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19. January 2007 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I was browsing through the linux forum and ive found most the people here have a thing against ubuntu. Now i cant talk from 100% personal experience. However my current distro (Linux mint) is based on ubuntu.
Also from what ive read mint really isnt that much of a change for ubuntu.
Im not sticking up for ubuntu per say. Im just looking to hear why it has such a bad reputation.
... After reading through the forums. Ive heard people say things like it has security holes and/or bloatware. Personally ive found on my distro both to be wrong.

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20. January 2007 @ 07:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If after reading that you're still convinced it's a good distro, you're better off handing me your computer and going back to a teething ring.


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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20. January 2007 @ 14:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nah you aint convinced me yet. Ubuntu has such a big name in linux. Doesnt that surely mean they must be doing something right.
As for security holes. To be hounest im fine with that. Havent had a problem yet!
Soo what else is wrong with it? Apart from security?
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20. January 2007 @ 16:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just hand me the computer, i'll buy you the teething ring.
I don't have the slightest clue on where you heard Ubuntu has a "big name" in Linux *because it doesn't*, but i'm sure it wasn't on the forums for any proper distro, or anywhere on this forum for that matter.

Anyone who says they're fine with security issues, to me, is either :
A)out of their bleedin' mind
B)as smart as a caveman
C)possibly all of the above.

If you're truely fine with those problems, then be a man, post your IP adress, and be amazed to see how many folks will be logging in and out of your system all of a sudden...


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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20. January 2007 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I set up an ubuntu system in October last year, straight out of the box so to speak.. changed the things the ubuntu sites said for security and sat back and waited..

27 minutes later it was exploited by somebody hacking the sudo files and changing my root password, then proceeding to set up an apache server and hiding it. I pulled the plug on them at that point..
Secure my ass.. It's about as secure as an unlocked car in Liverpool.

(sorry any Liverpudlians!! It's a cliche.. I like going to scouseland for a day out a few times a year. It's a great city. Far nicer than Mancland)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2007 @ 17:01

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21. January 2007 @ 02:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Ok on the ubuntu forums they have:

Threads: 335,009, Posts: 2,034,972, Members: 225,555

On the fedora forum they have:

Members: 86,102, Threads: 213,872 ,Posts: 1,056,307

Right so there you have it ubuntu swamps another distro.
Also im using linux mint which has got rid of most of the security problems.

Once again i dont wabt to argue i just want a conversation about the ups and downs on ubuntu.
Youve said security issues. But for 225,555 people to join there forums they must be doing something right.
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21. January 2007 @ 07:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Youve said security issues. But for 225,555 people to join there forums they must be doing something right.
Or very wrong.. I'm a member of the ubuntu forums. I have a thought on the subject.. Just thinking that as they actively target the *nix newbie then the forums should be large, because they actively plug them too.
Seeing that is the way they operate, the distro should be more secure, at least as secure as XP
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21. January 2007 @ 10:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What does the number of people subscribed to their forums tell you ?
To me, that's a sign that a lot of folks are having problems with Ubuntu, otherwise they wouldn't need said forum.
The number of downloads doesn't define a distro's success either, because :
A) there are no real numbers available
B) if there where, then it still wouldn't prove a thing, since just because you downloaded something doesn't mean you liked it, or kept on using it.

Not to mention there are too many idiots still claiming their [fill in product of choice, be it a console, videocard, cpu or OS] is the best, only for the next moron to come along and dispute their claims.
In the end, personal preference reigns supreme, PERIOD.

Btw, "as secure as XP" is an oxymoron jan ;-)


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. January 2007 @ 10:57

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21. January 2007 @ 12:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Btw, "as secure as XP" is an oxymoron jan ;-)

Heh heh heh.. Thought that would cause a smile.. XP.."the living death" lol ;-)
21. January 2007 @ 16:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow...i was gunna set up ubuntu today, but after reading this i think i'll get fedora 6

is fedora 6 any good? sorry for asking i'm a noob at linux

[bold]made w/ Gimp 2.0 mutha sucka!
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21. January 2007 @ 16:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well on another thread I had a think and advised SuSE 10.2 remastered..
No bones about it.. I was impressed by how easy it was to install and set up.. everything worked first time, and it's package system is rpm so it's really easy. Seen a few people have some problems with fedora recently.. dunno about that..I'm debian.
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23. January 2007 @ 10:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yer ive always had problems installing fedora. Its the bloody installer! It just doesnt work with my set up. Anyway im gonna install debian (Start the download

Any tips jan?

<<<EDIT>> Also just wanna say im gonna keep ubuntu aswell :) Triple boot arghhh!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. January 2007 @ 10:19

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23. January 2007 @ 10:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have Ubuntu but i rarley ever get on it anymore. The only reason i stayed with it is because NO OTHER distro will support my Wifi card except ubuntu. I've tried probubley most of all the popular ones and im too lazy to figure out how to work ndiswrapper. Anyway even though i didn't have internet i like SuSe the best.
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23. January 2007 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tipsd for debian.. get etch and the 2.6 kernal. They are a little late, but should be on stable now.
[edit] apparently not. home page still says testing, which is OK.
I can't really recommend sarge now because it's just too damn old (and burning is a pain, scsi emulation..broken dependencies..wrong libs versions..major headache.) and with mine at least it doesn't get on with a 2.6 kernal. I have been waiting for etch to go stable so I can upgrade.

Etch info
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25. January 2007 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
God im soo pissed off! Tried to format a partition on my drive and managed to take of my ubuntu! Grrr soo im gonna take your advice and maybe install etch when it goes stable. Il check it every so often but just incase i forget could you post on here when it goes stable!
Id much appreciate it!

