this is the first time i have looked at the DVD-R forum and i notice there are a lot of references against using cmc-mag discs. i have been using datawrite discs(cmc-mag)for 5 years and never had any problems.just ran a disc through Nero quality test and got a score of 97. should i be switching to a more preferred brand,tyos etc? are the datawrites going to degrade faster than more expensive disks.I am burning with a pioneer dvr-108.
People in this forum hate CMC media for several reasons: 1) they may have had bad discs (This is hard to determine because so few details are given about the actual flaws or parameters out of specification); 2) they have drives that are not compatible with CMC media and these drives produce poor recordings that either fail immediately or within a short time (If they update their firmware and switch to a preferred brand with success, they seldom go back to check to see if the update solved the original problem. They simply figure preferred = "good", CMC = "bad."); 3) they read the recommendations on that puts CMC in the lowest tier of quality (half of what is written on digitalfaq is accurate; the other half is innaccurate, misleading, misinformed, or just plain bizarre!); 4) many of the people who fit category #2 castigate CMC so everyone else joins in to be part of the "in crowd."
Your success with CMC indicates that your drive is compatible with those media. The fact that they have worked for 5 years indicates that the recordings are stable. You have several choices: 1) use your own experience and continue doing what you have been doing--not a bad choice; 2) switch to one of the two preferred brands--also not a bad choice because those media are excellent; or 3) ignore your own experience/evidence and choose other brands because other people told you to--that would be a mistake.
CMC makes most of Verbatim's discs. For months the CMC haters denied it. Once they realized it was true, they started to claim that "Verbatim personnel" run that part of the CMC plant and use special dyes only for Verbatim. This is also not true. Verbatim does use MCC azo-cyanine dyes for their media, but CMC uses that dye and other azo cyanine dyes for other production. (Some "no-name" brands sourced from CMC use a less expensive cyanine dye.) There is no reason to believe that your discs are going to fail any time soon. You can always scan them in Nero to make sure, but any increases in error rates over time (This happens to all discs, even the preferred brands.) should be slow and predictable.
thanks for feedback,what you say makes sense,i suppose the old sayings are true,one man's meat is another man's poison and if it aint broke dont fix it.i will stay with datawrite as i have had no problems with them and am happy with the results,it would be my luck to switch to a more expensive brand and find my drive didnt like them.that was the first time i have ran a quality test on Nero and i was surprised to get a reading of 97 with these discs after reading the horror stories on the forums. red top id.cnc mag am3. disc quality 97
blue top id. ritekf1 disc quality 79
gray top id. fujifilm03 disc quality 70