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Damn Small Linux - The Manual?
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12. June 2007 @ 15:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi I was trying to find a manual for DSL so I can learn the basics and how to navigate and maybe a little bash too.
It seems the manual doesn't come out until August 17th, 2007.
Is there another book (for a similar distro) that I can read to get the gist of it, I am used to the windows environment.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. June 2007 @ 05:47

12. June 2007 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I just found this...

which is exactly what I am looking for.

But if anybody else has any suggestions, please reply.
Senior Member
12. June 2007 @ 19:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that book looks good and would probably tell you most of what you want to know. but if you are new to linux i would also suggest getting a regular distribution like debian and playing around with it. linux is not very hard to learn to use. all you have to do is mess around with it until you learn how to use it. dsl is great on old computers but it is a little outdated.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
12. June 2007 @ 19:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes that book looks good, and also the tutorials on the CD.
anyway i have a few really quick questions if someone has a minute to answer:

1)Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces?

2)Why is there 4 separated workspaces, just to make it easier when you have a bunch of windows open?

3)On the bottom right of the screen, there is an embedded box that has two long buttons on the bottom, one for choosing the storage device and one for choosing whether to mount it or unmount it...I understand that.
But what is the buttons on the top of that--"dMix" and one that just has an "M" and then above that there's a number 64 and to the right, theres a slider bar. I have no idea what all that is for.
Senior Member
12. June 2007 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im not sure if there is a shortcut for going inbetween workdpaces but there is for switching windows alt tab. there are four workspaces just because they are fun on a 3d desktop
im not sure about your last question so you should click on it and play with it a little. nothing is going to get screwed up by playing with the slider so just see what it does by clicking it.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
13. June 2007 @ 03:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah the 3D looks cool (Beryl), but Damn Small Linux doesnt have that (as far as I know). It must suck up a lot resources to make effects like that?

Um...I am not one to be hesitant about messing around with buttons and sliders, and that was the first thing I did, but it didn't change anything that I could notice.
13. June 2007 @ 04:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dsl is kinda out dated compared to many other distros...just get one of the mainstream distros like opensuse or fedora

[bold]made w/ Gimp 2.0 mutha sucka!
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2007 @ 08:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DSL is fun. I can run the Emu off my pendrive at school xD

Linux distor under about 3mbs or sumin stupid.

13. June 2007 @ 16:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There is a lot of other programs and utilities I use with windows that I dont know how to replace yet with Linux versions.
For example, media players, cd burners, torrent programs, all the design software I use, Photoshop, etc., all these things are readily available for Windows, but I dont know where to find them for Linux.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. June 2007 @ 05:51

Senior Member
13. June 2007 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
for mail program use thunderbird, media player amarok, torrent, bittorent. i dont know about the other programs but ther are replacements for them out there.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
13. June 2007 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
15. June 2007 @ 22:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can also try for some tutorials they worked for me. I now have a basic understanding of what to do.

Remember no matter how much you know someone else knows more than you do!
Fav Quote "Con is the opposite of Pro so CONgress must be the opposite of PROgress!!!!"

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. June 2007 @ 22:03

16. June 2007 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks. is there any video tutorials that you know of?
19. June 2007 @ 01:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'd be wary of dual booting with DSL Linux. It's a great distribution but it's corrupted Windows on 3 different machines for me (on dual boot AND triple boot machines). On an old machine on it's own, it's a real nice distribution . As to a manual for it, install & setup are nicely described on the readme screen on the DSL website & Forums. I ditched it in the end due to the hassle trying to get wireless working when other distributions are dead easy to get wireless working, such as Mandriva (my favourite) and PCLinuxOS 2007

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
Suspended permanently
19. June 2007 @ 02:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Video tutorials? What the f*** is wrong with you people?. If you are too stupid to read then linux is not what you should be doing. Windows is the place for video tutorials and blindly following what somebody else has done. Linux is about reading, learning and working things out for yourself.

let me explain a few things. When you install windows you get just that.. Windows..The same sh*t everybody else has, with everything installed in the same places in the same way.
Then there is linux.. Just because it says linux on the tin doesn't mean it does the same stuff. There is bloated top heavy stuff full of bling (sabayon suse fedora). Then there are the normal ones.. a big heap of em. mandriva, debian, slackware, pclinux etc. etc. etc.
You have the live cd distributions.. no install needed, but most can be installed if you choose. In these are the "full" ones and the "minimal" ones, ranging from a full dvd (sabayon, suse-live) to 28MB (feather). There are releases for security, recovery, firewalls, servers.. in fact.. if you can think of a use for a computer there is a version of linux for doing just that. The smallest flavour of linux runs from 1.. yes ONE floppy and works out at 1.7MB.

