If I rip an HD-DVD movie to my hard drive using the newest AnyDVD, can I then watch it in HD on my HDTV using my GForce 6800XT video card that claims to have HDTV Support and Tv-OUT. It has an HD connector. I also have a new version of PowerDVD.
Is it possible to rip an HD-DVD to a hard drive with the newest AnyDVD? What type of DVD drive does this require? I believe that if you can get the data into a recognizable video file, with full HD resolution and quality, then playing it through your 6800XT should just require a player that can handle the file type that is output by AnyDVD. There are several good players such as, VLC, Zoom, and The Core Media Player that should be able to handle the task.
If you have any experience in getting HD quality video data from an HD-DVD to a hard drive, please report what you have learned back to this thread. There are many others seeking the same knowledge.
I've seen someone do HD-DVD playback on a GeForce 6600 with acceptable results (DVI --> HDMI to a 1080p Sammy LCD) so your 6800 should be fine. Plus AnyDVD HD will remove the HDCP requirement for the video card. I think CPU requirements may be a little more stringent though. A dual core CPU would probably be the minimum. Are you planning to use the 360 HD-DVD Add-On?
Quote:There are several good players such as, VLC, Zoom, and The Core Media Player that should be able to handle the task
These players don't handle HD-DVD. I use Cyberlink Power DVD Ultra 7.2. This handles both HD-DVD and BluRay playback.
Sony KDL46XBR2, Moto DCT 3416 I
Sony KDL32XBR6, Moto DCH 3416
Tosh HD-XA2, Pannie BD55
P4 3.4ghz, 320gb HD (160x2, RAID 0)
Blood Type - O pos