[b]NEED HELP!!!! Hello all....I'm sort of new to the Xbox FTP scene, and here's the problem that I've just encountered.
When I connect to Flash FXP, I no longer see the 7 folders on the left hand side containing all of the Xbox's info. I only get the blue arrow pointing up that says " Parent or Parental Directory ". Is there something wrong with my xbox, or my Flash FXP??? I'm only on day 5 on the trial period. Can someone help a poor old newbie out??? Any info will be greatly appreciated...thank you!!!
Had the same problem, what you want to do is download the "cracked" full version of fxp I can't tell you where, also try core lite FTP, also can't tell you where. Make sure static is on, ip addresses, etc..... Hope this helps, if not PM me I'll give you the low-down.
personally i would skip both of the above and get WS_FTP Pro from a torrent site and use it. (yes it is a pay program so you know what to do). It works great and faster than FlashFXP.
Is the program telling you that it has made the connection?
Have you pressed the blue arrow to see if the folders drop down from within the parent directory?