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Bought WiiKey, Need advice
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20. June 2007 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey all, need some advice on a "situation" I'm having, here is the scoop.

Have a first gen Wii bought a WiiKey for it and somehow took all the solder off point #5 on the mobo (I swear modding the xbox was a lot easier...). Wii still played originals, so I thought screw it and went to an installer, about a 30 min drive and $80 out of my pocket for the install. The guy used a dremel on the drive chip, and did the second gen Wii mod install (wire method, where you solder 3 wires to the chip itself where the legs were cut) and the other 3 to the mobo solder points. We plugged it in, did't booted backups, he redid the solder job, it booted backups. I took it home, it stopped booting backups. I opened it, fiddled with some wires, it booted backups. Opened it again to use electric tape on the wires to fix them in place just in stopped booting backups. At this point I can't get it to work, and it looks like the solder job is okay, although the 3 wires in the chip might be bridged...too damn small to tell.

I need some advice. The installer's work is guaranteed, so I can drive down there and he can fix it. I asked if I could bring another Wii to solder the chip to, he said he'd do that for free as well. He says he should be able to fix the problem now, he would just try taking the two wires that don't need to be put on the chip legs and put them on the mobo solder points, only leaving the one wire on the chip leg who's mobo solder point I ruined.

I've heard stories about people "bumping" their Wii and the mod chip stopped working. I don't want this to happen to me and want a good soldering job (which may not be possible now...I don't know much about this stuff). Should I have him fix the Wii I have now? Should I get another one and just take the WiiKey off the old one, put it on the new one with a nice solder job and sell my old Wii (he can do first and second gen)? What do you guys think? Anything I said above that you want to comment on?
20. June 2007 @ 16:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can easily check the connections to the Wii board using a multimeter set to the Ohm with speaker output setting. Usually, this is the setting on the multimeter that looks like a radio wave propogation through air. Set the meter to this setting, and test the wire leads and IC legs to see if the connection is properly made to its correct points. You can also check to see if two wires may be causing a short with this setting. Your install tech should have a multimeter and can easily check this. If solder has made a connection, it does not break down, then magically reconnect itself. It either works, or it doesn't. It really doesn't matter how you solder the chip in, as long as it makes a clean connection to the right points, thats all that matters.
21. June 2007 @ 08:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for the reply beetle,

this is what happened yesterday,

I want to the install guy, he redid the wires that were close together. We tested it before he assembled the Wii (on MY homemade backup), it booted backups. Then we tested it after he assembled the Wii on the same backup disk and it worked fine as well. When I got home and set the Wii up it booted the same backup.

I proceeded to make some food for about an hour then came back to the Wii, ejected the disk, turned the Wii on, put the disk back in, and it didn't work!!!

I know a bit about hardward, and I am going to get a multimeter and test the connections but this just boggles me! HOW is that even possible? Just like beetle said it either works, or it doesn't...UGH.

Has anyone ever encountered this before or knows what is going on here or has any advice? Thanks in advance!
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21. June 2007 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Happened to me night before it was working next day it wasn't. I removed and reattached my solder and then I really screwed it up LOL. Now I have a new wii with a new chip professionally installed and no probs.
21. June 2007 @ 10:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah, it would be nice to know what the problem is really...I have no idea if the wiikey is faulty, or the soldering job is bad, or my wii is messed up somehow... > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > bought wiikey, need advice

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