Well i'm in New Zealand and the xbox 360 hddvd player has just come out,yes it looks awsome but i guess i should have done some research first...It seems thatno video rental stores in nz plan on stocking HD DVD,i'm contacted all their head offices,all with a reply"We will only be stocking Blu Ray titles"...So my question is,was buying the hddvd a mistake,were am i supposed to rent movies from,i'm not buying em.Also maybe buying the 360 altogether was a mistake,maybe i should sell it all on ebay and get a ps3 that has bluray so that i can actually watch hd movies? PLease help...
HD DVD players (most of them) play regular dvds in a little better definition. Im sure in the not to far future that theyll let you rent movies at a blockbuster or whatever. good luck
Here is blockbuster nz's response,it looks pretty grim for HD DVD owners,i'm glad i'm gonan return mine tomorow.Hd dvd is great,but when companies push blu ray onto you what more can you do but buy blu ray?
here's their head office response.
"Industry direction is that Blu Ray will be the stronger format in this market and, as such, we will be stocking Blu Ray discs exclusively.We have no intention of stocking HD DVD disks as market forces show it to be the inferior format.
Yeah... kinda sad since I still think side by side HD-DVD looks slightly better and the price factor is always nice. Hopefully BR discs will drop a bit. But with Blockbuster only pushing one, I'm guessing they didn't want a fiasco like what happened with dvd/divx... I worked for them at the time. The only funny thing about it is joking with people about how they forgot to rewind their dvds :p