Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 20:19 |
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i was on the internet and i came accross this website http://www.linux-xp.com/
i was wondring if it is worth buying or if it will just mess your pc up
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27. February 2007 @ 20:27 |
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I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole.
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 20:28 |
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what do u think about it ?
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27. February 2007 @ 20:35 |
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I just told you...
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 20:37 |
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no im asking why for what reason ?
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27. February 2007 @ 20:56 |
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Well, if i want windows, i'll buy xp, if i want linux, i'll get it free.
I WILL NOT shelve out money for something built from free software, just because it LOOKS like windows.
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
Junior Member
27. February 2007 @ 21:47 |
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can u tell wher can i get linux for free ?
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27. February 2007 @ 22:10 |
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Are you kidding me ?
Jesus H. [expletive deleted] Christ, GO GOOGLE IT ALREADY !
Or do some reading in this forum... FFS.
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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28. February 2007 @ 01:25 |
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To my knowledge linux-xp has been discontinued, or is so buggy as to be unusable. Never in a million years... XP isn't great, why try to copy it's faults (and charge for it?)
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Linux XP Desktop: A Windows face on an old Linux base
Thursday October 12, 2006 (05:01 PM GMT)
By: Mayank Sharma
Late last month Linux-Online launched the English edition of Linux XP Desktop. The screenshots look pretty and amazingly similar to Windows XP. As a commercial distro for non-techie desktop users, does it do enough to challenge the likes of Linspire and Xandros?
Unlike Linspire and Xandros, which are both based on Debian, Linux XP is derived from Fedora. It runs an extensively modified version of GNOME to create an environment a Windows user should be comfortable with. Its manifesto claims that Linux XP is not a "cheap copycat product" but rather a mature and stable "ready-to-migrate desktop system." This I had to see.
When I tried to download the software, the HTTP and FTP download mirrors were all choked because of extreme traffic, but a torrent was available. The torrent contained two files -- a MD5sum text file and a 620.5MB ISO image. You can burn the latter to a CD from which to install the OS.
Installation is one department where Linux XP impresses. The installer is a modified version of Anaconda, which begins with partitioning. The installation messages are sanitized and written to aid non-techies by focusing on applications that help users perform common desktop tasks such as sending email, playing music, and managing documents.
On the down side, there's no option to preview or customize the list of packages being installed, which can be annoying when you're installing the OS on a machine with limited disk space. Neither can you create any user apart from the superuser during the installation process. It's not a good idea for regular users to run as root, due to the irreversible damage it can cause and the potential security risk. Several applications under LXP itself (such as XChat) will complain and warn of the security risk of running them from the root account. You can add additional users after the install process is complete, but the kind of user who is attracted to a Windows XP lookalike is not likely to take that extra step.
Linux XP boots in text mode, which for some reason defaults to 1280x1024. I was automatically logged in as root, since there wasn't any other user. Yet even after I later created other non-privileged users, LXP still on startup logged me in as root. To complicate matters the Logout button didn't always work, and I found no apparent reason for it failing. Killing X was the only sure way of reaching the Login screen. Once I got to it, I found it similar to the one in Windows. Once you enter your username and password, you can stare at a blank screen while the desktop is being prepared -- there's no splash screen to indicate the GUI being loaded.
But once it is loaded, you'll see a great Windows lookalike interface. It seems like a lot of effort has been put into making Linux XP cosmetically identical to Windows XP. One desktop enhancement, XP view, is inspired from the Mac OS platform. When invoked with the F11 key, it displays thumbnails of all open windows in a neat table. Linux XP also has a Control Panel similar to the one in Windows and to the Control Center in KDE. It can be used to control the behavior of the system, from changing fonts to adding applications and tweaking hardware.
Speaking of hardware, Linux XP couldn't play sound on my IBM ThinkPad R51. Sound card detection failed, and the Control Panel didn't suggest alternate strategies. Linux XP also didn't recognize the monitor on my machine. I made it run at 1024x768 by choosing "standard LCD 1024x768 panel" from the Display Properties. On the up side, the OS detected, configured, and activated the Linksys PC Card wireless network adapter and a mouse connected through a cheap PS2-to-USB converter.
A network monitor applet is pre-loaded onto the taskbar, but it defaults to monitoring eth0. I had to fiddle with the applet to make it show traffic from eth1, even when I had disabled eth0 during installation itself.
On my desktop machine, sound worked fine, and LXP also detected the Samsung SyncMaster TFT monitor, but chose to run it at 1024x768. A FAQ on the LXP Web site has instructions on how to make ATI and NVIDIA cards work. Surprisingly, the ATI Radeon card on the desktop was detected and configured automatically during installation itself.
Once everything was up and running, I checked on the installed software. I found the GNOME PDF viewer, GIMP image editor, gThumb image viewer, aMule P2P file sharing client, Totem movie player, Evolution email client, Firefox Web browser, Gaim instant messenger client, and XChat IRC client, among others. However, I found neither OpenOffice.org 2.0 nor the Flash plugin for Firefox were installed.
LXP offers installation of additional software through the Control Panel. Currently there are a grand total of 6 -- Adobe Reader 7.0, the Free Colonization game, Inkscape, MPlayer, OpenOffice 2.0.3, and Skype 1.3. The Control Panel installer automatically creates uninstall scripts and informs the user about them. You have to remember their location and invoke these scripts manually from the command line since they lack a GUI.
Another option is to install from RPM files, but you have to do that manually from the command line, because no GUI package management application is included. LXP Desktop 2006 is based on the ancient Fedora Core 3, so choose your .rpm files accordingly. The project says the next version, LXP Desktop 2007, will be based on Fedora Core 6, but gives no date for when that might be released.
