Here is a picture of my reciever: [url=][/url]
I have:
I want to run all my components through the receiver.
This is what I have done:
a) Video Monitor/TV - using component cables from side panel of TV to Monitor Out on Receiver
b) In order to listen to the TV's audio through the receiver you have to hook up RCA audio cables to the the "Audio Out (VAR/FIX) on the back of the TV to the Receiver's audio LINE IN jacks.
c) Xbox 360 - using component cables connected to the receivers DVD (A) component connections and RCA (L/R) connected to the receivers DVD audio connections.
all is good until this point..........
d) DVD Player - i DO NOT have component connections for this device, so if i take the RCA L/R and Video and plug it into the receivers V-AUX i get NO SOUND. I have even i switch the XBOX with the DVD PLAYER and connect the XBOX with component in the V-AUX and then connect the DVD PLAYER using the RCA connections I STILL GET NO SOUND.
HOWEVER, if i RCA connect the DVD PLAYER directly to the back of.....i get sound.
What the hell is that and why would it not work in the same manner hooked to the back of the receiver. I just don't get it. The only thing that I can come up with is all the devices must be hooked up to the receiver in the same manner. Another words all component or all RCA. Is this the answer and any suggestions would be great.
Originally posted by temper: .......HOWEVER, if i RCA connect the DVD PLAYER directly to the back of.....i get sound.
What the hell is that and why would it not work in the same manner hooked to the back of the receiver. I just don't get it. The only thing that I can come up with is all the devices must be hooked up to the receiver in the same manner. Another words all component or all RCA. Is this the answer and any suggestions would be great.
Forgive me if I missed something. If you just run componant that will not give you sound, you would have to get that via fiber optic, or the red/white RCA (RF not componant). And if you want to run just RCA, yellow(video), red (right sound), white (left sound), (why would anyone do that) componant all the way, and fiber optic for sound!