I hooked up my old Fisher receiver, and I have nothing on the left channel. I switched the wires(to eliminate the possibility of bad wiring/speakers on my part), but I got the same result. Does anyone have any suggestions? I opened it up and checked it out. Visusally, it looks like none of the fuses have burned out. I'm about to go get my electrical tester to make sure though. Anyone have any ideas?
There are a couple of potentiometers on the main board. Would I be able to do anything by adjusting these?
OK, just checked, and none of the fuses seem to be bad. I have the audio from my DVD player going into the tuner ports, are those the irght one, or should it be phono? Does it make a difference?
Thanks, I looked inside, but I couldn't find a 4 amp fuse. All of the ones that I DID find were ok. This I believe is an older model. Do I need to let it warm up, or should that not be an issue?
Older amps do need to warm up; that was initially why "standby" switches were created. Another thing you night try is to thoroughly clean the posts at the back of the amplifier if it hasn't been used for awhile. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you ... you'll need someone with a more thorough knowledge of electronics. I wish I could be more help.