Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 06:09 |
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I have got gta to work no problem on my 3.03 OE-C psp, but this is around 30+ files. When I downloaded tiger woods 07 it's only 1 file, and it doesnt show up on my psp. Can anyone help?
27. February 2007 @ 06:43 |
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As far as I know only .iso and .cso Games will play in 3.03 OE-C
Senior Member
27. February 2007 @ 07:31 |
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first of all what is the file extension of the file you downloaded and where are you putting the file?
Currently on my 7th PS3 and 4th Xbox, gotta love technology..
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 08:07 |
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whats a file extension? I got the file from, and its a full iso. gta worked from that site.
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 08:07 |
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im putting the file in the iso folder btw
Senior Member
27. February 2007 @ 08:13 |
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the file extension is the letters after the '.' in the file name e.g. grand_theft_auto.iso << .iso is the file extension
so now can u tell us what the file extension is of the file?
Currently on my 7th PS3 and 4th Xbox, gotta love technology..
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 08:29 |
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its a cso. thanks.
Senior Member
27. February 2007 @ 08:34 |
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well if its an actual .cso file and its not the folder or archive that contains the .cso and your putting it in the ISO folder then it should work
Currently on my 7th PS3 and 4th Xbox, gotta love technology..
27. February 2007 @ 08:59 |
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The file you downloaded in 30+ pieces is the games ISO broken up into pieces, you have to find a program that can put them back together into an ISO file...Then convert it to CSO if you want to compress it.
Senior Member
27. February 2007 @ 09:07 |
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oh yeh if its in 30 pieces use WinRAR to extract the cso or iso
Currently on my 7th PS3 and 4th Xbox, gotta love technology..
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 09:31 |
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ive done that with gta and it works, but this is a cso and it doesn't show up on the psp.
27. February 2007 @ 09:33 |
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So your GTA copy works, Give me a step by step of how you launch it. I assume your doing the same thing for your .cso game.
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 09:50 |
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clicked on 1sr file in WinRAR. you should see a window popup with a few files/1 file. on the top, you should see an extract to.. button. click that and choose a location to save the files. once its done, go to the folder where you chose to extract to. you should see hte iso in there. then copy the iso(or cso) to the ISO folder in your mem stick. hope that helps
no, just open the first of the 33 files and there should be the iso, then extract (or just move it) anywhere. to make sure its an iso, right-click then go to properties and then itll tell you what file it is.
With the split archives, just rightklick on one, select Open with... and WinRAR. All the split parts (in this case 33) have to be in the same folder or you get an error. You should see what's in the archive then, one file should be either a xyz.iso or xyz.cso, there are also xyz.dax files, but they are quite rare. Extract that file and put it to your PSP, into the ISO folder without any underfolders. Sometimes these split archives come packed into one big archive, so don't be surprised when you open the gta:vcs file and there are 33 or any other number of files too. Extract them into one folder and open them as described. Also the xyz.iso looks like it can be opened with WinRAR, when you see it on your PC. Don't actually know why the devellopers of WinRAR did this, just don't open the file. When you open an archive and get a folder called PSP_GAME and a file called UMD_DATA.BIN, you have gone one step too far and opened the iso file. It doesn't damage the iso file, just that you know.
copied that from a thread i followed and it worked fine
27. February 2007 @ 12:10 |
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Have you got plain modules on? And what about No-UMD? I found qith Loco Roco (iso and cso) I played it then it disappeared, then I turned No-UMD to on, and it appeared again then worked fine, thenm went again, turn No-UMD off etc etc
El Xando
Junior Member
28. February 2007 @ 07:27 |
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what are plain modules? The umd thing doesnt seem to be working.....
28. February 2007 @ 07:44 |
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go into recovery > advanced > advanced configuration and plain modules is there.
El Xando
Junior Member
28. February 2007 @ 07:51 |
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didnt work either... thanks anyway