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Why is there a war format ??
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12. July 2007 @ 11:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone tell me why people are buying blu-ray and playstation 3 where there is another format much cheaper ? Ohh god i hate sony.
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12. July 2007 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think its because the PS3 is a game console that can play BluRay where as for HD DVD you just get a HD-DVD player and not a game console. The Bluray also supports 1080p where as HD DVD doesnt (99% sure).

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12. July 2007 @ 12:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by core2kid:
The Bluray also supports 1080p where as HD DVD doesnt (99% sure).
The Toshiba HD-A20 and HD-XA2 HD DVD players support 1080p output thru HDMI.

The XBox 360 HD DVD Add-On will output 1080p on the Elite also thru HDMI.
12. July 2007 @ 12:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah i know....what i dont know is why people are stupid and suporting blu-ray
AfterDawn Addict

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12. July 2007 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 360 HD DVD addon is $150. The PS3 is out of the box blu-ray movie ready.
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12. July 2007 @ 12:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mattkind:
Yeah i know....what i dont know is why people are stupid and suporting blu-ray
They're not stupid. They just see movies that are available on BluRay that are not available on HD DVD - Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2, Casino Royale, Ghost Rider, Night at the Museum, Apocalypto, Bridge to Terabithia, a few Disney animations, etc. There are just going to be movies that will be available on one format and not on the other.

The general consensus is that both formats will likely stay on for a while and most HD enthusiasts will opt to have both formats to cover all bases. Combo players that play both will also likely play a part in the future. I have both (Toshiba HD-XA2 and PS3) and I'm enjoying great HD from both camps.

The good thing about the format war is that hardware prices are falling at a very rapid rate.
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12. July 2007 @ 13:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
We have a format war because two of the worlds largest electronics and marketing firms can't agree on how much money they should get for there contributions to a movie format. They both want all the money (or at least more than the other).

They decided to call it a war but all it is is cleaver marketing. I hate both companies (Toshiba and Sony) for doing things this way even though I side with HD DVD because they have better hardware and software.

But for the average Joe this all about what and how many movies, that they like, are coming out on which format.

Its all BS really. There is a group alleging that this kind of action is illegal...


12. July 2007 @ 14:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So eatsushi , you like buying two formats of movies and let just say Blu-ray wins...what are you gonna do with all your HD-DVDs....its money down the drain !....for me right now i cant buy HDmovies cos im not rich that one day i know one of them is not gonna be avialable
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12. July 2007 @ 14:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I also own and buy both formats. I don't know about eatsushi but I personally don't care if one or the other wins. I just hope they keep releasing the movies I want to watch and that they keep the prices of hardware falling.

If BluRay wins then my HD DVD collection is not money down the drain. It's worth every penny I paid for it since it's the best video and audio available to the consumer right now. The same applies if HD DVD wins.

What matters to me is that I can enjoy the best audio and video available right now. If a new format comes along in 5 to 10 years then you can bet I'll be one of the first in line to try the new stuff.

Panasonic PT-AE3000 1080p Projector//Carada 110" Criterion High Contrast Grey 16:9 Screen//Oppo BDP-83SE//Toshiba HD-XA2
Classe SSP800 Processor//Classe CA-5200 5 Channel Amplifier//Classe CA-2200 2 Channel Amplifier
Bowers & Wilkins 802D L-R/HTM 1D Center/SCMS Surrounds/JL Audio Fathom f113 x 2
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15. July 2007 @ 10:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why is everybody so scared about a format losing? What if the PS3 tanks? Play station fans will still play its games and their will still be two completely incompatible video game formats available. Why can some people buy every video games system that comes out but other cringe at the idea of two movie formats.

I like whats going on. Its changing the face of movies. Now studios and hardware vendors have to get there acts together and make good products or risk being push to the side completely. Just think about how slowly the DVD format matured. IF there was just one format just think about how high the equipment prices would be and the lack of interactive software. Change is good.

