Hello members, well it looks like my sony dru 710a been running into a bit of no reads.I've done the lens cleaning and firmware updated.I was thinking about getting a plextor,i read there suppose to be the best.I see there a bit pricey,but the job right.Can anyone help me with a particular model, px 810a?, px 760a? i would like the particular model that could read the dvd's the best, uneven surfaces,scratches etc.your help is greatly appreciated,thank you.
Happened to me also(today or yesterday)..what a ba$tard of a thing to happen!
I wonder what ACTUALLY happens as it's never happened before. Are my BA$TARD servers to blame? This is the second time in two/three years they have made a move.
Plextor is by many accounts a good brand. A bit pricey, but non the less worth it. As for specific Models then let you budget decide....
@Jack...nice one even though you started THAT thread. Don't 'spose you've settled (buried) the diff or the AXE with ABC since?