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MacBook or Notebook????
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Junior Member
26. March 2007 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im a student studying Software Engineering and Im interested in buying a laptop, and let me tell you this I REALLY want a MAC-Book, but Im kind of afraid because :

1. I guess i could be considered a Noob when it comes to MAC
2. Im afraid that if i do get it I wont be able to run all the programs I need like "Visual Studios", and some things that I want like Utorrent and Games.

So here is my question's:

1. Dose MAC ([OS X / Windows] Please Specify) Run all that kind of software?? I know (or Think)that i would need special versions of programs, but could i find everything MAC.

2. I heard that MACs are awesome because they make there OS special for there computers (True/False)? So if i did decide to run windows on it, would it be like running windows on another notebook (not MAC) with the same specs.

3. I've got a PC at home, I wont be able to transfer files from one to the other right?

4. Anything else i should know...

Thanx in advance,


PS. I know I have more questions, but i forgot them, Ill post as soon as they come back to me.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2007 @ 14:48

27. March 2007 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1. yes, Azureus for osx. there are games for mac, but pc does dominate the game side of things. i cant comment on visual studios though, sorry

2. macs are really good for certain things, it depends on what you want to do with it, as far as running windows on it, it seems to work pretty good for me.

3. yes, you can transfer files from one to the other

i wouldnt worry about learning osx, it's not a huge learning curve. im a long time pc user thats recently switched from xp to osx, having no troubles whatsoever. i actually noticed alot of little things about osx that i really like. i can see now why ms decided to "borrow" some ideas from osx for vista

hope this helps you out some

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. March 2007 @ 10:02

Junior Member
27. March 2007 @ 10:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea thanx it dose help...

But the thing is, i wanna get it for school work, so If i cant compile programs with it, then i guess there might be no use for it.

Anyways I guess Ill have to contact MS to see what the deal is...

Junior Member
6. April 2007 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In this case I recommend you getting a PC, it seems that is you are going to be in the area of software design, Mac's won't be able to support almost all of the programs you need.

One more thing, when it comes to gaming, PC's have an overall huge advantage over Macs, essepicially when it comes to online gaming.

Just get a PC with the same sexyness of a MacBook.


"There's no I in 'team'. There is a "me", though, if you jumble it up."

My Macs:
| MacBook (White) 2.0 GHz | iMac 17" 1.83 GHz | Wishlist: iMac 20" 2.33 GHz + 3Gb RAM + ATI Radeon 256 MB |

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. April 2007 @ 01:09

12. April 2007 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why not just get a Macbook and run Parallels or BootCamp? Best of both worlds. All the Mac goodies, with the PC to run the non-Mac stuff.

Anything a PC can do, a Mac can do without the annoying viruses and blue screen of death. If you're worried about the learning curve, pick up a good Mac book (Missing Manual series are pretty decent). Pretty much anything can be resolved with a quick google of your issue., BUT if you need to talk to someone, purchase an Applecare plan and call their techs.

Check with the vendors of the software you'll need (regarding an intel Mac) and see. You can also try the Apple discussions for advice too.

I say go for it! You won't regret it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2007 @ 08:58

Junior Member
12. April 2007 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think I will run into some snags.

I also Think I'm gonna go with Guided's Advice it just seems like the right thing to do.

I don't wanna start picking the OS I wanna boot every time I start up. That is the main reason i don't wanna go with it. Two OS's thats just wrong. Plus I don't wanna Reboot every time I need to do something small.

Most if not all of My app's that Ill be working with in the near future(School wise), will most likely not be MAC compatible. So i think Ill just save myself the headache now.

I really do want one, and I think the first thing I do once I graduate, is spoil Myself with a nice MAC Desktop, then I choose, and take some extra time to work with MAC compatible Programming Suites, but for now the school pretty much has me in check with the programs they teach with.

Thanx for the advice though,
I WILL get one, I just don't know when.


27. April 2007 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Buy the macbook (recommend pro version) and buy windows, use bootcamp and install windows, you will now have windows and osx in your macbook runnig natively (no those freakinŽ emulators). So you will mostly use osx (you will get in love with it) but if you find a non mac compatible app. you always have windows!!!!

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