My 2cents,

15. July 2007 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dont agree with you . I like HD-DVD better , but to see Casino Royale ( for example ) i hv to buy ps3 because thats the cheapest blu- ray player. I dont like the idea that im buying an HD-DVD movie ( i hv 2 work 8 hrs to buy 1 movie lol ) and maybe in 2 yrs , blu-ray wins !
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15. July 2007 @ 11:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by diabolos:
We have a format war because two of the worlds largest electronics and marketing firms can't agree on how much money they should get for there contributions to a movie format. They both want all the money (or at least more than the other).

Just to add some perspective and history to this, when DVD was being developed there were 2 competing groups. The reason for this was that Sony and Phillips wanted every possible CD related patent used because they own pretty much all of them. The other, led by Matsushita (Panasonic), wanted to start over with new patents that they and their partners would own; putting them in the position Phillips, and especially their chief competitor Sony, were in with respect to CDs. In the end, Matsushita won and managed to end up with the largest number of DVD patents with Sony and Pioneer (the leader in laserdisc players) having slightly fewer, and Toshiba, Phillips, and Mitsubishi each having about half as many.

When blue laser systems were being developed Sony partnered with Matsushita. In January I happened to run into Matsushita's regional sales manager for half of Canada in the Denver airport, and according to him no one was more surprised by the partnership than Matsushita. IMO this was clearly all about patents and had nothing to do with technology. In particular, it put both companies up against Korean electronics giant Toshiba. Given that Toshiba and more recently Oppo and LG have been the driving forces behind a shift from Japanese electronics dominance to Korean, an alliance between the two companies in a futile, but increasingly familiar, attempt for big corporations to change reality through business deals isn't surprising in retrospect. And let's not forget Microsoft's patent interest as part of the patent pool for VC-1 or Time/Warner's patent for a single disc that could contain a Blu-ray layer and an HD DVD layer.

In the end it's all about a huge mess of patents. As far as I'm concerned the best thing for everyone would be the failure of both formats in favor of players that simply have a couple of generic containers and a list of compatible standards including MPEG-2, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-4 AVC, and VC1. This would create a generic format that could simply be extended in the future the same way CD technology was for better than a decade. It's possible one or the other will win, but even if that happens I'd expect the more generic scenario to play out within the next decade, probably being developed by a consortium of Chinese companies that can deliver products at reasonable prices because they actually have a viable product to make money off of that amounts to more than a cool idea.

Rich Fiscus
@Vurbal on Twitter
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16. July 2007 @ 00:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why not support blu-ray?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. July 2007 @ 17:34

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16. July 2007 @ 04:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Quite frankly I won't support any format that's designed to make it impossible for me to put movies on my HTPC - at least not as long as there's a possibility that the DRM will work. Blu-ray's DRM is potentially much stronger than HD DVD.

Given the lossless audio compression available, either format would also be the top candidate for the next generation audio format as well. How many people do you suppose there are who want audio that can't be encoded to MP3 or copied to a computer? Not me, that's for sure.

Backing the winner is fine, except that in this case they're all a bunch of losers.

Rich Fiscus
@Vurbal on Twitter
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16. July 2007 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
People are taking this Format stuff to personal its a business both company's are trying to make money period.Because HD-DVD is cheaper don't mean its better or vice versa.I heard every argument from both side about why this or that better.I support Blu-Ray but in my personal opinion both format are so close to the viewing who really cares.The one reason i support Blu-Ray because they have all the major movie studios but 1.I don't like being told that i can't watch a movie on a system i paid hard earn money on so why not support Blu-Ray because once Universal goes format neutral this so call War will be over.We need to spend more time enjoying the product then argue who is Better because both format are good in the own way.

But to answer you question its about..........Money plain & simple.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. July 2007 @ 11:45


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16. July 2007 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Read it on yahoo! news today....PS3 60gb being discontinued. If Sony is selling so much of these consoles why are they being "clearanced" like? Is this the beginning of the end for Blu-Ray?

