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mac mini aiport installation
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28. February 2007 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am trying to install a aiport card in my 2 year old mini mac. Apple wont touch it saying they dont have the installation kit. I have the card but do not have the kit. Does anyone know where I can purchase the installation kit ? There is a tool that also comes with it. Thanks Ed

Ed Dailey
Suspended permanently
1. March 2007 @ 01:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
are you talking about the new airport extreme card

if so they have a installation kit for it but my question is is it a intel based mac mini or a power pc mac mini go to your apple menu on your computer and select about this mac and find out if it is a powerpc mac mini you are in luck becaus there is a installation kit for it it it however is a intel based mac mini the new airport extreme cards do not work yet in the intel mac mini and you have to purchase a new mini to get the airport card to work

so please post what your system is so we can help you better here

1. March 2007 @ 03:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It is an intel mac mini. SO your saying that the aiport card not an aiport extreme card will not work. ED

Ed Dailey
Suspended permanently
1. March 2007 @ 04:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
a regular airport card will work and is built into all mac mini's intel based

the airport extreme how ever will not install in the mac mini intel based because it is to big and will not fit so they only have it avalible for the mac mini powerpc version right now
1. March 2007 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
great but do you know where I can purchase the installation kit ?

Ed Dailey
2. March 2007 @ 14:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
intel mac minis come with airport extrem so you dont need to install it unless there is something wrong with it.Air Port Cards wont work you need Air Port Extrem Cards. As for them not having it they wont have it in stock, parts are usually ordered on a "as needed" basis, also if they are just a service provider( FOR apple not owned BY apple) they CANT sell you parts. The mini is difficult to open.

Also are intel mac minis really already 2 years old?

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