I am fairly new to Home Cinema and I hope someone can help me. I have just bought a (fairly cheap) home cinema system (samsung htp10) that has a Progressive scan output facility (the reason I bought it).
I have hooked it up to a Sanyo PLV Z1 however this is where the problems start. If if use Auto on the projectors video input it comes up with a wierd looking picture (like a negative). I can however select from the menu various formats, for example 1080i, 1035i, 720p, 575p, 480p, 575i and 480i. Of the available formats only 1080i, 1035i and 575p give good pictures, the other formats give pictures but are "wierd" sizes on the screen.
Whilst the pictures on 1080i, 1035i and 575p are good I can't get them to fill my screen. I have a 16:9 screen and I can't stand the black bars. To me if I have a screen (no matter what size) it should be filled. Reading all the blurb the i's stand for interlaced and the p for Progressive. I can't see the difference in quality between i or p formats. Another question arises from this however surely when I select the Progressive scan output from the DVD player that I should only be able to look at the p video formats, so why can I see i formats?
I have the projector and DVD player connected by component cable, and I have not yet tried this but if I use the normal out mode of the DVD player do you think I would be able to see a picture?, even though I am connected to the Progressive scan output by component cable (maybe I should just try this myself!!!).