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Irregular ability to burn DVD's
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17. May 2007 @ 14:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a HP DVD writer 740b that came with my HP Pavillion. I use windows Media Edition. I usually use Pinnacle video editing software. I am having problems burning final copies of movies onto DVD-R discs.

It will keep telling me to install an empty disc, or will start and then I get a burn error, or it will eventually burn fine. This has happened with Sony and Memorex brand discs. I also can not burn to DVD+-RW disks at all. I have not had trouble burning music onto CD-R's.

I tried updating my firmware and this time it would not take my Maxell CD-R and would not finish the update.

Anyone have any ideas....HELP!

Thanks for any ideas,

AfterDawn Addict
20. May 2007 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Run the Nero Info Tool and look at the configuration to make sure that 'DMA' is shown turned on for the Hard Drive(s) and DVD burner.

If you have a Nero (fail) log, post it in the Nero Forum at Afterdawn.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2007 @ 15:32

20. May 2007 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you Attar, I will try that!
22. May 2007 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I ran Nero and everything looks fine and DMA is turned on. Any other suggestions?
AfterDawn Addict
22. May 2007 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Often these problems are related to the media.The name on the package is no longer an indicator of where it was made or the quality.
The Nero Forum at Afterdawn reject Memorex out of hand.
The only way to make sure the media is not the problem is to use (DVD) disks that say 'Made in Japan' on the package or 'Verbatim' and burn at no more than 4x.

You can also uninstall the burner using the device manager.
My Computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager, click on the DVD drive and 'uninstall' then reboot.
Windows will re install the drivers on startup.
25. May 2007 @ 21:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you should try to reinstall as attar suggested, if that doesnt help then. its likely to be your media

chances are the memorex's are acutally CMC magnetics corporation
get dvd identifier (
and check the actuall manufacture of your disc's
recomended manufacture of all AD users is Taiyo yuden's.
these can show up in maxell made in japan's, sony made in japan's, and other made in japan's; which is one reason the MIJ discs are suggested, however they can also be hard to find.
you could buy some genuine taiyo yudens from ( 100 pack for $.29/disc and free shipping
26. May 2007 @ 07:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you. I did reinstall and also just bought Verbatim discs as was suggested. I had updated the firmware that did not help. I downloaded Nero and can do the other also. Let me see how the Verbatim discs work and I did have trouble finding any made in Japan but looked online to buy Verbatim. I'll also look at the type you suggested.

Do either of you know what type of Burner is rated well for various medium? I may buy a new burner soon and curious what is best for speed and least amount of problems. Also, think it could be the program I use at times for video editing....Pinnacle? Does that make a difference.

Thank you both very much for help!!
2. June 2007 @ 13:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
as far as various media support, i would say that lite-ons are the best (also the best for your buck usually) and they also come in top speeds (currently 16X). for speed you could also look at plextor; more expensive but they have drives that will burn at 18x and even 20x i believe

as far as video editing i haven't done for a while. are you talking dvd authoring or actual video editing? because video editing shouldnt cause any problems with dvd burning, if your using your video editing software to burn also i WOULD suggest that you simply use it to convert the final product to dvd compliance (whether VOB format or dvd compliant mpg) and use another program for burning (such as Nero). most video editing/dvd authoring apps i have used are pretty crummy as far as dvd burning.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. June 2007 @ 13:48

18. June 2007 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for everyone's suggestions and I have tried new media with no luck. I bought Verbatim discs and same problems! I also lowed the burn speed to 4X without much luck. I am going through tons of discs as it starts to burn them most the time and stops...lots of wasted money!

I am doing video editing through Pinnacle and capturing clips, adding effects, music, menus etc. I also tried saving to an AVI file, putting into Ulead's video program and burning from better luck. Then it will all of a sudden burn. The usual error is that it is not an empty or DVD R type of disc.

Use Nero and everything checks Ok. I was going to buy Nero to burn them but the reviews on the new versions are lousy. Are there better programs and how do you take it from the authoring/editing software and then burn it? I hope easily?

If nothing else, does anyone know a good, reliable brand burner I could buy and use and plug into my computer? I am getting really frustrated!

