts, and watch his hands to avoid getting jolted. Once you take
him down far enough, the hands will separate and fire two separate
bolts of lightning while the cloak wraps itself up. You cannot hurt
it unless the cloak is open. The hands will exchange turns firing
off blasts of blue magic. Just move slightly after it fires and you
will not be hit. After both hands are done, get back in the center
and attack once more. Once you learn the pattern, this guy is a
piece of cake. After you win, you'll get your Alter magic back, as
well as the Cleria Shield!

By the way, if you go back to Arieda, Dr. Flair will have Elixir
available for you to buy... it will restore your life to full
automatically in the event that you are reduced to 0 HP. Such power
doesn't come cheap, though. The cost is 30000 gold.

13. Rady's Temple
Now that you have the Alter magic back in your possession, you can
once again swim. Head back to Libra, and hop off the dock to swim
north. Once out in the open, head slightly northeast to find a small
island with a treasure chest. Inside that chest is the Battle Armor!
Once done, go north again to go into the cave. This time, go toward
the left, and go up to the dead-end wall with the symbol. Put on the
Mask of Eyes and you will be able to get through. Take it off after
you pass through the door. Once inside, remain in your Altered form.
When you reach the first intersection, go down and swim through the
corridors. You will eventually reach a dead-end with a treasure
chest, which holds a key. This key will open the floodgates and allow
you to access the formerly submerged areas. Backtrack and this time,
head up at the first intersection. You will reach a door, and when
you open it, you'll be washed up (literally). A bit embarassing, but
it'll get the job done.

Now, go exploring again. You may have noticed a submerged treasure
chest before. Now you can reach it. In it sits the Timer Ring. It
is definitely most useful. Now, you may want to take off the Alter
magic and fight some monsters. There are several places around here
that are good for gaining levels. I'll leave it to you to find them.

When you're ready, go and fight the boss. The proper pathway is to
the left of the wide submerged area with two small stairways which
allow you to get in or out of the water on either side. It's just
to the left of where you found the key.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
As always, make sure you're stocked up with your Herb. I recommend
level 30 for tackling this one. Equip the Shield Ring also, as
you'll have to use your Fire magic, which the Power Ring doesn't
affect. The boss follows a fairly simple pattern. The energy orbs
it sends out will turn into waves of water that damage you. They're
easy enough to avoid. You cannot hurt the armor in the middle until
you destroy the two statues on the sides. Alternate between them and
you should be able to destroy them in no time, while avoiding the
water. Once it's gotten out of its shield, you can then attack it
normally. It will fire multitudes of water projectiles at you, in
some way or another. Most of these are easily avoided. If you MUST
get hit (and sometimes it cannot be avoided) then run through the
projectiles to take as little damage as possible. When the huge wave
sends you back and forth across the screen, try to stay out of the
armor's way, or else it'll do some nasty damage do you when it
touches you. A little perseverence is all it takes. When you are
victorious, the Freeze Magic will be your prize.

*************************** SPECIAL ITEM ******************************
The next thing you should do is head back to the lava pits. Remember
that area with the lavaspout that you couldn't cross? Use the Freeze
magic on it and you can pass. This will net you Samson's Shoes, a
handy item. It slows your movement rate to a crawl, but any enemy
(except bosses, of course) is killed in one hit. Very handy for
gaining experience, and surviving some of the later areas.
*************************** SPECIAL ITEM ******************************

14. Moon Village of Serene/Romun Castle
Go back to the village of Libra, use your Alter magic, and hop off
the dock. Swim to the right, then down to approach the waterfall.
Once you fall, go to the right and attack the creatures here (use the
Samson's Shoes) to gain experience. You can gain two or three levels
here in no time. Follow the pathways north to the village of Serene.
If you go east, you will find your pathway blocked by a large wall of
rocks. There is an old woman named Banjo in the center of the
village who can mix up a potion to blast away the rocks for you.
Talk to her and she will tell you she needs "Kibie Powder" (That's
kih-bee-ay) in order to make it. The only people known to have it
are the Romuns. So, warp back to Arieda and head north to the castle.

