I have been using DataWrite Yellow DVD-R 8x media for quite some time on my Lite-On SOHW-1633S and it worked perfectly, but lately I've been using a brand new box of the same media which burns pefectly but seems to have data errors in the burn causing AVI movies to stall while playing on my MPEG4 DVD Player...
Any ideas what is causing this ??
I have used both Nero and ImgBurn and both result in the same effect...
It can't be the AVI files as I recode each and every one I download to a different size/format for my mpeg4 dvd player...
My burner is using the latest BS0Y firmware... Works fine with my Panasonic DVD's but my DataWrite just seems to be weird when it used to work perfectly also...
the trouble with 'brands' such as Datawrite is that you don't always get the same manufacturer's discs each time you buy. For example, Datawrite 8x Yellow 8x -R use discs coded as 'CMC MAG. AE1' & 'TTG02' ie discs made by 2 completely different companies. Could be that your burner doesn't like or can't correctly identify one of the 2 types of discs..