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ISO's don't show up!!
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2. March 2007 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PSP INFO: I have a TA-082....3.03 OE-C psp with absolutely no emulators or anything on the psp...i only have the custom firmware.

PROBLEM: i have downloaded a complete umd rip of scarface and have extracted the file. i then opened the newly made scarface folder (after extraction process)opened up its ISO folder....found the scarface.cso file....and then made a copy of that over to my psp's root memory stick under the folder ISO. (f:/ISO/scarface.cso). i then disconnected my usb cable...went over to my PSP...under the "game" icon.....went down to "memory stick" (where supposedly the scarface game should be) and continually get the message "There are no games".....evrytime i do this...i have a UMD in teh drive. i have absolutely no idea what to do because everywhere i look it says "oo..just move .iso file to ISO folder...and your good to go"...this obviously isnt my case.....if someone could help me would be greatly appreciated....maybe someone could tell me what files they have on their 3.03 OE-C psp?....what configurations they have (in recovery mode)? i could replicate what works for them? thanx!

1 product review
4. March 2007 @ 11:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try using the search option at the top of the forums and searcj for playing iso on 3.03 oe-c becuase theres a good chance sombpdy made a thread on how to do it.

as for me my memory stick is too msall to hold an iso so i boot my through a usb cable connected to my pc using the usb mod for 3.03 oe-c.

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5. March 2007 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
take it out of the scarface folder and just have the iso sit in the ISO folder. that works for me.

my bad. > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > iso's don't show up!!

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