Which Linux Is For Me?
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7. July 2007 @ 00:00 |
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Ok, so here's my laptop specs:
AMD Turion 64 X2 1.61 GHz Processor
NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 Video Card
I use my computer to:
Listen to music
Manage my iPod
Manage my websites
Video games
What Linux would be for me? I was looking into Xandros, but how good is that? Maybe something with a Windows-based format? Any suggestions highly appreciated.
P.S. I am looking to dual boot XP Home and the Linux I install.
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7. July 2007 @ 02:11 |
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Oh man, this question is broad. Linux has so many distro's its crazy. If you are new to Linux, then i recommend Ubuntu. It is easy yo use and very good to learn on. As a matter of fact it is becoming so popular, Dell is starting to give it as an option OS when buying a computer. Cool Huh? This is my recommendation. if you google search ubuntu, their main page will come up first thing. They have a great community support and have answers to almost all questions.
Hey good luck!!!
The Unknown
Broken Signal
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7. July 2007 @ 02:15 |
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oh yeah I forgot, http://www.ubuntu.com is the main web page and where you can download the latest version. If you have Kids and want to protect them from the internet get a program called dans guardian. you can block all the bad sites and protect your loved ones. Also read up on Virtual PC, this option allows you to run a operating system within another. How cool is that. also for Linux, check out a program called "Wine"this is a new proggy (meaning it is prolly buggy and does not always work right) it allows you to run some windows programs in Linux...
Good Luck
The Unknown.
Broken Signal
7. July 2007 @ 05:54 |
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if you do do a dual boot, install linux on another hdd, it'll save you alot of hassle...believe me
for music and ipod (through plug ins) support, i suggest:
for kde = amarok (a no brainer)
for gnome = exaile!
also look into songbird, but be warned its in its beta stages
[bold]made w/ Gimp 2.0 mutha sucka!
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Suspended permanently
8. July 2007 @ 14:01 |
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Thanks for the replies. I will most likely go with Ubuntu, cause I've heard so many good things about it. Is Xandros any good?
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8. July 2007 @ 16:06 |
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I've been running linux/unix for years and never met anybody using xandros.. I think that says it all.
8. July 2007 @ 18:37 |
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xandros is window's linux bitch
[bold]made w/ Gimp 2.0 mutha sucka!
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8. July 2007 @ 19:08 |
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LOL Okay thanks for the help all.
11. July 2007 @ 01:38 |
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I would like to see a "hardware" distro search tool of some sort... to see what distro's best supported your hardware. That would be great!
Free Grooverider!!!!
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11. July 2007 @ 08:58 |
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How do I do that?
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11. July 2007 @ 16:50 |
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@ Skitzy.. I assume that's why all the distros have FAQ's, wikis and forums attached to the homepages.
As long as your hardware is pretty standard, and not too old or cutting edge/obscure linux support is generally better than windows.
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11. July 2007 @ 17:20 |
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I still have all the stock hardware that it came with and no additions.
12. July 2007 @ 11:48 |
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right.. I know you can check each individually.. just wish there was something like a wiki for my laptop that stated all the supported distro's.. that would be great..
kinda like a "speed dial' for distro sampling..
Free Grooverider!!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. July 2007 @ 11:48
24. July 2007 @ 08:18 |
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Let us know when you have it finished then skitzy :-)
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 09:38 |
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bumb :)
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 09:38 |
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bumb :)
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 09:42 |
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bumb :)
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 09:42 |
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bumb :)
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
19. November 2007 @ 10:27 |
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Originally posted by arcder23: bumb :)
i'd advice knocking that off..
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
Junior Member
21. November 2007 @ 20:38 |
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Originally posted by creaky: Originally posted by arcder23: bumb :)
i'd advice knocking that off..
sry my bad.. friend when on my acc..
it all depends on what u whana do suSE is like windows vista(i use it) ubuntu and kubuntu is for new users to linux
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
2. December 2007 @ 05:09 |
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Well, I don't really like ubuntu nor Gnome. I use sabayon linux which is an unstable branch of Gentoo. It has the same emerge system as Gentoo and comes with a million apps to do whatever you want. I don't like ubuntu because I think it is becoming the next windows. Everyone has ubuntu just because they are popular. If you insist on a Debian based distro(like ubuntu) why don't you use Debian? Anyway, I believe that when everyone uses an OS, this does not mean it is the best.
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2. December 2007 @ 05:42 |
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true.. Sabayon is very good IF you have very good hardware and time to wait for things to install..
The largest user base (regardless of what the ubuntu people say) seems to be debian (38% of all hardware registered on the linux counter project is running deb ;-)
It really comes down to 3 type choices..
debian based (apt)
redhat/fedora (rpm)
gentoo (emerge/build from source)
With a few outsiders like slackware and the minimal systems..
Don't forget the real unix setups either.. I know people who love BSD and even a couple on QNX!!
I ran FreeBSD for a while, but you need a masters degree in patience if you want to do any multimedia editing/converting/burning with it.
There you have it.. Look at what you want to do with your system, and then read up on whether it's a problem or not... Debian has issues.. stability is a major headache with etch at the moment (which for a "stable" release really isn't good enough) and some bugs that have been around for ages and ages still haven't been fixed. It seems that every update breaks something else
The distro that is on the up is pclinux.. That is what I would suggest people have a try of unless they already have a dislike of rpm based setups.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. December 2007 @ 05:43
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25. December 2007 @ 15:13 |
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25. December 2007 @ 22:06 |
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hahaha.. I went through that test 5 times answering differently... every time it gave me ubuntu/kubuntu. I have used both but still have the dislike of the sudo always administrator nonsense. If you try to take it out lots of things break.. permissions seem screwy.
Skitzy .. is this what people were after? http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/index.php
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. December 2007 @ 19:36
7. February 2008 @ 20:58 |
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I have just installed Debian 4.0 and i like it alot. Its easy to use (once you get used to it) and its very simple to install (as long as ur olny running one OS from ur HDD).