I know that it is 8GB, but what is its size after you format it? Along with that, what is its size usually after you softmod it?
I have it softmodded with evox dashboard in both C and E (I don't remember how that happened).
The reason why I want to know this is because I don't want to screw up transferring emulators and backups to the HDD. I'm not sure if it is like a PC harddrive which tells you that it won't fit. I'm using FlashFXP and it doesn't say the amount of space remaining.
My x,y,z, partitions have a size of 798mb each. Those are the partitions the xbox downloads and loads game data. If the partitions are any smaller, wouldn't it affect loading times since it would need to clear those partitions when it got full in order to introduce more data when the game required it for example halo 2.