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Burning dvds - Media
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2. November 2006 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Right, ive been using ridisc 8x dvd -r to burn my dvds onto. I have had a few bad copys so nothing to bad for my first pack of dvds.
I am wondering what is the best thing to get. Dvd - r or + r ? 16x or 8x and what is the best speed to burn at ?
I have been doing my own research and would like to know what these dvds are like and what is the quality going to be like.
I have this website.
DVD-R-c-292.html" target="_blank"> they are 8x dvd -r
DVD-R-c-305.html" target="_blank"> 16x dvd -r
DVD+R-c-307.html" target="_blank"> 8x dvd +r
DVD+R-c-308.html" target="_blank"> 16x dvd +r

I would like to know what would be best from those links ? I am looking to get a pack of 50 for no more then £8 as with postage etc it comes to around £13 and im getting a pack of dvds for ps2 games aswell.
My burner is a nec 3550.

AfterDawn Addict
2. November 2006 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
get the Taiyo Yuden disks! I know these are printables but it's the best manufactured disk there:

here is a media guide for you:
the best media is made in Japan (MIJ). Taiyo Yuden, Sony, Maxell, Fuji... just make sure it's MIJ! The only Taiwan made media I will buy is Verbatim, they are top notch media, too, coding out as MCC! Read the label and make sure it says MIJ on the box or spindle. and here is something you should know:
here are some guides for you:

don't know what programs you have to use to burn your movies that are on the hard drive? here are some other programs that many members love and use all the time:

DVDDecrypter, download it from here:

Although this program is not updated any more it's one of the best free programs that does EVERYTHING and still works for older movies that are at least a year old or older. And even works with some newer movies that didn't put in the newer encryptions.
Use the guides that I gave you (above).

DVDFab Decrypter download it from here:

when DVDDecrypter can't rip the movie to the hard drive(newer encryptions---the new movies) then use this program to rip to the hard drive.... it's free

AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 download it from here:

this is not freeware..... but it lets you have a 21 day trial period to use the programs and they work great on new movies and old and are updated often. So if new encryption come out on those new movies just released these programs will already have the updates!

Shrink download from here:

this is another freeware program that does many movies and you can reauthor a movie to the way you want it... good program for newbies

RipIt4Me, download the programs and follow the guide:,

with the guides and these programs you should be well on your way to burning DVDs to your hearts content! enjoy........

some tips of the trade:

1. use good media will stop many problems you might run into. Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Maxell, Sony..... look for the ones Made In Japan. the exception to this rule is Verbatim.
2. burn at half the rated speed of your media (if the disk is an 8x media speed then burn at 4x). This will stop reading errors from your player.
3. Don't burn too close to the edge of the media. 4484MB is the max and on good media you can go as close as 4400.... to be sure I only go up to 4384MB just in case and I use Taiyo Yuden where I know my buddies go up to 4400 without any problems.
4. keep your firmware up do date..... this will make your writer recognize all the disks and burning speeds and other improvements with the software of your drive.

just some things to consider when burning DVDs..... there are many more things to learn but this is a good start! If you want to read more and learn more then this is a good thread to read:

I hope this helps you out! good luck. And welcome to Afterdawn!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. November 2006 @ 13:49 > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > burning dvds - media

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