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Starcraft II Announced, thoughts?
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18. May 2007 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

This looks pretty awesome! The CGI video was a bit of a let down but the screens kick ass. It looks just like an updated version of the original, with pretty much the same interface.

There are a couple of things that I think this should have for sure:
- FREE online, none of this game card crap like WoW
- Some form of anti-Punking because the first game is pretty much unplayable online
- Fully assignable macros
- Ability to run on mid-range to low-end computers, even at severely reduced graphics
- WIDESCREEN SUPPORT!!! (If you've played the original on a widescreen... 'nuff said)

I am pretty excited about this game, I still play the original fairly often. As far as I know there is no release announced, or really any details outside of that article...

What does everybody else think?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. May 2007 @ 23:48

18. May 2007 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I posted a thread about this exact same thing 2 minutes after you did =P

God hates console fan boys.
May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce.
18. May 2007 @ 23:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I guess we were both typing at the same time ;)

Not too many others are up at 3:45, but looking at stuff for this game is keeping me awake :)
18. May 2007 @ 23:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Something this big is definitely worth staying up for.

God hates console fan boys.
May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce.
19. May 2007 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think you should be able to click on an individual troop and go into first person mode and kick some ass! That would be freakin awesome, but I guess you couldn't really manage anything while doing it.

You should also be able to launch nukes from the air from Wraiths or Battlecruisers, just fly over where you want to bomb and let it go. I think some first person perspectives would be awesome, like a bomb-cam that would show it fall towards the cluster than go static. It could even come up in a little window.

I really want to see a full 3D environment with zooming and rotating and panning, but I think that's all but announced.
19. May 2007 @ 00:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just thought it would be cool if you could have biological weapons if you were terran, and some cool magic power for protoss or zerg, where you could make the enemy just freak out. I know it's kinda been there before, but if you could release like a cloud of gas or something that would make the enemies just start shooting randomly, killing their own people and maybe some of yours.

I think it would be awesome from a stragety standpoint because you would have to arrange your troops in groups not too close together because you wouldnt know what was going to happen. It would have to cost a lot to balance it out though.

Self-destructing buildings would also be cool because then if zerglings or zealots or firebats or something start attacking your building you could make it explode and kill some of them. It could be some sort of upgrade like the comsat tower but you could do it for any building. Then you could put supply depots or whatever as defence as well as give supplies.

Anyways, I need to be up again in 5 hours so I'm going to bed, but ill check this in the morning for sure, I'll probably have a bunch more ideas

1 product review
19. May 2007 @ 05:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm really excited. Starcraft is my favorite game ever... I'm preordering Starcraft 2 =D

PSP: m33 3.90
DS: /w Passcard 3 and M3 Movie Player
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19. May 2007 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by akaangus:
I think you should be able to click on an individual troop and go into first person mode and kick some ass! That would be freakin awesome, but I guess you couldn't really manage anything while doing it.
That would be Starcraft: Ghost. Hopefully they will decide to release that game sooner rather than later. But killing Zerg by the thousands will be just as much fun as killing thousands one by one.

God hates console fan boys.
May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. May 2007 @ 09:50

23. May 2007 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Huh... I wonder.

Has anyone seen the pic of SCII lings rushing a Terran base? I wonder how it would look if 400 lings got hit by a nuke. In normal SC, that looks pretty awesome. (not as good as 100 goons, but close)

Geeks to Go - Trusted Helper

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1 product review
23. May 2007 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just watched one of the game play trailers. There are sooo many units with the ability to scale over cliffs that it seems that bottlenecks are becoming less strategically important. Any thoughts?

PSP: m33 3.90
DS: /w Passcard 3 and M3 Movie Player
Nonmodded: SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1,PS2,GB(P,C,A),Xbox360

2 product reviews
28. May 2007 @ 06:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mmm, i can't wait to play SC2 and Fallout 3. i've been waiting for almost 10 years for them to be released.
i hope SC2 is just as good quality that you could expect from blizzard :)
and let's hope that bethseda does good work also.
Senior Member
1. June 2007 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by akaangus:

Self-destructing buildings would also be cool because then if zerglings or zealots or firebats or something start attacking your building you could make it explode and kill some of them. It could be some sort of upgrade like the comsat tower but you could do it for any building. Then you could put supply depots or whatever as defence as well as give supplies.
Wow akaangus, I really liked your idea of exploding supply depots. I think you should contact blizzard with that idea buddy! BTW, Im pumped about what's going to happen story wise in SC2. Starcraft has one of the best story ever! (Presented pretty confusingly in the first game, gotta read the novel)

#1: 2.81 -> 3.03 -> 3.11 DoH (no more :D)
#2: 1.00 -> 1.5 -> 3.03oe-c
#3: Ceramic white 1.5 -> 3.03oe-c -> 3.40oe
Whatever happens, happens...
1. June 2007 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The best part of the story of Starcraft is that there is no good guys and bad guys. Everyone (except maybe the Zerg) have some good qualities and everyone has some evil qualities. That fact is what I think attracts so many people.

God hates console fan boys.
May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce.
2. June 2007 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I haven't read any of the novels but loved the way the story unfolded through the video. Whatever side you were playing as (of course, you had to play as all three) was of course the right one :)

The best part of the story of Starcraft is that there is no good guys and bad guys. Everyone (except maybe the Zerg) have some good qualities and everyone has some evil qualities. That fact is what I think attracts so many people.
Zerg is just trying to eliminate the Terrans and Protoss who are trying to eliminate them! Kerrigan stayed with them even after pretending to defect.

I saw the cliff scaling, it looked pretty awesome but it would definetly need a change in stragety. I always try to protect the bottlenecks (bridges, cliff ramps, etc.) but I suppose now that may have to change a bit. Maybe with the rifle upgrades Marines will be able to shoot down the cliffs, who knows at this point.

I still play BattleNet on a regular basis and never cheat, if anyone on this board wants to have a game I'm totally up for it, maybe send a PM because I'm pretty sure the mods look down upon on MSN/e-mail sharing ;)
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4. June 2007 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you haven't read any of the novels, I highly recommand them. If you are a starcraft fan, you CANNOT miss them lol. They are all pretty short, and very engaging. A good one to start with would be Queen of Blades. Tells the story of Karrigan's transformation. The book took actual dialog/scene from the game, and it's really insightful how Karrigan grew away from her human traits.

#1: 2.81 -> 3.03 -> 3.11 DoH (no more :D)
#2: 1.00 -> 1.5 -> 3.03oe-c
#3: Ceramic white 1.5 -> 3.03oe-c -> 3.40oe
Whatever happens, happens...
5. June 2007 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cool I'll have to check them out once I'm done my REQUIRED reading for my summer course ;) > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > starcraft ii announced, thoughts?

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