You can also update system components through two listed packs (much like Windows Service Packs). On my systems, once the installer was done downloading the packs, it crashed without any errors and the packs weren't installed.
Finally I noticed some inconsistency with regards to LXP's terms of usage. The Web site says you are free to use LXP for three months or 99 boots, but the registration icon in Control Panel warns that free usage tops out after 30 boots. In any case, whenever it does, a boxed set will cost around $50, and includes support for a month.
Unfortunately, in its current state, LXP Desktop 2006 Service Release 2 has too many rough edges for me to consider it as my primary desktop. It has an old base, isn't very stable, and apart from the eye-candy has no major add-on feature. Unlike Xandros and Linspire, even after the license fee, there's no CrossOver Office to run Windows applications under Linux.
Unless you really like the XP look and can make do with the prepackaged software, you can skip this version. But keep an eye out for the next version, as the roadmap promises a data migration tool, remote desktop management from an Active Directory server, and other features.
A good set of reasons to avoid this release.
24. March 2007 @ 09:38 |
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dude, there's tons of linux distros... ubuntu, you can get a free ubuntu live cd from: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/
theres Suse, gentoo, freebsd, fedora core, arch, all of those are some i know, and GOOGLE! :)
Junior Member
25. March 2007 @ 10:53 |
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I don't see the point of paying for a distro. For XP refugees try any KDE based distro such as kubuntu or, easily the best, PCLinuxos - the distro hopper stopper. Google Linux livecd and download a few ISO live disks to try before you install. They'll let you boot from cd or dvd and see though they'll run slower than a full install.
I'd try pclinuxos, kubuntu or sabayon for starters.
4. April 2007 @ 21:11 |
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opensuse has always been good to me
[bold]made w/ Gimp 2.0 mutha sucka!
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5. April 2007 @ 11:28 |
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And debian has been great for me.
I tried a few others a week or 2 ago, but ended up back where I'm happy.
PClinux didn't like the existing file structure on my data drive and refused to mount it.. Strange, but a stopper for me as I need the data on my drive, and it's too big to backup and wipe.
Suse refused to boot after installing, so that went in the bin without further ado..
Slackware had some big problems with screen resolution.. refused to run in anything over 640x480.. trying higher caused bsod!
Ubuntu.. enough said, I ran it for a few weeks last year until I got fed up with broken dependencies.
Kubuntu.. I don't like KDE, so a non starter.. I'd assume the broken dependencies will be the same as Ubuntu..
DSL.. too old, uses oldstable repositories and I need more cutting edge tools.. Broke it quickly trying to install some more modern libs...
Dream linux... didn't find my network hardware on install, but ran fine as a live cd.
MyahOS.. works great on my P2, but same problem with screen res as slackware.. couldn't find the xorg.conf file to make changes, and couldn't really be bothered hunting too far for it.
Gentoo.. I don't have enough ram to run the installer/compiler.. non starter.
Puppy... not suitable for full desktop use. Uses a strange mechanism for saving settings and files.. doesn't like being forced to run on a normal ext3 type installation.
Feather.. network connectivity problems again, and out dated software problems.
These are all personal and subjective views referencing 2 days of attempting to find a new distro when debian was having problems with the mirrors due to the RC2 release.
My hardware is old and unusual, especially the matrox graphics card. My experiences may not relate to the findings of others.
To correct a common misconception posted above..
FreeBSD is not linux.. It's unix and runs on a dos file system.
Not recommended for a first timer, the BSD community have very little time for inexperienced users, so help via the forums and sites is pretty minimal.. Expect a lot of RTFM type replies if you ask for help with something basic.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2007 @ 11:33
Junior Member
6. April 2007 @ 00:36 |
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Yeah janrocks, i'd agree with you there. I stuck with ubuntu for about a year but I was in the same boat as you. The 2007 release of pclinux isn't out yet. They are currently at TR4 and there are some bugs being ironed out. Texstar and his team won't announce it as stable until it is all ironed out. The .93 version is what I use and no probs but the iso is hard to get. Kubuntu was ok but no.
I think we all find our most suitable distro and it is fun trying out all the variants til we stick on one we like (but a bit frustrating too sometimes)
11. April 2007 @ 20:16 |
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i agree as well, its hard to find "your" distro of linux you like best, i thought ubuntu was the shit till i tried others, and realized there wasnt much i could do with it, and i've tried so many distros so far i havent liked many, but i'm still looking and are new so yeah
www.sir-eats-alot.org not up yet
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12. April 2007 @ 04:12 |
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I like my debian, with it's homebrew customisations..
Now I see a lot of people running mandriva. It seems to support modern hardware very well.. Unless you are running antiques like I an forced to I would be very tempted to give it a go.. otherwise stay in the mainstream, mostly for ease of finding software.
Would anybody find a list of software sources and setup tricks useful? like maybe a generic partitioning giude and some things about configuring xfree86/xorg files.. and the other big bug-bear.. networking?
I can find the time.. but is there a need?
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12. April 2007 @ 14:27 |
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Why bother jan ?
It's not worth the time, most folks will still ask to be spoonfed...
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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12. April 2007 @ 17:25 |
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Thought I'd ask 'em.. Now to sit back and wait for the silence........................................................................................................................................
Oh.. and Debian Etch has finally gone stable.. Check your sources.list file for references to "testing" folks.. and change any you find to "etch" Don't jump for "stable" just yet.. not all the mirrors have been updated.
Sarge users should change from "stable" to either "sarge" or "oldstable" depending on the mirrors.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2007 @ 17:28