A softmodded Xbox will pretty much do anything that an Xbox with a modchip will. Certain things are a little harder though. Like putting in a new, larger hard drive. Or recovering from corrupt files.
When you softmod do not make the same mistake as soooooooo many other people do. The very first thing you should do is make a back up of your EEPROM file using something like Slayer 2.7 or AID 3.1 (Auto Installer Deluxe). Then set up an FTP connection and FTP a COPY of the EEPROM file to your PC and keep it safely stored there. If you ever have a problem, as long as you have the EEPROM file stored on your PC you can easily rebuild your hard drive, or build a new hard drive for your Xbox. Without the EEPROM file the process is a real pain. Some people have been known to back up the entire drive on their PC since it is really not that big, The whole drive even if completly full is only 8 or 10GB