The small.. i.e.. minimal linux distros are developed for a need and a niche. Most are not really suitable for everyday use. Because they are small they have things missing.. usually drivers and other core essentials. And why shouldn't they? They are not made for the kind of use people want to always put them to.. It's like installing dos and expecting to be able to run microsoft visio.. never in a million years heh?

Now to DSL. I posted elsewhere on the net last week about just this issue. DSL has it's uses.. It is designed to run on ancient hardware, and as such has a long release cycle, support is poor to patchy. It's main uses? Testing old hardware and as a live disk for booting hardware which has got into trouble. As a main use it is too old. Strewth.. the kernel is from debian woody and all the other things in it are archaic. It now stands about 4 debian releases back. I'm in no way dissing DSL.. It's great, but in it's place. NOT as a main OS

What you should be doing?.. Reading up.. checking what hardware you have and seeing which linux works well with it. Forget the "minimal" versions.. they will NOT be good for your intended use.. not for a long time after you make the switch and have learned enough to MAKE them do what you want them to.
Large mainstream distribution is the way to go.. people are writing software and developing/fixing things for them all the time

Unhelpful? Hell yes.. you are asking stupid questions in the wrong place. You should be reading the forums and pages for the distro you are interested in, and other sites which deal with hardware issues of a more general nature.. not blindly and unthinkingly posting retarded and/or lazy sh*t in the hope of being spoonfed. It won't happen. You will get either shouted at (like I just did) or laughed at.. which I'm going to do as soon as I finish typing.

Now to answer your question about linux software for your needs (read the dependencies carefully, and check that you have what you need BEFORE installing things.. linux doesn't often check.

deadlove >> a class 1 asshole, linux user, with an attitude not uncommon in the open source community. Help comes to those who try to help themselves, get stuck and ask SENSIBLE questions.
F*** YEAH!

Greets to creaky and the rest of the AD linux community..

19. June 2007 @ 02:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks deadlove. You were actually very helpful with the information you provided in between the name-calling rants.

But I understand that you are very passionate and so you feel it's justified to feel superior, get pissed off, and insult other ppl who are trying to learn what you already know. Or maybe you just enjoy doing it as a release from a constant feeling of lack of self-worth and a hounding inferiority.

There's many different ways of learning and I dont think video tutorials are a shortcut or cheating. Some ppl just learn better visually. I am a graphic designer so I am visually oriented.

Its always amazing to me to see how so many brilliant ppl can display such a lack of maturity and act like three year olds, emotionally, its actually embarassing and disappointing at the same time.

I think this is the reason why the really intelligent ppl don't run things in the world. Because they always seem to have gigantically inflamed egos and act like screaming three year olds.

But I thank you for your help and I will ignore your temper tantrum.
AfterDawn Addict
19. June 2007 @ 06:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DharmE, you don't know the half of it. Keep your smartass comments to yourself.

If you knew a hundredth of what deadlove knows about Linux then you wouldn't be in this situation, so a little less cheek might by adviseable seeing as [they] bothered to help you.

Hi deadlove :)

Senior Member
19. June 2007 @ 09:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DharmE you will not find any video tutorials for linux so you should do what deadlove suggested, read. here is a great place to start reading

deadlove, welcome to aD

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
Suspended permanently
19. June 2007 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
heh heh heh.. Lack of maturity ;-) Wanna try some of the high end gentoo forums?

Hi lads. No need for welcomes kj.. we know each other well .

Senior Member
19. June 2007 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
janrocks is that you? i was wondering what happend to you. i saw one of your posts and it said suspended permanently. welcome back then

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
Suspended permanently
19. June 2007 @ 19:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi.. I roam and I read, and sometimes the total stupidity forces me to comment.. It's not going to be a regular thing. I'm pretty much finished with this place, and have been for a long time.
I kept this account on to keep up with some of the music things. Don't expect me to be anything like a regular.. I don't want it any more ;-)

24. June 2007 @ 05:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
deadlove, guys should really get together in the real world so that you can stroke each others heads and admire how large they are.
And maybe that will fill the emptiness inside and you won't feel so pissed off all the time.
Good luck. And don't worry, deadlove will bring the k-y.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. June 2007 @ 05:55

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