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Is it just me, or are Verbatim/Taiyo Yuden...
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29. October 2006 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
... complete crap? I had a horrible experience with the TY batch that I bought from (and would not buy from them again). So i've bought about 8 spindels of 50-pack Verbatim so far.

It seems to me that after a while of using them, they get these big patches of ugly marks/spots on the outer edge of the disc, which in turn, makes it harder for my PS2 to read them about a month after burning them. I'd say around the 3.5 GB mark of the discs up to the edge of the disc (4.36 GB mark). The inner sides of all the DVD-Rs are perfectly fine though.

Also, they get these deadly, small visible "dot" markings that just completely ruin the disc. It looks like someone poked it with a pick or something. But of course I would never do that. I believe this is a sign of the dye wearing out, correct?

I'm pretty good at handling my DVDRs so I don't think it's just because of the way I treat them.

Is there a better brand than Verbatim out there that you can recommend for my NEC ND-35xx?
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29. October 2006 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a Nec 3550 and have been using nothing but Sony TY's. Maybe someone else can answer your question, as ive had nothing but excellent burns and playbacks with the Sony Ty's. I hope I dont run into problems down the road.
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29. October 2006 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have a NEC 3540 and i use nothing but ty's and verbs,
that's just weird.

your firmware up to date?

ps have very picky readers in them, they sometimes only
want certain media.
AfterDawn Addict
29. October 2006 @ 15:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
good thing I have a BenQ drive...... love my Taiyo Yudens and Verbatims! the only disks I use!
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29. October 2006 @ 15:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I once used Taiyos exclusively but since the poorer quality 16x came out I had quite a few coasters , not 1with the 8speeds , after trying them on 4 different burners and speeds I gave up and tried the Sony accucore 16 x and they are exelent burnt at any speed.

I would still recommend the Taiyo or Sony etc MIJ 8X but for 16x the only disks now for me are the Sonys.

You lot searching for 16x MIJ in uk should just settle for the ACCucore series MIT doesnt matter and they are availible easy in uk.

These work great and better than most of the recent verbs/Taiyos on any PS2 and dvd player Ive tried em on , the days of Taiyo being the ONLY disk to use have gone since the disaperance of the TY 8 speeds , another classic bites the dust ...
Sony dont have the non genuine problem either

...........people its time to move on
29. October 2006 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

daman1 is most correct. I only (and I mean only) use; Verbatim (95123) 2.4X-6X 8.5GB Double Layer DVD+R DL White Inkjet Printable and Verbatim (94917) 16X DVD+R White Inkjet Hub Printable media.

I rip with AnyDVD and burn with CloneDVD 2 using my Plextor PX-755SA.

Since I started using only Verbatim media, I haven't created a single coaster, and many months after creation, all my DVD's still play in my Sony DVD Player with no errors.


Thermaltake Armor VA8003BWS Full Tower Case, Thermaltake Silent Purepower 680-Watt Power Supply, Intel BLKD975XBXLKR MB, Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 CPU, 4GBs Corsair XMS2 DDR2 667MHz SDRAM, 80GB Maxtor ATA133 HD (C drive), One Seagate 1.5TB & One Seagate 1TB SATA300 HDs, Plextor PX-B940SA SATA Blu-ray Burner, ATI Radeon X1600 Pro PCI-E with 512MB?s, Samsung 24" Widescreen Black Flat Panel LCD Monitor, WIN XP PRO SP-3, DVDFab 7 (Blu-ray), AnyDVD HD & CloneDVD 2
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29. October 2006 @ 17:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

daman1 is most correct. I only (and I mean only) use; Verbatim (95123) 2.4X-6X 8.5GB Double Layer DVD+R DL White Inkjet Printable and Verbatim (94917) 16X DVD+R White Inkjet Hub Printable media.

I rip with AnyDVD and burn with CloneDVD 2 using my Plextor PX-755SA.

Since I started using only Verbatim media, I haven't created a single coaster, and many months after creation, all my DVD's still play in my Sony DVD Player with no errors.


And these 16x also run with no skipping or delays in your Slimline Playstation 2 do they? ...

Go back read his post and see that we are talking PS2 here ...

16 x Verbs or Taiyos and NEC writers forget it , either source some of the Taiyo/verb 8X or use Sony Accucore its only the way to go for PS2 /Gaming if you cant source the 8 speeds .

Taiyo / verbs as best PS2 disk is past history now with the substandard 16x and the ammount of Bullsh*te taiyos out there , ok for smaller games but get closer to the edge and they match the quality of those vintage bulkpaq oranges , LOL.

Use your 16x Verbs for movies only and buy some + R sonys for your PS2

Rip with DVD dycrypter and burn at 4x Sony Accucores +R Bitset DVDRom , perfect burns and will last till you scratch em beyond recognition + run without any movie skips / load as fast as originals if +Rs used and bitset with your NEC /Dycrypter to DVDROM for V12 and above

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2006 @ 17:34

29. October 2006 @ 17:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Guys, i'm more concerned as to why the DVD-Rs get these visible patch of marks on them. Does anyone know what I mean when I say that? It looks like someone took sandpaper to it or something, I dunno but it makes it look ugly. Like I said, I only see them appear on the outer edge of the DVD's.

