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Need halp in copying halo 2 to hardrive
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24. June 2007 @ 16:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK, well i have a modded map, know how to FTP, have a modded xbox, now im trying to get Halo 2 onto my Xbox hardrive. Now i found an online Tut but i has a step i can find at one point it says to click on "Games" in the E file after FTP but i do hove that! so i tried putting the folder with all the files i need just under E but that didnt work...... so im outta ideas, and also i tried playing a mulitplyer game and the map never loads it just says waiting for player to load the map! i tried it with the modded map and the non-modded maps! please help me

25. June 2007 @ 10:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just use your FTP proggy to make the games folder
30. June 2007 @ 07:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have a few could...

1) Use an application such as DVD2XBOX.
2) Copy the files you want using XBMC or such.
3) FTP to the Xbox, copy from the "D" partition to the "E" or preferred partition.

Number 1 is easy. You FTP DVD2XBOX to your apps folder, then when you are in your dashboard load up DVD2XBOX, pop in Halo 2, then it will save it to your Games folder.

I personally go with number 2. Using the file manager built into XBMC you can copy stuff you want from the "D" partition to your preferred partition. I stopped using DVD2XBOX because it doesn't let me select anything but the entire game, and many times that's a gynormous amount of space. DVD2XBOX is also meant if you are running Evox or another dash board of that type...I boot straight to XBMC.

number 3 is a little bit different, it allows you to do what you would do in the XBMC method. FTP to your xbox and open up the "D" partition (your dvd drive), then go to your xbox a second time and open up to your partition containing the folder where you want to save your game. Then select the files in the "D" partition folder that you want and copy them over to the games folder that you have selected.

There might be other ways, but im pretty sure that those are the most basic ways to do it...hope that helps!

EDIT: If you need a games folder simply FTP to your partiton of choice (probably E or F) and create a games folder.

"Give them nothing...but take from them...Everything!"

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. June 2007 @ 07:57 > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > need halp in copying halo 2 to hardrive

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