I know wii's are finicky about discs, but can is this a possible scenario? I downloaded mario party 8 as an iso, burned it using philips DVDR- and it worked perfect. Just got my LG DVD ROM drive today, stuck it in a 5.25 external case hooked it up to my laptop,put in zelda, dumped the img ( was perfect size by the way) burned it using the same media, popped it in the wii, it shows the game but once i hit start, it gives me a disc error. Could it really be the media even tho it worked on another game?
yes it could be, last week i tried the same thing with Mortal kombat and Mario Party 8, Mortal kombat worked fine, but the Mario Party 8 did the same thing you just mentioned, Threw out the disc that was Memorex and got my TDK's out re-burned worked perfectly
wow, i knew the wii was picky about discs, but not THIS picky. I just ordered some Taiyo Yudens , heard these were the best so I 'll give these a try. thanks for the help
im sure you tried this but when i backed up my copy of mary party 8 i put it in and it didnt work but then i put it in again and it worked fine so just because the game doesnt work the first time you might want to try it a few times after that... just a thought
Yea I have a wiikey. NTSC wii. already used the setup disc, slowed the drive down to 3x. i just think its wierd that philips DVDR disc worked on one game but not the next??? o well have to wait on my YUDENS to arrive.
i actually slowed it down, cause when i first got the chip installed and brought it home, the thing was making noise like it was going to explode. so I slowed it down and it still makes a lil humming sound, but no where near what it was making before. at 6x i could literally hear the thing from across the room
Just thought that some may find this information useful.
I just recieved my Yudens, and burned the same file of zelda that I used for the Philips DVDR, and it worked perfect on the YUDEN. So I guess you just gotta find the right media for your wii. thanks to everyone who contributed.