How do I determine the quality of disk I am buying? has a media ID quality guide and classifies media as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th class. I am only interested in purchasing first class media so how do I know what I am purchasing before I buy it?
None of the burning aps seem to have a verification step so I can be certain I have an error free copy. This is why I at least want to be sure I am buying media that is least prone to errors.
Earlier this year I puchased a cyclinder of Memorex Double Layer Disks. They are manufactured by Ritek as you suggested but they are Media type D01. has the Ritek D01 disks listed as third class media. Has Ritek recently done something to improve their quality?
Ritek D01's get good press from some of the most knowledgeable members on this site. They are good disks, allthough are a bit picky on burners and don't work for everyone. In my opinion it is best to stick with Verbatim Dl's.
And bloody hell, you are brave buying Memorex Dual Layer
However, at the end of the day it is up to you, and you don't have to go on what I say...but I do know what I am talking about :-)
Not brave, just was unaware at the time there would be differences between otherwise proven reliable brand names. I have had some problems but only with a couple of these Memorex disks. I previously thought these problems were associated with transcoding or something else but now think were problably issues with the disks themselves.
I now need to order some more disks and want to stick only with disks tht are clasified "1st Class Media" by I do not know what they base their ratings on but will try to use their system for lack of anything else to go by.
I've read it can depend greatly on the drive. I read a review that while not top drawer media, Plano gives good results with Plextor and Liteon.
Do a google search for a review of the media brand your curious about and you'll usually find something about which burners had good results and which didn't.