Thanks lecsiy
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4. February 2007 @ 00:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't really understand this.. Are you calling Ubuntu insecure because it has a well working Bugzilla? Search Google for "your favorite distribution + bugzilla" and you're in for something shocking ;) Perhaps many of the otehr distributions aren't listed at packetstorm, I find Google's search more comprehensive, though :)

Ubuntu is a distribution, its a collection of Linux software packages. These packages are the same ones available for other distributions (take Fedora as an example). The way these packages could be less secure than those of the other distributions is if they were outdated, or too cutting edge. If they are outdated someone (meaning you :) hasn't been updating them. If they're cutting edge, insecurity is the price you pay, and the packages are to be considered unstable, don't use development repositories.

Sorry for snapping, but I love my Ubuntu :P
4. February 2007 @ 01:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by The_Fiend:
If after reading that you're still convinced it's a good distro, you're better off handing me your computer and going back to a teething ring.
What I find ironic about you posting that, is when you click on the security problems that were found; there's always a fix (so far, I've only clicked on 6, but I imagine the trend will continue).

So... what's the problem? So long as auto-updating notification is enabled the Ubuntu users should be fine?

I've always thought that the reason security holes are found in the first place is related to the number of people using it. If it's being used by a large sum, there's more opportunities that it will have someone attempt to hack in. That's just plain simple logic.

This is why I think windows gets a bad rap (when it comes to the security of it). MS does their best to fix the security flaws, what more could we ask for? There's probably a security problem in probably every distribution of linux out there. We just won't hear about them because of the number of users.

No doubt Ubuntu (and it's affiliated releases) is big in the Linux community. It's growing large enough to the point where when you mention it by name people know what you're talking about (on forums that wouldn't know what SuSE, Fedora, or even Debian, which is ironic, are). At least, the places I visit. There's even been rumblings around campus about it being close to having what it takes to succeed in the market with the big boys in the industry right now (Apple & MS).

For what it's worth Dell offers various distro's of Linux on their computers when you buy a new one. Guess what the most popular distro is with them? Yeah, it's Ubuntu. At least, it was last year about this same time. I imagine that hasn't changed.

And yeah, I'm using Kubuntu, but just threw XFCE on it to check it out. It's pretty nice but I don't notice much of a speed increase if any (I think XFCE would show better benefit on slower machines). I like KDE for the eye-candy but I'm going to give XFCE a fair shot at replacing KDE. And no Ubuntu wasn't my first experience with Linux, I had been using Red Hat/Fedora and/or Mandrake/Mandriva on and off since 2000. I just began using Ubuntu last year, switched to Kubuntu a few months later. Now it looks like I may start using Xubuntu :p.

Anyway, I'd like to know what distro you recommend if you hate Ubuntu so much? It's definitely the nooblet distro of choice. This "l33t" attitude many Linux users have about distros is partially what has kept average yet tech savvy users away from *nix or BSD, IMO. It's an OS, does it do what you need it to? Great. If not, try another.

THere's always room for more, esp if it's a launchpad (which Ubuntu looks like it's doing well).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. February 2007 @ 01:59

13. February 2007 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I HAVE (JUST GOT) trying to get to know the linux world i aint got a clue....can someone tell me how to use it and what is a really good linux os and is it far as i know all linux is that true? i need something that works great with media (music,DVDS) any help would be great thank you
16. February 2007 @ 07:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Any OS is only as secure as the user makes it I would put Ubuntu against Windows any day. I also like Knoppix and any of the Debian based Distro's. In the end it comes down to being careful of what you do and as you become more advanced in Linux learn to encrypt your Root & Home file system.

@The_Fiend which Distro do you prefer?
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16. February 2007 @ 09:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Knowing his tastes I'd go for knoppix-std or auditor security collection.

Place your bets. ;)
15. April 2007 @ 09:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whats with linux xp any one know what its about?

and has ubuntu fixed secerity issues?

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15. April 2007 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hm, i knew there was a reason why i wanted to subscribe to this one...
Gues i should have payed more attention.

To answer some questions : Knoppix-STD and Backtrack 2 (@ work), when not using Debian or Corporate SuSE (@ home, and corp. SuSE at work as well).

@fullhack : i'd expect someone sporting a name like that to come up with a good reason to disagree, other than mentioning bugzilla *which is stupid, because broken dependancies don't get reported that way, nor do techies that find exploits...*

@ ahrel : et tu? well let me serve you with a late reply then.
The problem i have isn't the exploits themselves, it's THE AMOUNT FOUND EACH MONTH.
And of course all the broken dependancies, faulty apps, badly pre-configured installers, et al.

Now, you mention the auto-updating functions in Ubuntu...
But i bet you didn't know most of these exploits don't find their way to the developers untill AFTER about a 100 or so suckers get "pwned" by some scriptkiddie who then uses said machine to either spam the world, or to Ddos some other "poor", "unfortunate" folks.
and then there's the 0day exploits...
But i feel i've said enough, as i seem to be repeating what i've said 20 times before.


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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15. April 2007 @ 16:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm past caring.. really I am..

I don't give a flying f*** what people want to do, and I'm sick of trying to help when all I get is arguments and name calling.
Is it because I'm a girl and all these boys think that by shouting at me they can force their wrong opinions on me???

Enough already.. I'm totally sick of the whole f****** lot of it...

If stupid know nothing c**** want to run broken and insecure sh1t and argue that it is the best thing going.. in the face of evidence to the contrary.. then that's fine by me .. Who am I to warn them..

Fµck it all.. the spammers and children can have it for all I care > forums > software, operating systems and more > linux - general discussion > ubuntu

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