Is my slim PS2 causing them to get this way?
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29. October 2006 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does it sound like it's rubbing on someting in the drive??
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29. October 2006 @ 17:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
catcha, it doesnt matter of its movie or PS2. the marks will effect either similarly.And IMO the MIJ are still far better than the MIT D21.

ppills,are you meaning there are visible scratch marks on the dvd? if so you sure your PS2 isnt wore out and spinning them of balance?


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2006 @ 17:46

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29. October 2006 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sometimes if you are using a "magic Key Set" the disk brake "key" can catch the outer edge of the disk but you would here this with a "wooshing " sort of noise when the disk spins.
Also the "spindle" if bearings worn or missing can cause the dvd to wobble anmd outer edge can then catch the plastic Laser housing or PS casing but that would cause obvious scratching and not blemishes.

Also the Verb 16X dont seem to like the heat of the PS2 when it has to struggle spinning up and down all the time to read these disks it is possible that the "burnt" dye degrades towards the outer edge as they always seem to cause problems on games that require a near full dvd but are better with the smaller games.

Are the disks getting really hot after extended gaming , maybe the heat is causing these blemishes in the outer dye where its state has been poorly changed by the burner if they are not obvious scratches.

Once again ditch the 16X verbs/Taiyos and either find some 8x or buy some Sonys if you value your collection.

and Pahick ...

Your DVD player for sure has a better laser than ANY PS2 even if its a £15.00 Chinese model : ) so burn inaccuraces and poor quality burning of the outer edge of these 16x verbs and taiyos doing the rounds at the moment wont effect it so much.

8X MIJ I agree are fantastic disks especially the 8X +R burnt as Bit Set DVDROM on an NEC for PS2 but the 16x Taiyo and Verbs suck on Slimline (V12 and above so far) 16 x Taiyo and swapmagic forget it.

If you value your PS2 laser and your back up collection get some Accucores for your NEC burner , they love em and your playstation will too but dont burn em at 16x , 4x is ideal and show no errors on my NEC , BENQ burners.

The mind boggles as to why you bought 8 spindles of these when there are numerous threads all over the net about the poor quality of these 16x dvds when compared to the classic 8x dvdrs but those days are gone and Sony is one of the only companys doing a 16x dvd +R that the slims like.

These 16x verbs and Taiyos are no better than the "classic" orange Bulkpaqs from a few years ago , LOL , as far as outer edge burns are concerned

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2006 @ 18:20

29. October 2006 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The DVD-Rs i've been buying are Verbatim DataLifePlus 8X DVD-R 50 Packs from Newegg. I could have sworn I read nothing but good things about them for PS2 games :( I guess not.

I use Swap Magic with fliptop and I know my PS2 is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong with it. I don't hear any kind of noise that may resemble it scratching or rubbing against the PS2. And no, the discs don't get extremely warm after extended periods of playing.

Anyway, it definitely doesn't look like any kind of scratches on the DVDs. It may be what you described as blemishes caused by the dye on the media wearing out.

So where can I get these Accucore DVDs that you speak of? I may try them out.
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29. October 2006 @ 18:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well the mind boggles because I presumed you had bought 16x verb media which is crappy for the slimline but the 8x verbs if azos are actually pretty good disks , it may be that your PS2 doesnt like them .

If your Nec is struggling with the outer edge burning on these have you tried burning a little slower , these usually like to be burnt at half thier speed for the ps2 rather than slower so 4x would be the optimum.

Best burning way for PS2 slims IMHO is DVD +R 16 speed , Sony accucores as the 8 speed disks are getting hard to find .

Rip with DVD Decrypter to ISO on hard drive or select an ISO from Dloaded , then burn to a DVD +R at 4x with the bit setting as dvdrom.

DVD +R bitset as DVDROM is good for V12 upwards , earlier like the -R better.

In the UK these Sony Accucores can be bought from lots of places but always found at ASDA / WALMART and you may be lucky to find some of them are MIJ 8 speeds which were a classic disk
29. October 2006 @ 18:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I always do burn at 4x with these for PS2 and DVD movie backups.

This boggles my mind, too. :(
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29. October 2006 @ 19:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Back in 05 i ran into problems with dye spots on Verbatim DL And single layer +r's a lot of the spots weren't visible to the naked eye till I put them under my magnifying light. Some of the spots would really show uo after the burn.I went through about 5 boxes of DL's from one supplier and ended up with about 12 good out of the 50.Single layers were 4 or 5 out of a spindle of 50. Verbatim took care of these and I haven't ran into a problem since. I now check every disk under the light before I burn and haven't ran into any problems since. I suspect if you look at your bad disks under a magnifier you'll find small specks of dye scattered through out the disk. This is one of my original posts Chris
AfterDawn Addict
29. October 2006 @ 19:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The patches don't sound like anything to do with the burn process. It sounds more like a manufactureing process problem. I have seen similar marks in cheap media before. Its in the dye under the plastic coating, not external scratches or marks. Depending on how many un-used blanks you have left and when they were purchased, I would look into a possible warranty exchange. You usually don't see this in the better brands of media, but these days its hard to say when it might happen or to which brands. They make them too fast now.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2006 @ 19:43

29. October 2006 @ 19:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
^ Yeah that's what I was thinking, that it was a problem when they manufactured them, and doesn't have to do anything with how I burned them.