Thanks again,

20. June 2007 @ 12:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1. first off, i've used pinnacle and ulead for burning and like i said they do a crummy job at it. it very well may be the programs that are causing the problems. second don't save them in AVI unless you intend to use it only on your pc; AVI is a great a/v file fromat but is not good for burning as it takes many hours to convert from AVI to dvd compliant formats

2. i would suggest Nero, i have not used 7 ultra yet but am happy with 6 ultra. there are a few options if your are weary of buying 7 ultra and can't find ultra 6 anywhere,

freeware: deepburner

pay:Clonedvd (note that this will only burn dvd folders (VOB format)
Roxio still prefered by some

another option is to use your current software to save in an image format (.dvd or .iso) if they are capable and then use:
clonecd pay
alcohol pay

or another option is to use img burn which i haven't used in a while but i have been told you can make images from hardrive files and/or burn them.

i would suggest that if you get any of the slysoft products (clonecd, CloneDVD) that you buy 2 or 3 at the same time (i would suggest getting CloneDVD and AnyDVD, and clonecd or gamejackal as well) since the more you buy at once the more you save

3. i would suggest getting an external (usb) dvd burner (from lite-on like i already suggested for compatibility), BUT the problem may be the computer. if you could, give me a quick run down of your hardware- cpu speed, and total ram installed

also as far as dvd authoring/editing i used dvdlab pro. i (and most other ad guys)would say its the most powerful and reliable software i have used. however it is fairly expensive (last i checked it was about $100) and it requires specific file formats to work with so you will need a video converter, and possibly a "demuxer" and/or "remuxer"
alternative would be dvd rejig which is freeware but i haven't had much experience in it so i cant give you any info on it.

as far as pure video editing I cant help you on this since i haven't done it in many years myself, but im sure someone at AD can.

on a final note you should check out WinAVI video converter(pay) im sure it would be of great use to you. it can convert from and to practically every video format i have seen, and can also output to dvd format (mpeg/dvd folder) and can even thereafter burn to dvd

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2007 @ 12:21

20. June 2007 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you for all the suggestions and comments! That was really nice of you.

When I save from Pinnacle or ULead, what format would you suggest I save it in to use another program for burning? Actually I thought AVI's were best so thank you for pointing that out!

My computer is an HP Pavillion.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800 Processor, 2.0 ghz.
1 gig of RAM
250 Gig hard drive.
2000 FSB

I think that's all you need to know with the burner you know about. I looked at the programs you suggested and am thinking of CloneDVD.

Can you explain how I save it from Pinnacle and then burn using which files so that it comes out like the edited video with best results...or do the programs do that for you? I am new at that! Will Pinnacle make the mpeg/dvd folder?

Thanks so much, I never expected such great replies and help and it is really appreciated!
20. June 2007 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
FYI, Pinnacle will save to DivX, Mpeg-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Real Media, Windows Media, Sony PSP, or AVI (or Ipod).

Thanks again!
22. June 2007 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you computer should have no problem running a external dvd writer

like i said AVI is NOT a bad format, i quite like it myself. BUT if you want to burn it to a dvd to be used in a set top box (e.g. one for your tv) then it is best to save it in mpg 2 (dvd compliant) since the conversion can take a LONG time from AVI-mpg. keep in mind mpg will take up a lot more space than AVI, but with a 250 hdd you should have plenty of room

as far as converting videos to dvd i'll give you a list of things to check out if you want. most will be sharware (free trial) in this category

Cucusoft Video Converter
Xilisoft video converter
(check out, previously, for more such tools)
also are some freeware
007 Dvd Author
acala 3gp movies free (may not be real name of program)
Tmpgenc many people here at ad use this so finding help for it will only take some searching of ad forums :)

im not exactly sure if all these will suite your needs but its worth looking around to find the one that YOU like (if you have the time for it)

also i would post something in the dvd authoringor mpeg1 mpeg2 encoding sections of the forums for further help with this since im afaird that my lack of (current) experience/knowledge with this topic is weak at best and that i may lead you astray.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. June 2007 @ 11:40

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22. June 2007 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Smokey
I doubt very much it's your burner, sounds more like a software issue.
Get yourself Nero 6 ultra(not 7, too many bugs).
I have been using Nero 6 for about 3 years now, I have made plenty of dvd's and cd's(literaly hundreds of both).
Don't buy RW dvd's , not worth the trouble.
I can bet you a 6 pack that all your problems will vanish.
There's only 3 programs I will use for dvd's.
3.Nero 6 ultra
I'm a firm beliver in "if it works, don't screw with it" and it always works
Good Luck
Peace all

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22. June 2007 @ 19:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello smokey,
im not familiar with using pinnacle,
Is there an option for DVD output files(like VOB,IFO,BUP)?

also did you try burning a dvd with Nero? if you did can you post the burn log?

I would definitely try IMGBurn best free dvd burner out there.

"When I look at the smiles on all the childrens faces, I just know theyre about to jab me with something."- Homer Simpson > forums > pc hardware > dvd / blu-ray drives > irregular ability to burn dvd's

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