stupid newbie with a stupid question!
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28. February 2007 @ 13:20 |
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Alright... I've been looking online for some turn tables and i came across this one right here:
I noticed that there were the needles from a record player. Do you have to play records on it!? I just didn't get that.
Any Help is MUCH appreciated
Senior Member
3. March 2007 @ 06:36 |
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Yes, it is for playing vinyl records. That is what turntables are for. Why do you ask this question? Why didn't you "get that"?
Quote: I noticed that there were the needles from a record player.
What do you mean?
On m'a dit que je suis nul ŕ l'oral, que je n'peux pas mieux faire !
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3. March 2007 @ 12:54 |
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What i was thinking was that you would have to put the needles on the scratch pad in order for the sound to be played...
like i said... i guess it was a stupid question.
Senior Member
3. March 2007 @ 13:54 |
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Originally posted by kgisking1: i guess it was a stupid question.
It's ancient technology from a former era, how could you be expected to understand it?
On m'a dit que je suis nul ŕ l'oral, que je n'peux pas mieux faire !
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3. March 2007 @ 13:58 |
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ok... so you could have just passed this by... BUT NO! you had to make me feel like a dumb@$$!!! I really don't appreciate that. I would prefer if you just do your stuff somewhere else.
THanks.. NOT!
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3. March 2007 @ 16:58 |
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@kgisking1.... I don't know what Indochine meant but NO ONE has the right to make fun of you or ridicule you except yourself. It didn't sound like he was trying to insult you but if he was, he has no right to do that. This is a great site with a lot of very bright and knowledgable people who really like to help. We learn things from the people here and then we share what we learned...its what has made this site work for so long. If he meant to be insulting, I hope you'll stick around anyway because there are a lot of awesome people here and you can learn a lot as I have and many others. If I run across a jerk, I just ignore him because he usually pisses off the wrong people and gets thrown out of the group and banned. I hope you'll stick around and get to know some of us!
Senior Member
3. March 2007 @ 22:24 |
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I think Jerry1 understood what I meant, kgisking1, I wasn't calling you a dumb@ss, if I meant to do that I would have done so in a more direct fashion. I was just trying to make you feel better, because you seemed to think you had asked a dumb question. (You brought the subject up!)
I know that many people under about 30 have probably never seen an analog turntable working except in DJ clubs. My son aged 27 for a start.
There has to be balance here, between the people who ask the questions and those who answer them. If you are going to act all hurt every time somebody makes a little well meant joke, you had better quit posting on forums because I foresee a lifetime of misery ahead for you.
PS the 1990s called and they want their "... NOT!" back.
PPS That was a well meant friendly joke and I am not calling you anything.
On m'a dit que je suis nul ŕ l'oral, que je n'peux pas mieux faire !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. March 2007 @ 00:51
29. March 2007 @ 20:59 |
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i am sorry but this is hilarious....
my four year old knows how to play a record..
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29. March 2007 @ 23:36 |
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Originally posted by gerry1: I don't know what Indochine meant but NO ONE has the right to make fun of you or ridicule you except yourself. It didn't sound like he was trying to insult you but if he was, he has no right to do that. This is a great site with a lot of very bright and knowledgable people who really like to help.
Apparently it's not.. It's a site full of jerks and ignorant and arrogant god-like idiots, according to one sad fool who didn't like being banned for repeatedly asking for cracks/keys for pirated software
Another nomination for amoeba of the week in my view.
30. March 2007 @ 06:54 |
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Come on fellas, in this day of CD's that you just pop in and play I can see where a newbie to record players might get a bit confused.
Welcome to AD buddy. As noted record players, or turntables as fans call them, are an old, old technology that most of the younger crowd don't have much experience with but it's a technology that refuses to die! I remember as a kid having a Fisher-Price record player and bumping "The Best of Blondie" while doing my best on a coloring book. To this day there's still a goodly amount of vinyl being pressed and they sell all they make. Here's a great link to show you howphonographs evolved into the turntables we know today,
Many audiophiles feel that vinyl adds a sort of "warmth" to the music that digital simply can't capture and vinyl is still the standard for most DJ's. Although there are CD players that allow a person to "scrath" there's nothing that scratches like vinyl. One of our members, geestar20, DJ's and has one of the CD scratchers but doesn't like it at all - he prefers his vinyl.
The needle you refer to is called a 'cartridge' and that's what the turntable you linked to uses. Believe you me those things can be unholy expensive for the proffesional grades types! Do a google search for "turntable cartridge" and you'll see what I mean. There are also some fantastic turntables being manufactured and sold these days.
Hopefully that gives you a better idea of vinyl and turntables. If you want to see a goofy old technology look up eight-track tapes.
Take care all :)
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
AfterDawn Addict
30. March 2007 @ 08:29 |
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neph and all,i still play records..
Below is the truest statement i heard in a long time..
mp3 do not have the good quality of the old records.
and i do have a ton of records i put on tape..
and the best part i did not have to use a computer or worry about copy protection...

Quote: The magic is gone
I remember buying records when they were vinyl. I loved nothing better than to set them up and listen to them on a good stereo and plow through the artwork.
There was something magical in that sense of it belonged to you.
I'd take off the wrapping, carefully slide it out of the wrapper, lay it on the turntable, clean it, and then carefully adjust the controls while it started playing, and then lay back with that artwork and just enjoy the magic.
That's no longer part of the listening experience. The magic is gone. So is the artwork.
With the mp3, the ambience isn't there and I can't hear the stick hit the cymbol before it rings. Nor can I hear the guitar pick hit the string the moment before the string rings. What's worse, the price for this junk has gone up and I can't legally put it on the reel to reel to enjoy as a long playing tape that doesn't need to be fooled with for a long time.
Mp3's don't do it for that sort of equipment. You always hear what's missing and notice it's missing. That's not quality. Nor is it worth a dollar for that sort of sub-par product, even if the artists were as good as they were then (and they're not for the most part).
I see nothing desirable in the music today. Not from the subject range, not from the artists, not from the quality. Worse, the majority of the music I see today that I might be interested in, I already have. I don't need to buy Greatest Hits because I have the originals. Those originals are not hampered with any sort of anticopy. If I want a cassette, ok, if I want a CD, that's ok too.
No hassles and no issues in how I want to use them.
Someone in the cartels has forgotten that how the buyer wants to use the music is everything. Without that, there isn't much need in buying a rental limited edition that isn't worth the money to begin with.
But let's really make it good and give out free rootkits and spyware that you can't cancel or refuse. Yeap, sounds like a real bargain to me.
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1. April 2007 @ 14:34 |
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Alright guys, i know what a record is and i know how to play them. I actually collect old Doors records and play them from time to time. with all the new technology out these days, you never know. Those needles could have been there for looks or something like that. Also to Indochine, its hard to tell the tone in which people are trying to speak from only words. I misunderstood you previous messages.
Thanks and Sorry.