By the way, I've purchased at least 4 or 5 50-pack Verbatim spindles in the past already. And I can almost positively say that i've seen these 'patches' on more than just a handful of them, in every single batch.

Come to think of it, it kinda seems like every single DVD i've burned turn out this way after a while of using them. I can't say that for sure though.
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29. October 2006 @ 23:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 8 speed verbs are good quality and as you also had problems with the Taiyos you bought if they were also 8 speed (good disks but 16 speed are shi*e) then its probably down to your burners quality of burn.

Try another brand but as you are failing to make good burns on both these disks that are not cheap quality I would say its the burner now.

If the blotches are staggered then its usually down to the burner laser not heating the dye enough intermittently so it spreads IF the dvdrs ARE good quality and 8x verbs should not be confused with cheap dvds .

There will be about 99% of people on this forum that dont get a problem with 8x verbs or TYs.

Are these blotches really there before youve burnt them as I have NEVER seen this on 8 speed azo verbs only on cheap media , even the 16 speed are better than that .

Try letting someone else use a couple of your dvds and see if they get the same problem.

This could run and run until you spend some more dosh / take advise one way or the other youve had lots of feedback , looks like its your move chap : )

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2006 @ 23:22

30. October 2006 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have zero issues with 16x Taiyo's (i use 'Verbatim TY' of 8x and 16x, both - and +, all are burnt at 8x). the spots on the disc sound very much like a manufacturing problem, that doesn't make ALL TY 16x substandard. Granted my 16x TY don't appear to be properly catered for in Benq DW1650 firmware (nor are Verbatim's MCC004 either) but i burn TY disks (8x and 16x equally i guess) like it's going out of fashion and i watch them very frequently and recopy from them frequently enough to know that all 16x aren't bad..

edit- i have never used Sony DVD's of any description, but this is due to the availability and more importantly the cost of them (i'm in UK btw)

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. October 2006 @ 00:54

AfterDawn Addict
30. October 2006 @ 06:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The spotting problem I have seen looks like water spots in the dye. These are not caused by burning in any way. Like the dye wasn't mixed properly before applied onto the blank disc. In some cases if you look at the blank before burning you can see them. After burning they show up better most of the time. I'm burning the last batch of my GOOD Ritek blanks and will probably go to TY next. So from what I'm reading It would better to purchase the 8x and stay away from the 16x at this time. I don't burn over 4x anyway.


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5. November 2006 @ 11:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hate to bump an old topic like this, but I'm kind of worried. Just how bad ARE Verbatim 16x DVD-R? I read on here that for PS2 games Verbatim is the way to go, so I got 50 Verbatim 16x DVD-Rs. I've burnt some movies and they're absolutely fine, but I haven't yet tried using them for PS2 games. Are they really crap for PS2?
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5. November 2006 @ 12:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you can find 8x get em if not better buy is the Sony Accucore 16x .

Slow loading and Jumpy at any speed are my observations of the 16x and only use them for movies now until my packs are gone.
Annoyed with myself that I bought so many on the strength of the quality of the 8x.

Having to buy more disks for me was not good so will stick to Sonys as long as thier quality remains
I will NEVER use the current batch of 16x verbs for ps2 games I cant be arsed to change anymore lasers.

Do you want to buy some 16x verbs? I have quite a job lot left and only about 5 % fail rate on movies (tried on all my burners)

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5. November 2006 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No no, I HAVE 16x Verbs, it's just I didn't know they were shit for burning PS2 games.

*sigh* 20 quid down the drain then.
Junior Member
5. November 2006 @ 14:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Demikain:
No no, I HAVE 16x Verbs, it's just I didn't know they were shit for burning PS2 games.

*sigh* 20 quid down the drain then.
Burn a game at 4 x and same game at 8x test em yours might like one of em if its an older version more chance .

And its not totally down the drain really as you can use em for movies , dvd movies that dont require constant backwards and forwards reading of the disks.
Would recommend Sonys though and if your in UK , ASda always got em under a £10.00 , +R burnt as DVDROM bit set with DVD dycryptor Ive found best , No Stalls on all pS2 Ive tried

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2006 @ 14:24

5. November 2006 @ 14:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ive been using Memorex DVD+R for the longest time and I love the brand and rarely have a bad experience with them. I always read that they arent good media and that Verbatim is the top of the line. I saw Verbatim on sale 2 weeks and thought Id try it out. Crap! The media skips and seems unreliable and I think Im going to stick with my Memorex
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