Sony KDL46XBR2, Moto DCT 3416 I
Sony KDL32XBR6, Moto DCH 3416
Tosh HD-XA2, Pannie BD55
P4 3.4ghz, 320gb HD (160x2, RAID 0)
Blood Type - O pos
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17. July 2007 @ 04:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That model is being replaced with a model that uses the cheaper hardware they've been selling in Europe.

Rich Fiscus
@Vurbal on Twitter
AfterDawn Staff Writer
2. August 2007 @ 15:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cheezzzz:
Read it on yahoo! news today....PS3 60gb being discontinued. If Sony is selling so much of these consoles why are they being "clearanced" like? Is this the beginning of the end for Blu-Ray?
Because their coming out with a 90 Gig Hardrive ..Blue-Ray will win since blockbuster has landed the biggest blow yet..30 percent increase in sales this quarter with Blockbuster with people doing the online thing..Its the way to go..
AfterDawn Addict

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2. August 2007 @ 18:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by wjlowe111:
Originally posted by cheezzzz:
Read it on yahoo! news today....PS3 60gb being discontinued. If Sony is selling so much of these consoles why are they being "clearanced" like? Is this the beginning of the end for Blu-Ray?
Because their coming out with a 90 Gig Hardrive ..Blue-Ray will win since blockbuster has landed the biggest blow yet..30 percent increase in sales this quarter with Blockbuster with people doing the online thing..Its the way to go..

80GB hard drive, not 90GB.
3. August 2007 @ 02:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats what the Gamestop store guy told me..Thats all I can go bye..
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3. August 2007 @ 07:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
IN the end whichever Format or Formats That the Adult film industry Chooses and uses will probably Win ? That's pretty much killed the Betamax a technically Better format But The Adult Film industry Went with VHS and the rest is history! also VHs had longer playing/record Times ! Like the others said it's all about The 3 P's Power Patents & Prestige !!!!!!! Whoever has the Patents for the Dominant Format makes Loads of Money in licensing fee's from the other Mfrs.

FeetZ Up ! Head Down !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. August 2007 @ 07:01

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13. August 2007 @ 02:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
like diabolos said, I think it's great we have format war. Just last year the hd-dvd player was $600. Now it's $300. Blu ray is $450 20gb ps3. Each company is working their ass off so they can win. Hd-DVD has great online content. If one of the company sells player for $100 than we'll have a winner.
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13. August 2007 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok people the porn industry doesn't have the power it use to. The problem is that most of the porn industry isn't ready for HD and some fans see it as a bad thing since a lot of there stars don't look as god/goddess-like in HD.

Plus the companies that are racing to get enough HD content to sell have already picked HD DVD as it is cheaper (single layer anyway) and the interactive features are already in place. The only problem is that there is nothing stopping the porn company from using the Blu-Ray format or both formats. Beta's flaw (or Sony's bad decision) was that Sony would not license the technology to adult entertainment companies (or other manufactures). VHS (or JVC) didn't care who used their technology.

ars technica:

The NY Times:

But all of this is meaningless because the difference is that all of Hollywood isn't format neutral so the battle is now for mainstream movie support. They (Sony, Toshiba, and Hollywood) designed the market this way. Its genius really. Nobody is making the same mistakes twice.


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13. August 2007 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
porn is not going to have big impact on the format war. Beta vs vhs was different story. It was the only way to watch porn. Now these days almost every one use internet. But porn companies did choose hd-dvd since it's cheaper.

I hope that we don't end up using both format, like those LG HD-DVD/Blu-ray player. That would be annoying.
14. August 2007 @ 23:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It?s because Sony has yet to win a format war and steals the HD-DVD technology idea from another company and say?s ?we invented Blu-ray? although there both technically the same thing DVD?s that have high capacity and read through a Blue laser instead of red.

Don't for get SONY wanted and still would like UMD to be the Standard but that is a failed format, and Minidisk and BETA MAX omg the list goes on.

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