Once there, you will need to equip all that old weaponry you stole
when escaping in order to get the guard to let you pass. Once inside
you must go into the prison building, where you were held, and go
upstairs. Talk to the soldier standing still in the lone hallway, and
he will gripe to you about the "redheaded swordsman" for a bit, then
recognize you, and run off to sound an alarm. Don't bother chasing him,
you'll catch up to him later.

Go back into the first building and you will be able to go upstairs
now. As you pass through, you will overhear General Leo in his
quarters, being in a particularly foul mood to one of his officers.
He finally gives up and goes to sleep. Proceed upwards, and you
will find the soldier who sounded the alarm. Chase him to the
dead-end, and he will give you the key you need to unlock the door
to the Kibie Powder. Go back downstairs and enter the formerly
locked door, get the powder, and warp back to Serene.

To get the Black Potion, use Badou's Ash and the Kibie Powder mixed.
They are (from the left) the second and third items in the list that is
presented to you. Once you have it, head to the wall of rocks and you
will use the potion. It will hurt you severely, and an old woman will
come up, warn you of the danger ahead, and give you the Talisman. When
she leaves, sit tight for a few and heal back up. Then proceed up the

15. Torie Shrine (aka "EscherSpace")
As you proceed onward, you will encounter a lava pit area much like the
one you went through earlier. Attack the creatures outside the pyramid
to gain levels. I would suggest level 34 or 35, as the boss is quite
tough, and once inside, opportunities to gain experience are few and
far between.

When you reach the pillar and touch it, you will not be warped to the
boss instantly, like you might be expecting. You will be warped into
a very strange world. Beware of treasure boxes. Some of them are
actually monsters, who can do a lot of damage to you. Test them with
a blast of Fire or Freeze before approaching. If it goes through,
the take what's inside. Otherwise, leave it be. They're not worth the
trouble to fight. One of them will contain the Magic Ring. Make sure
you get this before you fight the boss, or else you cannot go back and
get it!

These two areas are quite mazelike, and could give you some trouble.
It is, unfortunately, impossible to make a map out of such a strange
layout. The first is relatively simple. Step on one of the red tiles
and you'll be warped to the green tile closest to it. This will also
put you on the wall. (You'll see what I mean.) The tiles work in
reverse as well. Find the Magic Ring here before proceeding to the
really big tile. The second area is a bit tougher, and is more of a
maze. The arrow tiles may only be crossed one way. So if you're
going to use one, save first, so you can avoid having to retrace your
steps. Work at it for awhile and you will get it. It's not as hard
as it looks.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
This boss is one of the tougher ones. Looking eerily similar to Darm,
he attacks with incredible aggression. Have your Herb and Elixir
prepared, as you very well may need both of them. You can only harm
him when his cloak is red and he is solidified. Beware the vertical
bolts of pink energy. They will drain your HP rapidly. He will also
launch little blue energy pellets which do no damage, but serve to
annoy the hell out of you and keep you from moving where you want to
go. Avoid the attacks where possible, and keep plugging away at him,
and you will eventually succeed. Level 34 makes for a tough fight,
and level 35 is noticeably easier. Once you win, the spirit of Torie
will give you the Seeker Magic.

16. Lefance Shrine
Return to Serene and you'll find things quite different. Everything
is destroyed, and there's no one here! The only living soul is an
old woman where Banjo used to sit. Talk to her, and she will take an
item from you... and then reveal who she really is. It might not be
who you expect.

Once she leaves, make use of the Seeker Magic that Torie gave you.
It will reveal a hidden entrance, inside of which are the villagers.
Banjo is still there, and will still make potions for you if you wish
her to. The door on the upper left leads to Lefance Shrine. Talk
to the woman and she will let you pass. Once there, go to the large
statue in the center, and you will meet the spirit of Lefance
himself. He will give you the Shield Magic, as well as give your
magic a noticeable boost. You'll find your Fire and Freeze magics
look considerably different. There are also three small poles with
orbs sitting atop them. Looking into them will allow you to hear,
once again, the three narratives detailing the story of Selceta.
When you're done here, touch the glowing statue.

