How to tell if DVD+R is good from unopened package?
15. November 2006 @ 06:37 |
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I know this has probably been asked a hundred times, but I have searched and can't find an answer. I am in the US looking to buy a good quality DVD+R media. I have seen Sony "made in Japan" are good, which I know you can look at the package and see that. But what about the Verbatim. How do you know if they are the ones made by TY without opening the package? Are there any other brands sold in the US (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.) that are recommened? And of those what to look for on package when purchasing. I am a newbie to this site and to burning for the most part. I have done about 200 burns with a combination of DVDFab, DVDShrink, Nero7, DVDDecrypter, and ImagBurn. Thanks for any help or info I can get.
1 product review
15. November 2006 @ 09:02 |
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The TY made Verbatims aren't available in the states...the only choice you have in the states is Taiwan for the SL Verbs and Singapore for the DL Verbs. These are still considered top notch media. This is the exception to the rule, all other media should list "made in Japan" on the label as you stated in your post. Maxell's can be found at Office Depot, but are very pricey. I don't shop for the Sony or Fuji's so I can't comment on where to locate these discs. Verbatims can be found at Sam's for $36 per 100 disc spindle.
Senior Member
15. November 2006 @ 09:37 |
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Although I live in Canada, the US generally has the same media available. From my experience Sony and Fuji 8x +R media "Made in Japan" have coded out as TY's. Extremely rare to find, but some are still out there. Sony would most likely to be found over Fuji. Good luck!
This might help identify:
1 product review
15. November 2006 @ 09:40 |
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I live in Canada as well (Ontario) and to find Sony Made in Japan try Wal Mart or Radio Shack (Radio Shack/The Source will cost you more money).
AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2006 @ 11:02 |
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Quote: From my experience Sony and Fuji 8x +R media "Made in Japan" have coded out as TY's
That's true for their + 1x-8x,but not the sony + 1x-16x. Those are trickier,but easy. Both japanese and taiwanese sony +1x-16x have the same MID code: SonyD21,and not too shabby either.
There are reports of Yuden000-T03 on some of the japanese spindles of Sony +1x-16x,but not very many. Sony 1x-8x media is getting very scarce. Look for the round octagon foam spacers!!!!!
Best bet for Sony media:
Look through the spindle for the spacer at the top-holding the dvds secure. Look for the white octagon foam spacers. These will yield the sony tys,for both plus and dash media. The non-sony will have a white/round or a gray/round spacer. I went through all the spindles at my local staples and all had the round/gray spacer. It's a lot easier looking at the spacer as apposed to trying to read the Made In Japan in fine print, LOL
Verbatim is a good choice if Made in Taiwan or singapor. They are also made in India as well and heard some poor results with them.
I love the maxell hitachi's, Made in Japan on the spindles/packs. Their taiwanese are mostly Ritek and a few cmags thrown in.
Memorex,TDK,Philips,taiwanese fuji,and any others, I'd ignore them.
Office Max, Staples, and Best buy have some great deals. Office Depot also,but I'm about an hour away from the nearest store.Walmart carried sony and maxell,find an ad from a nearby store and try to get the walmart japanese spindles for that ad price.
Locally is how I prefer to buy my plus format non printable media. Cheaper,no fighting with ups/fedex/usps,no credit card,and I know what I am looking for.
HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
15. November 2006 @ 11:46 |
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How would you rank in order buying them out of these choices.
- Taiyo Yuden 8x for $36.99 100 pack from
- Taiyo Yuden 16x for $40.99 100 pack from
- Sony(made in Japan) 16x for $24.99 100 pack from Office Deopt
- Verbatim(made in Taiwan) 16x for $12.98 50 pack from Office Max
- any others better please list
I saw where was trusted place to get true Taiyo Yuden.
Are they worth paying the extra money or just go pick up one of the others locally?
Thanks for all the help so far.
AfterDawn Addict
15. November 2006 @ 15:31 |
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37-41 cents each on the web? That's why I stay away,while the sale price of local media is the same for either format. Check out the printable media and you'll see almost double the price between plus and dash.
Now about those internet sites,they may list 4x,8x or 16x- Don't be surpised if you ordered 8x and got the 16x. It happens at quite a few of those net stores.
+16x tys: 41 cents each and will code as Yuden000-T03
+1x-+16x sony tys: 25 cent Yuden000-T03
+8x tys: 37 cents and code as Yuden000-T03
+1x-8x sony tys: 25 cent Yuden000-T02
I'd definitely stock up on those 25 cent Office Depot sony tys!!!!!
Those verbatims are also an excellent price for 26 cents each.
Senior Member
15. November 2006 @ 17:43 |
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saugmon- Thus Speaks the Green One (LOL! ) good advice though !
1 product review
16. November 2006 @ 04:08 |
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I've ordered through Rima and Newegg for my Verb and TY printables and have always got what I've complaints here.
AfterDawn Addict
16. November 2006 @ 05:42 |
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I ordered from Supermeidastore, Rima, Meritline and always got what I oreder... I never came across ordering 8x media and getting 16x instead!
16. November 2006 @ 14:44 |
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I originally bought the Sony DVD+R made in Taiwan. It was a 50 pack and had about 20 coasters with it. After reading the importance of getting good media and in Sony?s case the ones made in Japan are great. I haven?t had one single coaster yet. I can?t believe the media plays that big of a role. Thanks for all the help. Here is the difference, first one it Sony made in Taiwan and second is made in Japan (Taiyo Yuden) will be stocking up on those now. Again thanks.
SONY made it Taiwan
Unique Disc Identifier: [DVD+R:SONY-D21-000]
Disc & Book Type: [DVD+R] ? [DVD+R]
Manufacturer Name: [Sony Recording Media Co.]
Manufacturer ID: [SONY]
Media Type ID: [D21]
Product Revision: [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity: [2,295,104 Sectors = 4.70 GB (4.38 GiB)]
Recording Speeds: [1x-2.4x, 4x, 6x-8x, 6x-16x]
SONY made in Japan
Unique Disc Identifier: [DVD+R:YUDEN000-T02-000]
Disc & Book Type: [DVD+R] ? [DVD+R]
Manufacturer Name: [Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.]
Media ID: [YUDEN000]
Media Type ID: [T02]
Product Revision: [Not Specified]
Blank Disc Capacity: [2,295,104 Sectors = 4.70 GB (4.38 GiB)]
Recording Speeds: [1x-2.4x , 4x, 6x-8x]
AfterDawn Addict
16. November 2006 @ 15:01 |
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Quote: had about 20 coasters with it
What type of coasters?
1)No disc error when asking for blank?
2)Failure during lead-in phase-no actual burn if you look at the dye side of the disc?
3)Failed while actually burning?
4)Bad playback on stand alone player/s?
Lots of media gets a bad rap,especially the newer/faster ones. Usually a firmware update for your DVD-RW drive takes care of majority of those issues for those.
Those SonyD21's are the 16x speed and older firmware may not recognize them. The Yuden000-T02 have been around a while.
What's the brand name/model#/and current firmware version on your DVD-RW drive? Neroinfotool,dvdidentifier,and dvdinfopro will tell you.
16. November 2006 @ 17:41 |
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It would write the image, synchronizing cache, and close track just fine. But when it started to finalize disc it would show the % and would just set on a % then stay on that percent for a while then say disc successfully completed. But it shows the disc as empty and won?t play, open, or anything.
I have a brand new computer. Here is the drive's manufacturer ID and product ID, and its firmware revision.
TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-H553A ? [FW DE04] ? [ATAPI]