Anyone know a good place to get some of these? Online or in a store is fine.100pk Looking for the cheapest ones.Also anyone have a preference for the Verbs..such as 8x /inkjet/ dual layer needed thou.
Looking for a trusted site..etc Or just a type of verbs (in your opinion) that have had close to 95-100 burn rate..very few coasters..used to use or still do (about 10 left..I know panic !!) So I wanted to switch it up and try some Verbs.
One of those sites usually has the best price for media,and I've odered from all 3 so they are very reputatable sites.They have thermals,inkjet printables,full hubs,reg hubs,glossy,matte,etc.
What's the brand name and model# of your drive?
I AVG about 1 coaster out of every 500 backups,so that's about 99.8% That includes verbatim,sony,taiyo yuden,cmags,ritek,ricoh,and maxell hitachi.