@qur ... welcome to afterdawn guy! If I were you, I would get a center speaker from the same company as your two mains ... the center runs hand in hand with the main fronts. If the color of the center is off from the main speakers, you run the risk that it could sound really crappy. The "timber" of speakers should match one another. If your rears sound good with your fronts, you lucked out. You can put top of the line Mirages in the front and top of the line Polk in the rear and combined, they sound like crap. I know this from experience; I bought top of the line fronts and center first and and borrowed two really good polks for the rear until I could afford the rears I wanted and the transition from front to rear wasn't good. For example, a helicopter is in the sound effects and it goes from front to rear like its flying away from you. Since the rear speakers had a different sound, it sounded like two different things .. the "color" of the sound didn't flow smoothly from one to the other. That is particularly important with the center and the fronts.
Its different with the subs; buy the best you can afford, but the "timber" isn't important with the sub.
As for receivers, if that $600 includes both the center and the sub in your budget, you've got a number of choices but I'd stick with the big names because even their less expensive models are good ... Yamaha, Onkyo, Denon make no junk at all. You might also look at some JVCs; the don't only make boom boxes ... sometimes they have the best bang for the buck. Yamaha is also making a "budget" receiver now which is said to be really good and in the Philly area, some of the radio shacks are now selling it but I never checked out the price because I wasn't in the market.
If you order online, you need to be careful about one thing; factory warranties are only available from "retailers", not from distributers so make sure they are a "factory authorized" online dealer...most aren't and they put it in very small print so that people don't see it. Amazon searches will yield merchants with a wide price different but they're careful and deal with reputable dealers.