No, I think you're misunderstanding me. What I wanted to know is are there any programs or methods to see if a certain media code (MCC004, TYGO2, TYGO3, etc.) is included in a cd/dvd writer's firmware table version. If a media code is not included in a burner's firmware, then the drive is going to use a generic writing strategy on the unknown disc and the resulting burn may or may not be good.
For example, I have an older DVD burner (NEC 3540a) and the latest firmware (1.04) is well over a year and a half old already and it looks like NEC is not going to release any new firmware for my burner anymore. I wanted to know how do you tell what media code is is supported in that firmware version (1.04) so I can buy my blank dvd/cd accordingly.
Hi techblue. I had a quick scout around for a list of your firmware's write strategies and it came up blank. However, i picked up on this which may be of use to you, as there are some burns listed there that use your burner, firmware and 16x media. Take a look for yourself, I don't have the time. To veiw the scans, you have to register @ CDFreaks, but meh.
You may also find this very interesting, as you seem to know your stuff re write strategies ;-)
Anyway, as alphabet man said, using quality media such as verbatim or taiyo yuden should set you up fro a good burn regardless.
Get back to me. If I find anything more of interest I'll post it back here.
Thanks a lot for your help aabbccdd and Ripper. From the link that you posted to cdfreaks, I think I have found what I am looking for. There is this nifty program call MediaCodeSpeedEdit that shows you what media is supported in a firmware version. All I did was load the NEC 1.04 firmware in MediaCodeSpeedEdit and the program came up with a table of media code and its write speed that is supported in that particular firmware. It's very useful for finding out if a bad burn is due to the media being of low quality or if it is not supported in the firmware.
Also on a side note, do you think there is a similar program that works for cd-rw drive? I have this old Yamaha CRW-F1E cd burner and the latest firmware (1.0g) is really old. It's dated all the way back to May 23, 2003. Lately, I'm having trouble finding compatible cd-r to use on it. I hope I'm not asking for too much here and thanks for all of your help.
Quote:Also on a side note, do you think there is a similar program that works for cd-rw drive? I have this old Yamaha CRW-F1E cd burner and the latest firmware (1.0g) is really old. It's dated all the way back to May 23, 2003. Lately, I'm having trouble finding compatible cd-r to use on it. I hope I'm not asking for too much here and thanks for all of your help.
what media are you using? Maxell,Sony or TDK should all work fine . and keeping your burn speed down (not above 24x) is just as important with CD-R as it is with DVDs
I recently bought some 52x Verbatim(Prodisc), 48x Imation(CMC Mag), and some 48x FujiFilm MIJ(Taiyo Yuden). The Verbatim and Imation would burn and play great in the yamaha drive ITSELF but would skip like crazy when play in my computer's DVD-ROM drive, car stereo, Discman, PS1 and PS2. The FujiFilm fares a little better in that it would play fine in my computer's DVD-ROM drive but not in my Discman, car stereo, ps1 nor ps2.
Now here's the kicker though. The same FujiFilm when burn in my NEC drive would play flawlessly anywhere so I'm suspecting the yamaha drive isn't recognizing the media correctly due to the media code not being in the firmware and is using a generic writing strategy on these disc. I guess this is a classic case of a great drive being render obsolete by a lack of firmware support. Anyway, with the price of a new DVD burner being so cheap nowadays, I guess it's time for me to start shopping for a new drive. :)