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Ubuntu gets the "Bloatware" treatment
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13. March 2007 @ 01:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Now here is a great example of what we don't like about windoze.. unnecessary bloat, and duplication of applications.

Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers DVD
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Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers DVD

* New theme / splash screen / wallpaper * VCD Gear debian style * Subversion & build tools * Wireless Internet integration * Bluetooth integration * PPP integration * Networking tools * 35 Additional fonts * Tons more themes * Repository driven Beryl * New sounds theme * Integrated Custom repository support * All current Updates 158 at time of posting * IPod support * Beagle * Gramps - Genealogy software (thanks poweruser2600) * Legends - Video Game * Kapote - Instant Messenger * Integrated codecs (the good the bad & the ugly) * Mplayer, VLC, Songbird & Amarok players with mp3 support * Mencoder, K9Copy, DeVeDE, DVD Shrink - dvd copying software * Integrated Nvidia drivers (will work with other cards) * Automatix 2 & Automatix Bleeder (in case you want additional software) * Gaim beta 5 & plugins * GFTP - FTP Client * KVIrc - IRC Client * Additional Themes, icons, cursors & logins * XSnow * Samba * NFS * EasyTag - MP3 Tag Editor * GDesklets * Inkscape - 2D vector drawing * Screem - HTML Editor * Gambas - Programing environment * QEMU & Kqemu Accelerator - Emulation * Screem - HTML Editor * Avidemux - AVI (DivX /xvid) editor * GDesklets - Eyecandy & info * NTFS read / write support * Lamp - web server (Apache2, mysql, PHP5) * phpmyadmin * Azureus - P2P software * MS core Font's and extra fonts * Wine - Windows emulation (always newest version - through repo) * Alien - Allows installation of foriegn packages (RPM, suse etc) * Gobby Team programing software * Ksnapshot - Screen capture software * Google Picasa - Graphic editing software * Frostwire Pro - P2P software * Kolourpaint - Graphic editing software * Qcad - Autocad wannabe * Archive Suite - virtually any archive can be handled * Ajunta IDE - Programing environment * Bluefish - HTML Editor * Glade - Interface designer * Gtranslator * Bit Tornado - P2P Software * Amule - P2P software * Kino - Flick editor * Audacity - Sound editor * Debian Menu (pdmenu) * Dvdrip - Dvd ripping software * Democracy Player * Listen Media Manager * Steamripper * Ilinux (banshee) * Gnucash - Financial software * Aria - Download manager * Build Essentials and make utility's * Quanta Plus and extras - HTML Editor * Graveman - burning software * New Grub splash screen and animated "very pretty" boot up screen * Bum - Boot-up manager * Sum - Startup manager (newer improved version gtk and terminal based) * Istanbul - Live screen capture * Ghex - Hex editor * Gourmet - Recipe manager * Isomaster - CD / DVD ISO editor * GPHPEdit - PHP Editor * Kino - Clip editor * Aria - Download manager * Democracy - Movie streamer * ClamAV - Anti-virus software * Listen - Media manager * DVD|RIP - Dvd ripping software * Lifrea - RSS feed reader * Brasero - Disc burning tool * X-Chat - IRC Client * QDVDAuthor - DVD authoring software * SMP Support (dual core CPUS) / works with single core as well * 121 Additional Updates * New Grub boot screen * New theme and animated bootscreen * New GDM theme * New splash screen & wallpaper * Updated Beryl * Capture card support - TVTime / ATI-All-in-wonder * Gaim Beta 6 - prebuilt with plugins. * GKRealm - Realtime hardware monitor * MGM - Moaning Goat Meter * Newer Amarok then can be obtained from edgy repos * Hardinfo - System information * GTKPod - Ipod Sync software * HTop - Process viewer * Sysinfo - System information * IPodder - Ipod sync software * XSensors - Hardware sensor software * Addition networking and wireless tools * Gpixpod - Photo sync software for Ipod * IPodslave - an iPod IO slave * Xpenguins - Thanks Maddog * Alienarena 2007 * Actioncube * Sauerbraten * Nexuiz * Angry drunk dwarf * Advanced statgic command * Astromenace * Blinkensisters * Blobby * Crimson * Funnyboat * Fuzzy * Glchess * Glob 2 * Goonies * Gtetrinet * Hannah * Magicor * Megamario * Nikwi * OpenArena * Openyahtzee * Pengupop * Polypuzzle * Rocks and diamonds * Scourge * Sive * Stax * Supertux * Tomatoes * Warsow * Warzone 2100 * Wesnoth * Wormux * Viruskiller * Xracer * Torcs * Armagetron * Bzflag * Lxdoom * Foobillard * Vegastrike * Barrage * Airstrike * Atanks * Boson * Gtkpool * Trackballs * Flying * Kasteroids * Xoids * Xgalaga * Defendguin * Gnome-breakout * Penguin-command * Xarchon * Blob & Conquer * Gnuchess * 3dchess * Brutalchess * Childsplay * Eboard * Gcompris * Gtkboard * Jester * Kwin4 * Lletters * Scrabble * Spider * Wmtictactoe * Yics * Kbattleship * Ggz-gtk-games * Junior-games-card & Gl * Lmemory * Mathwar * Sillypoker * Pouetchess * Gnome-hearts * Khangman * Kmahjongg * All the supertux, tux cart etc. * Tuxmath * Tuxtype * Hide & seek preference changer * NTFS Write support with the click of a mouse * New Start-up and logout sound theme * New Dark theme / Wallpaper / Glass icons are back
14. March 2007 @ 11:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ubuntu seems to be the only distro that is 100% compatible with this particular pc that I'm using now (I have managed to get Suse and a few others up and running on several other pc's within the home) but I'm just not having any luck with any other distro excempt mandriva one and I felt that mandriva one was a bit strip mined compared to some of the others out there. I gave video linux a try and I have sound card issues very similar to what alot of these vista creeps are complaining about. I tried Debian last night (which I really wanted to work) but I had absolutely no luck with it either. To start things off.. my keyboard was incompatible so I had to go grab another keyboard out of the closet and then things were going great.. until the installation was complete. I couldn't get a GUI. I tried everything that I know (which isn't much) and as far as Suse on this pc goes,I have always had a problem with eth0 already running in (kinda like being firewalled) just can't seem to reach the outside world... but to make a long story short.. I guess I'm stuck w/ the bloat.. although I don't believe I have that particular frankenbuild that your displaying here. I still think ubuntu is great for n00bs just due to it's simplicity. I know that 99% of the AD ppl absolutely despise it.. and it was for that reason that I wanted to try another distro... anyways.. I feel like I'm taking your thread elsewhere so I will S.T.F.U. now.. and move on.. just wanted to vent my frustrations about trying other distro's.. just seems that I'm stuck with ubuntu is all..

Free Grooverider!!!!
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16. March 2007 @ 06:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey dude.. Whatever works for you.

Know what you mean about debian at the moment.. It's really a mess, especially as the public key is missing from the multimedia repositories, all the mirrors away from the US ones are in a state, duplicated lists and whatever.
I have managed through this mess to get updated to etch, but it's unstable as hell... slackware is calling... hmmmmmmm slack.....
17. March 2007 @ 21:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

From what I have seen you are not much of a Ubuntu lover, but a very dedicated and experienced Linux user. Ubuntu may not be the best for an experienced Linux user but I think it is great for someone that wants to learn. It is still free and and IMO better than Windows, the Linux community needs to come together not fight about which is best.
21. March 2007 @ 04:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there are all kinds of buntu's.. just discovered half of them myself.. check the link:

Free Grooverider!!!!
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21. March 2007 @ 05:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by wolfmanz:

From what I have seen you are not much of a Ubuntu lover, but a very dedicated and experienced Linux user. Ubuntu may not be the best for an experienced Linux user but I think it is great for someone that wants to learn. It is still free and and IMO better than Windows, the Linux community needs to come together not fight about which is best.
In it's current form, the Ubuntu team finds and patches more problems each month than f***ing microsucks does.
To show you what i mean, here's all "known" flaws in Ubuntu : CLICK HERE.
Those are just the flaws they've patched, if it wasn't a cardinal sin to link you to some 0day exploit sites, i could show you about 500 more that have not been found and/or patched at this time.

As for your bullsh*t about the linux community coming together, you obviously haven't been in this scene very long, nor do you understand it, as it has been the competitive drive between distro's that's kept this community on it's toes, and working overtime to ensure no hole goes unpatched.
Sure, there will be 0day exploits that no one finds till it's too late, but hell, look for windows based 0day exploits, and lo and behold, 1200 related exploits...


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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21. March 2007 @ 06:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mwahahahah.. I love your 0day exploit reports..

I think my blog explains better than anything some of the fundamental divides and discussions ongoing in the linux/free-os community.

No one thing is better than another, it all depends on your competency level, your hardware, and ultimately... what you want to do with your computer.

Anyway, this discussion was about "bloatware" in linux, not really a bashing session..

If I wantede to have a bash I'd get onto DHT being disabled at kernel level in suse.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2007 @ 07:21

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21. March 2007 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
But, isn't that a good thing ? ;-)


Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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21. March 2007 @ 11:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That depends what you want to do.. :lol:
21. March 2007 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As for your bullsh*t about the linux community coming together, you obviously haven't been in this scene very long, nor do you understand it, as it has been the competitive drive between distro's that's kept this community on it's toes, and working overtime to ensure no hole goes unpatched.
Sure, there will be 0day exploits that no one finds till it's too late, but hell, look for windows based 0day exploits, and lo and behold, 1200 related exploits...

Attitudes like yours are the problem in the Linux community not the competition between distro's. Instead of insulting or bashing everyone with a different opinion than yours, try helping them in the right direction.

I may not be a Linux expert by your standards. Over the last year I have learned a lot, some by trial and error and some thanks to the very helpful people on the Linux forums.
22. March 2007 @ 08:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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