Okay, here we go. My friend has the following....
Philips TH-50PX6U (50 inch Plasma)
2 hdmi inputs
2 component video inputs
2 composite video inputs
2 s-video inputs
plenty of composite audio-in
As far as outputs, there's ONLY...1 composite video, 1 composite audio and 1 digital optical
Comcast HD-DVR box (sorry don't have model # on me)
component out, composite out, hdmi out, s-video out
digital coaxial out, digital optical out, 1 set of composite audi out
Sony DVR (don't have model # handy either)
component out, composite out, s-video out, composite audio out
compsite in, coaxial ant in
That's it. Don't have a receiver yet or surround system. Wants to be able to record on his Sony DVR from the Comcast box while getting the best available picture and sound. Looks like he's lacking some inputs/outputs.
He has comcast box connected to TV with component cables and Monster audio RCA's. (will be upgrading to HDMI in future)
He has Sony DVR connected to his TV with component cables and audio RCA's.
His Sony DVR ONLY has the following INPUTS....1 set rca's (red, white, yellow) and co-axial ant in. NO s-video, NO component, NO HDMI.
Big Issues are...
1. Picture Quality between Comcast box and Sony DVR
Crappy picture when using either the RCA's or Coax In to connect comcast box to Sony DVR. (only inputs on the DVR)
2. Sound between Comcast box and TV....AND.....sound between Comcast box and Sony DVD
His comcast box has 3 audio outputs (RCA, digital optical and digital coaxial) Right now he has RCA's from the comcast audio out to the TV audio IN. So he has no way of getting sound from comcast box to Sony DVR. (Sony DVR only has RCA audio IN...no digitals)
Any ideas?? Really limited with NO audio receiver.
Thanks in advance!!