Hello everyone, hope you had a great holiday. I am enjoying an upgrade from an old TDK dvd burner to my new LITE-ON burner that is doing great. I have not yet tested LightScribe because I havent researched enough into it yet and was hoping to be pointed a little more in the right direction here.
My first question: Is Dual Layer media LS compatible? And if so can someone be kind enough to refer somewhere that sells it.
Second: Are there particular kinds of disks/media that are designed to perform LS operations or can any ole kind of media be used.
I appreciate the help, and may inquire more after I resolved these issues. Thanks.
1)All the newest pc burners are DL capable. Not all tv stand alone recorders have this option.
What's the model# for your litey?
2) It should be able to burn most cd and DVD-5 media,but you'll have to use lightscribe media to be able to use the lightscribing function. They have a bronze color on the top of the discs. You can't lightscribe ordinary media.
I am unaware if there is Dual layer lightscribe media available.I've never seen it. I will check some sites out and see if it's available now.
When using Lightscribe media,I highly advise Verbatim. Avoid HP and any other brand name.HP uses cmc mags while verbatim uses Mitsubishi Chemical corp. A huge quality difference.
Same applies for DL media as well. If there is any DL LS media out there,make sure it's verbatim.
Walmart carries verbatim Lightscribe media,as well as most other brick and mortar stores like office max,office depot,bestbuy,etc. I run into some nice clearances at walmart.
Your litey should have bitsetting capability. This bitsetting is also called booktyping. It may need a special utility from lite-on so let me know if you need the link.Some burn programs may be able to set the booktype for you. This booktyping is for the plus format only. +r/+ rw/and +r dl. It fools those picky players into thinking your backups are dvd-rom format,the most universal of all formats.
DL backups are a totally different format. Stand alone players will have a harder time recognizing them.Keep the booktyping feature in mind in case you run into any no disc errors on any players that those backups will be played on.