17. The Forest and The Ritual
You will be transported into a forest. You'll find your Freeze magic
works well against the enemies here. When you proceed, Duren will
hop down in front of you and talk to you for a bit. To the north is
a clearing filled with some tough enemies. Here is an excellent
place to don Samson's Shoes and kill creatures for experience. At
the gates, there is your friend Robin (the creature who gave you the
Broad Sword earlier). Talk to him in Altered form. He will tell you
that he is hungry, and ask that you find some food for him. Go down
to the forest again, and pick up the seed you find at the root of a
tree. Bring it back to Robin (still in Altered form), and he will
start following you around and attacking enemies with you. If you
change back to human form, he will sit still and you can proceed.

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
Inside the gates is a temple... and some familiar faces. Eldeel has
the Mask of the Moon now, and he is no longer willing to entertain
your interference. He sends Bami against you. She's actually not
that tough. (I suppose her most dangerous attack was that annoying
laugh.) You'd better be at level 36, or better yet, 37, before
taking her on. She has three basic attacks. One she calls down
lightning all over the screen. This is easy to avoid, as you have
plenty of warning before it starts doing damage. She will also toss
out three blasts of ice. These can be avoided by linear movement,
so long as you don't let yourself get stuck in the corner. Her
flamethrower attack is definitely her worst. It's impossible to
completely avoid, so the best you can hope for is to cross through
it when it's a straight line, directly in front of her. That way,
you'll only take one hit.

Once you've taken care of Bami, Eldeel will perform a ritual to
raise the Gold City from the depths of the ground. Leeza is planned
as his sacrifice, but something happens which stops him. Let's just
say Guruda has a few surprises left in him after all. Afterwards,
you and Leeza will go back to Laparo automatically.

18. The Gold City
To get to the Gold City from Laparo, exit the town and head to the
right. You'll see a pathway which wasn't there before. Go inside,
and you'll run into Dogi. He will join you and help you fight your
way through. Shortly after entering, you'll come upon a locked door.
Dogi prepares to bash his way through, but is stopped by none other
than General Leo of the Romun Army... and a cannon, plus a battalion
of soldiers. After shoving you aside, he proceeds onward with his
men. The pathways are somewhat convoluted, and it's easy to get a
bit lost. When fighting, be careful. Most of the enemies here are
immune to your magic. Fight where you can, and if you need to heal
up, find a secluded corner and put on the Heal Ring. Dogi will stand
guard for you, and easily kill any monsters that come your way. Your
goal is the large open doorway at the back of the outside area.

Once you reach here, you will come across Leo and his men again.
They use the cannon to break through another door, but a pair of
gargoyles come to life on either side of the door, destroying the
cannon and the two soldiers who fired it. Leo proceeds on, undaunted.

In the next area is one of the more obnoxious challenges in the game:
the fire tiles, as I call them. Leo will repeatedly send groups of
his men through the fire, each one getting a bit farther. Pay close
attention to them, as they're showing the pattern. Once nearly all
of his men are killed, he continues with the last of his troops and
makes it through himself. And it's up to you to follow him. This
part is quite tricky, and can take a while before you get the pattern
down. Just ONE touch of those flames will kill you, and you also have
to make sure Dogi is out of harm's way as well, or else he will be
fried and you'll have to start over. It took me about ten tries to
get it completed. The easiest pattern consists of starting on the
right side, moving to the center, up the left side, center, then the
right side again. You WILL have to be careful though, as some tiles
will flare up twice before proceeding is safe.

Once you've made it through, go to the next room. Leo will be there
with his men and he will open a treasure chest. However, it does not
seem to hold what he is searching for... several blue slime creatures
rise from the floor and suck the Leo and the soldiers into the ground.
It was a trap all along. One of them will also grab you as well.
Dogi calls out your name, and you land in the basement with the other
men. Leo leaves his men behind and runs off.

At this point, you must proceed back to the room with the fire tiles
and make your way through them again. Hey, you did it before, you can
do it again, right? Besides, it's a lot easier when you don't have
Dogi to worry about. In the next room, you will still have those blue
slimes to contend with. You cannot kill them. They're rather fast,
and move in a primarily random fashion. The only way to get past here
is to use the Timer Ring and avoid them, making your way to the door
on the far end of the room.

