i'm not sure where i should be posting this here, but i have a couple of very simple questions.
i currently use AV cables (red-white-yellow) for component cables from my dvdplayer to my reciever and the same from my reciever to my 1080i tv; i have the yellow video cable for green, red audio for red, and white audio for blue, and of course i have two other red/white cables for my audio. my question is will it make a difference if i got actual component cables versus my ghetto rig using av cables? by this i mean like a significant increase. by the way, my plasma does reset (turns off and turns back on) when there's too much white during a movie.
another element i would like to mention is that i'm watching dvd backups (8.xgb -> 4.3gb DVDs) on a upconverting DVD player that upconverts all the way to 1080i.
secondly i was wondering if there is really a difference between the AV cables and the actual component cables, is there a difference between the quality of component cables out there? i kno that with HDMI anything 6ft and under makes no difference in brands or quality; is it pretty much the same thing with component cables?
thanks ahead to everyone who takes the time to read and post.
Yes there is a big difference between the red, white, and yellow cables compared to real component cables. All the component cables are for video. The red and white cables are not for video. The yellow cable is for video, but not component video. The yellow cable can't handle the bandwidth right, that goes through it. Go to Wal Mart, and get some component cables. They have some for about $15 - $20. You don't need "Monster" cables.
Not trying to be a smartass, but why would you spend all that money on a plasma tv, and not get real component cables? With real component cables, the tv probably won't turn off, with the white in a movie. You should also turn down the Brightness and Contrast controls, to almost half of what they are set, straight from the box. Will make the tv last longer, and help with the "too much white" problem too. Better yet..........on a Disney dvd, there's usually a THX video and audio setup section. It's not as good as an Avia disc, but it will help a lot!
hey thanks JVC for your reply. i work for quite a large retailer for some of the world's most well known electonics so i could get some monster cables at cost. i dont work on the retail side of the company but i'll be sure to get to one of our stores and purchase some real component cables.
i was wondering, will the component cables lighten up the picture at all? my plasma is an off brand monitor but handles 1080i but alot of movies are really dark so i have the brightness pushed up an extra 25%.
i was "ghetto rigging" another video cable (yellow) and was extending it to be about 20ft to output from a laptop to a tube tv. anyways the point is i found that that wire WAS very different from the audio wires and from that i figure the component cables would be even more of a difference, i just didnt know if there will be much of a picture difference.
i would have asked one of our mercher's here about the cables but when i asked about HDMI they were pushing the crazy $200 cables when really i kno that anything under 6ft would work jus az well az any other cable.
anywayz, thanks again JVC for your post. and i'll definately be getting some component cables for my JVCupconverting dvd/vcr combo to the reciever and then from the receiver to the flat panel.
Some good component cables might lighten your picture some, but I'm not sure. I believe in $20-$30 cables, but not $100 cables. The darkness of the picture may be a trait of the tv itself.
The Avia disc is a Home Theater Tune Up disc. It's for calibrating the video from the tv, and calibrating your speakers (along with SPL meter), to get the volume from each speaker, to be exactly the same, at the sweet spot, so no speaker(s) overpowers the others. Don't want background music, in movie, to be so loud you can't hear the talking. You can get an SPL (Sound Pressure Level) meter from Radio Shack. Most of us prefer the analog meter. You can buy the Avia disc from Amazon.com.
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_d/105-...10&Go.y=8&Go=Go The Digital Video Essentials disc is also a good one. Not familiar with the other ones on that page.