You get what you pay for. I got a 25-pack to try out from Shop4Tech, and after discounts and Google Checkout, it came to $17 delivered. Out of the 25, six were bad. That's a 24% failure rate and in my book is unacceptable. They're fairly slow burning although playback is pretty good. There's no homepage on the net that I can find to warranty these six bad ones, so I guess I'm stuck.
I would not recommend them and will not be buying them again.
If anyone out there can direct me to a site to request warranty from Matrix, please let me know. I'm sure Shop4Tech won't warranty just six discs.
just for sh*ts and giggles.... what does those bad boys code out to? here is a free program to use to find out what manufacturer code your Matrix disks are: insert your DVD and select your drive...... the program will identify your media and what your drive can do! just hit the IDENTIFY button on the right! Post the manufacturer ID
rcm999- while I've never ordered from due to other members past problems with them ! ( They've gotten better recently I'm told !) They sell alot of Generic media & some recognizable brands as well ! from what I gather the generic stuff is normally nothing to be writing home about , Crappy media made in east taifoo ! slapped with a catchy or technically cool sounding name often with faked media codes from better grade name brand media like taiyo yuden or verbatim! rcm999 _ I'm not picking on you we've all bought media we're not proud of atleast once ! I myself once bought some Ultran 4x disc when first learning to burn & I got burned alright ! So I feel your aggravation ! The trick is not making the same mistake twice which I know you won't. as far as getting warranty or replacement on the six disc ? Good luck but I would'nt hold out much hope . Still Good luck in future purchases from whoever you buy from & happy burning !
They are RICOHJPN D00 Rev 001. I generally use Verbs, but thought I'd give these a whirl. I posted more for an FYI and to let others learn from my experience. You never know till you try! As for DVD media as a whole, TY, Verb, and Sony MIJ is what I have on my shelf.
well I've had pretty good luck with ricohjpn media so I can't fault you there ! But being a major cheapskate I atill do the single layer thang ! But I could see perhaps using some of those DL's to get the hang of doing it the Dl way before splurging on some verbatims ! Good luck & happy burning in either case !Ciao!
I use Roxio for regular DVD burning and AnyDVD/CloneDVD2 for DL. Roxio seems to be really flaky anymore burning DL. Same with Nero. My two burners are NEC3550A and BenQ DW1655. At work, our PCs have the LG GSA-H21L and they seem to like the Matrix media fine.
DL backups with 0 compression or small dvd-5's onto blank dvd-5s with 0 compression- Rip with DVD Decrypter and burn with ImgBurn:
Try ripping with DVD Decrypter,using Mode ISO read. Remember where those files go. Shouldn't take too long-10-15 mins.
Then Open up ImgBurn,locate the movie,open up the MDS folder-not the ISO, Open,ok,set burn speed and away she goes.
This combo is very effective with DL backups. You can use DVD Decrypter ISO write mode,but ImgBurn is an updated version of it. Both are written by the same person- LightningUK. Both handle DL burning very well.
On those newer encryptions,AnyDVD should work in the background to help DVD Decrypter rip them.
BTW: That NEC drive should be able to booktype the +R DL media to dvd-rom. Open up ImgBurn,click on open book icon on the lower right corner.
Click the NEC tab
Change For: Select Dvd +r DL
Current setting-It may say Dvd +r.ignore this for now
New Setting- Select Dvd-Rom
Click change-small success message pops up-ok and then Ok again.
Then look at the Current Setting. It should say Dvd-Rom now.
Same exact process to set booktype with DVD Decrypter.
If you click NEC and everything is grayed out,then you have no bitsetting/booktyping capability with your current firmware.
Remember this in case you run into any stand alone players that give you this type of error while trying to recognize them:
Dirty disc
Illegal disc
Wrong region
Wrong format
No Disc