In the next room, Leo is examining another treasure chest, situated on
a raised block of stone with a pole at each corner. He opens it,
laughing that he has finally found his treasure. Unfortunately, it is
also empty. The eyes above the opposite door begin to glow, and Leo
is consumed in a bolt of energy which knocks him into a corner of the
room. When you talk to him, he says with his dying breath that he
wonders why he was searching for something that didn't exist. He dies,
and the doorway opens.

As you proceed, it appears that it's a dead end. Dogi checks the wall,
and breaks through a hollow portion, opening a path for you. As you
enter, a rock falls from above, and Dogi shoves you aside, taking a
rather nasty bump on the head.

*************************** SPECIAL ITEM ******************************
Any time after Leo is killed, you may go back to Romun Castle and look
for his original equipment. It is the best equipment available in the
game, but getting it can be a bit of a chore. It's in his room, but
you cannot enter the tower without some way of sneaking by the guard.
The old "wear-the-enemy-equipment" trick won't work here... you need
something extra.

What you need is an invisibility potion. In order to get this, you
need to talk to Banjo, who is now in Arieda at the northeast corner of
town. To obtain the Clear Potion which will make you temporarily
invisible, you need the two leftmost items on her ingredients list.
The second one, Batou's Ash, can be easily purchased. The first you
may have a bit of a time with, since you may not remember where you got
it originally. But after much searching, I've found out. If you don't
have it, warp back to Promalock and head out of the town. Summon Ruse
to the tree just outside the town, and he will bring you the item you
need. Now head over to Banjo and get her to make that potion!

Inside Romun Castle, use the item before you go up the stairs and the
guard will not notice you. You will blink rapidly when invisible.
Enjoy the newfound power.
*************************** SPECIAL ITEM ******************************

Dogi waves you off, declaring that he's all right and that you should
go on ahead. In the next area, the creatures all all armored and are
immune to magic, not to mention extremely fast. I recommend using
Samson's Shoes throughout this place. Any creature you touch will be
destroyed, and the safety factor makes it more than worth the tradeoff
in speed. You can also use it to gain a few levels, as the creatures
tend to attack relentlessly, giving you plenty of opportunity to gain

*** BOSS FIGHT ***
Eventually, you will come across another large open doorway. Before
entering, make sure you are level 39 or higher, in order to stand the
best chance against what is to come. Within this place sit another
two gargoyles like the ones that destroyed Leo's cannon. They will
come to life and swoop to attack. They are only vulnerable to magic,
so get it ready. Due to their speed, you should also use the Timer
Ring, as it will buy you a lot of time and chances to attack safely
that you normally would not have. They will float around, firing
blue bolts of homing energy at you. To avoid these, move in a tight
circle behind them, and they will be unable to track you. Five of
these will typically be fired, then they will switch to a new attack.
In the second attack, they will each go to one side of the room and
fly up and down, spitting lasers horizontally. Stay at the very top
or the very bottom and you will not be hit. When one is near the top
of the screen, get underneath it and let loose with as many bolts of
magic as you can muster. Be sure not to get too close. For the
third attack, they will come together near the center of the screen
and unleash a short burst of white energy which will damage anything
not at the sides of the screen. After they are reduced to about 1/4
their total hit points, they will begin firing off extra projectiles
constantly. Don't be daunted by this, they're not homing and they're
not hard to avoid. Keep pressing the attack. You should have plenty
of life left to finish them off, particularly if you can save the
Herb until now.

When they're destroyed, go to the room at the back and open the
treasure chest. Inside it is the key to the sealed door back where
you left Dogi. Make your way back to that courtyard and enter the
formerly locked door. You will find yourself back in Lefance Shrine.
Talk to the statue again, and he will tell you that you must find
Guruda and get back the Cleria S

Copyright © 2006

Ys IV - The Dawn of Ys

Everything is hard till you know how to do it!
7. October 2006 @ 07:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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