I am having a problem transferring files via FTP. I am using FlashFXP and whenever I try to transfer a file from my computer to an xbox drive it brings up an error saying 502 pasv is not implemented. What am I doing wrong?
I can't transfer any files onto my xbox. I've tried transferring files thru smartftp, FlashFXP, and windows. Everytime I try to send a file from the PC to the console I always get an error or the transfer fails. Any help please???
Well my hard drive is now locked up and I am unable to boot from it. I added XBMC files to the dashboard folder and went to power cycle the system and BAM red light. I have the original system backed up on my pc, but I am shit outta ideas of how to get them onto the original xbox hard drive. Any advice or did I reach the point of no return?
#1 do not fool with things without knowing what you can do. Like adding XBMC files to a dashboard folder, no idea what that one means.
But you can fix the problem since you have an HDD back up.
http://www.teammodders.com/forum/using-x...-drive-t87.html Just get XboxHDM. And then your EEPROM file (and gamesaves) from the drive you backed up. Then you can rebuild the hard drive back to normal and use an auto installer like Slayer 2.7 or AID 3.0 to put all the dashboards and programs back on it. Just ignor that error message. I get that with FlashFXP too but if it works then you should leave it alone. Personally i switched to WS_FTP Pro and love it.
I can see where that tutorial would cause problems, it is just not well written at all. What they forgot to mention is that to replace the Evox dashboard with XBMC you have to rename the EvoX deafult.xbe file to something else. Then name the XBMC xbe file to what the EvoX.xbe file was named then copy it over. If you try to do it without that step it will have two .xbe files in the same location and will not load anything as they system will have no idea what to do.
I got the drive unlocked with the atapwd.exe program, but the xbox drive still is not appearing in my hard disk drives. Yet again, I am stumped whenever I thought things would come through. Any help?