Can anyone help, i burned the bootdisk wiikey v2 iso on a dvd and installed it on my wii, and now i'm still wondering how can i put snes games on a dvd so i am able to play..i have 13 files of SNES games and they are all in .iso form, i extracted all 13 isos into a folder and bunred it on a dvd with Nero at 4x, correctly burned, but the wii cant read it i use taiyo yudens...still i just tried and having i heard from other posts that there should be another file b4 putting the isos? what file is that? thanks
SNES games come in .SMC format not ISO. I think there is another extension like .SMG or something but, it is going to be .SMC 95% of the time.
Then if there is no ROMS folder in the directory create one and put all the files in the ROMS directory. Here is a guide for the gamecube, but it should still apply somewhat to what you need.
Easy Guide to Playing SNES on the Gamecube
if the files inside are the correct format - extract them to the folder in the wiikey 1.2 config disc as explained in the readme and reburn the disc using the correct region file
Maybe you are extarcting the files wrong. If you got them off a torrent site then more then likly the 13 files are all part of 1 ISO image. So you will need to unpack the ISO from the 13 files.
Do this by choosing the first file that is in the list of 13. So if they are numbered 1 through 13 then choose the file that has 1 in the title which then will automaticly extarct the other 12 making 1 full ISO to burn.
I am just confused when you say you have 13 ISO files. Who would make 13 ISO files of ROMs?