Well I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this but, I didn't know where else to start this thread. I have Two Samsung SH-S182M External Drives with Lightscribe. I also have a BenQ DW1655 also with Lightscribe. Everything from making labels and making backups were fine until last night. I'm not sure why, but last night as I tried to make a label with the S182 it gave me a estimated time of 41 minutes, I thought that having the Extended Label Contrast Utility applied should give me longer label burning times, but I didn't expect it to take that long. Anyways, as it finished I noticed that the label produced wasn't dark at all as if the ELCU wasn't enables but I said screw it and flipped the disc and burned the movie on. After burning, I did a Disc Quality Test with Nero and came out with a 98% with minimal errors/jitter and no PO Failures. When I tried playing the movie, well...it didn't play. It wouldn't play on all four of my standalones. (SONY, PHILLIPS, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA HD DVD) The backups also wouldn't play on the drive that made it. It would play for a few seconds then Media Player or Showtime would close giving me an error. So I'm thinkin its the POS Samsung drive, so I decided to "burn flip burn" on my DW1655. Same thing, 40+ minutes of label time with the same light image result, and when it came to play the movie, the same thing happens, which is it doesn't play on the standalones or the the drive. I've been using Verbatim Lightscribe Media burning at 4X also ran some tests just with movies using MCC04 Verbs and they all have the same result. I also tried making backups using Recode 2 and IMG Burn, same disappointing results. Hrmmm...have my lightscribe drives gone bad?, the Samsungs are a month old and the DW1655 is about 8 months old so I don't think that could be the issue. Also, these have been done on two computers with nothing else installed but the necessary software to make labels and backups. There seems to be no error messages regarding the lightscribe or burning. Here's what I have installed on both PCs:
Windows XP SP2
Nero OEM
Lightscribe API
DVDFab Decrypter
DVD Shrink
Surething Label Maker 4 SE
Just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been doing test burns for the last few hours and ended up with 8 coasters. Well at leat 4 of them are decorative with the black and gold images. =) Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks!