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Still having playback problems?
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13. December 2006 @ 16:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I noticed alot of people having problems with playing burnt dvds on stand alone players. I was having the same problem for the past month. I was using the same brand i always do. Then today i find out i got a different speed of dvdrs. I was using 16x instead of the 8x I was previously having success with. Bought some more 8x and my dvdrs are coming out fine again, hope this helps somebody.
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14. December 2006 @ 00:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Read my sig on media. Most media - except for Verbatim or authentic Taiyo-Yuden - is highly variable and can be made by one of dozens of manufacturers. Memorex is (in)famous for this but is by no means the only company that does this. Most name-brands buy from whatever supplier is cheapest at the moment.

-Do you believe you own your computer and shouldn't be told what you can run and do? Then say *NO* to Microsoft Vista!
-Since half the questions here involve media problems, here ya go: Only use Verbatim or Taiyo-Yuden discs (get your TYs from, not Supermediastore or meritline). Forget the rest, no matter what "brand" they sell under. Always burn at 4x speed regardless of the speed rating of this discs or your drive. If you have burn problems with these then you have to update your drive's firmware. For double-layer discs, only use Verbatim DVD+R DL and burn them at 2.4x speed.
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2006 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ronman...... you have just discovered that compatibility problem with media today. the industry doesn't sit still..... they keep making newer media! it used to be 2.4x then 4x then 8x speeds..... each time they increased the speeds, players/burners would have problems and firmware updates were needed to keep up with the newer media out there! Now comes the 16x speed media..... some players and burners won't be getting firmware updates because those players/burners are too old and the manufacturers won't update so you will have to buy new! It's all a game called "big business". Luckily..... I have newer equipment and all my firmware is up to date! I can burn the 16x media just fine.... although I find that the 8x media is better for my burners than the 16x...... but it will get better with ever burn it does. just use good media! follow the MIJ (Made In Japan) rule. Look to the labels on the spindle or box.. make sure it says MIJ. Verbatim is the only exception, they are made in Taiwan/Singapore.
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2006 @ 11:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The MID codes change when going from a spindle to 8x to 16x. The 8x media you have probably have a decent manufacturer.The 16x probably have a crappy manufacturer. Majority of brand name will be like that- Maxell,Memosux,Sony,Fuji,Philips,TDK,etc.

Take my Maxell +8x's. I'll take their taiwanese Ritek-R03 or japanese Maxell-002-00 any day. I bought a batch of their +16x's and they code as CMCMag-M01-000. These are cmag maxells,so they'll be inferior to my usual ritek and hitachi maxells. Stand alone players can have a harder time with the lower quality dvd media manufacturers.

You gotta use caution on those brand names that I listed. Get the Made in Japan sony/fuji/and maxells and you'll get the higher quality media.Be skeptical with the Made in Taiwan spindles.

Or get verbatim or taiyo yuden. It's some awesome media in any speed rate.

HP a1118x-b/athlon 64-3300+/BenQ 1650 BCDC/LG 8163B/Modded Wii/Epson-R300 and Ty Watershields!!!
AfterDawn Addict
14. December 2006 @ 12:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the switch from 8x to 16x media does not always mean that the MID codes change! I strictly use Taiyo Yuden and they NEVER CHANGE! Verbatim is made by many different manufactures but their media is more compatible and therefore better quality than the other Taiwanese MID media! I'll stick strictly with Taiyo Yuden .... and some Verbatim! Now if Taiyo Yuden made LightScribe media or DLs, I'd be in heaven! > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > still having playback problems?

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