I love you Dank----not in a gay way or nothin'
but MeHe1 he's right...SEARCH, and try not to be so vague in your questions, we don't know if you are having problems burning games or if you don't know how to get started or what.
Nobody should help him with this last question, this kid doesn't pay attention. How hard is it to use the search function?...
If you cannot figure out the answer yourself, the answer is: Not hard at all!
yeah no shit!! do you see that big sign at the top of the page that says "get your xbox accessories - click here"?? i bet that might be a good place for an xbox chip.
LMAO.... Damn we even got mr patient himself worked up..
Quote:do you see that big sign at the top of the page that says "get your xbox accessories - click here"?? i bet that might be a good place for an xbox chip.
Nice one Darthnip.. couldn't have said it better myself
well geeez man, it aint like we dont have xbox chip banners on every page in here! if he would have tried the search function, the banner would have slapped him in the face and he wouldn't even have had to search on where to get a chip. sometimes my patients wears thin, ok now back into my coma.