I found their website, doesn't give the initial cost of the machine. This website indicates a price tag of $249. You'd have to be repairing quite a few discs to make it cost effective for home use. If one owns a video store, yes, providing it works with a moneyback guarantee. That's my opinion.
mackdl- I understand your point of view ! But I was merely putting out the information for anyone with a general interest ! I have no affiliation with the company in any capacity ! I just found the information on yahoo & thought I would pass it on ! Yes you would need a moderately large collection to fully enjoy the benefits of the device ! ( Skip Away $249.00) But Compared to some of the Proffesional disc repair machines which cost into the thousands of dollars the price is relatively inexpensive! Though one could Obviate the need for this device or those like it By taking care of your original disc be they Games, DVD's , or Cd's which most of us atleast try to do & or Back up your originals Games, DVD's , or Cd's and play the backups instead ! you save wear & tear on your original disc and if your backup gets damaged you can always go back to the master ( original disc) I realise I'm preaching to the Choir here but someone else may read this post & not have though about doing this! And One could buy a generous amount of Blank media for $249.00 So I suppose it's all in what one wants ! so far I've been repairing my few damaged DVD's using the Brasso Trick and it seems to work well enough if not a bit slow !Or one could take their scratched media to some of the Game stores some of them will have the pro-grade disc repairing machines & can resurface your Games, DVD's , or Cd's for a nominal fee - Had a GTA San Andreas Game disc resurfaced for the grandkids - they had scratched the disc to the point of unplayability ! after the resurfacing it played as if new total charge for the repair $3.00 Though not alll stores have the equipment or provide this service !mackdl I hear you & thanks for your input ! Good luck , Happy Burning & happy thanksgiving to you & yours Good day !
I found their website, doesn't give the initial cost of the machine. This website indicates a price tag of $249. You'd have to be repairing quite a few discs to make it cost effective for home use. If one owns a video store, yes, providing it works with a moneyback guarantee. That's my opinion.
Personally I think there is a pretty big opportunity for this. Ever rent a movie in the dead of winter from Blockbuster, only to get halfway through and have the disc fail to play, because of scratches or grime? I know I have. And there's no way I'm going to bundle up, go outside in the hope that BB has another one available.
Not to mention the pile of CDs I have sitting on my dresser with scratches, just waiting for repair, but not worth paying to send into a scratch repair service for $1.50 or more per disc.
Plus, with 2 small kids, we're already amassing a collection of scratched DVDs. Buying a single replacement disc isn't that big a deal. But what if it's one DVD of a boxed set of 10? If you can get a machine for $250 that can repair even half of your damaged CDs and DVDs, and will give you peace of mind when renting from BB or Netflix, I think people will go for it.
We're hoping to get a review sample of this unit for a full review on the site later this winter.
boylan13- Great ! Like I said in my earlier post I have no affilaition with the company in anyway shape or form just posted the info for the membership that maybe interested in something like that ! And also the points you mention are quite valid as well , but I don't need to tell you that ! Something like this machine could also be a benefit to people who live in the country or outlying areas that don't have game or video stores with pro-grade machines ! One could possibly even use this machine to start a small disc repair bussiness ( Depending on durability and quality or repairs) It might even end up paying for itself or atleast for your blank media ? Just a Thought . boylan13 keep us posted and let us know how your review comes out Good Luck & Happy Burning!