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Help with a Surround Sound system and TV!!!
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Senior Member
1. August 2007 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, I've got an LG LCD TV, a Sony DVD player, and I just bought a Kenwood Surround sound kit.

I can get the surround sound with the optical cable going to either my 360 or my DVD player, but how do I get it for my regular TV and the XBOX that is connected to that TV?

Do I have to use component cables? I tried using a set of those old red and white plugs, but no luck.

Senior Member
1. August 2007 @ 07:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but how do I get it for my regular TV and the XBOX that is connected to that TV?

For 5.1 surround from tv, you must have a built in tuner with digital audio output, on back on tv. The new Hi Def tvs, with built in digital tuners, usually have an optical output. It will only work, in 5.1 surround, with tv channels that broadcast in 5.1 surround (HD channels). If no built in digital tuner, you'll need a cable/satellite box, with digital audio output (optical or digital coax). Then, the only channels in 5.1, will be HD, HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc. All SD channels will be in Dolby Pro Logic (simulated surround).

I'm not familiar with Xbox. I'm pretty sure though, from reading online, that it has a digital audio output. For surround from Xbox, the audio will need to go from Xbox, to the A/V receiver, while the video (component cables), goes from Xbox to A/V receiver (if it has component inputs and output), then out to tv. Or go straight from Xbox to tv, with component cables for video. You can't go from Xbox to tv, then out to A/V receiver, and get 5.1 surround.

I tried using a set of those old red and white plugs, but no luck.

The red and white composite cables, will only give you stereo, or Dolby Pro Logic..........not 5.1 surround.
Hope this helps. Good luck!

Senior Member
1. August 2007 @ 16:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, I actually want normal stereo sound for my TV and Xbox, not surround sound.

But see, the red and white cables wouldn't even give me that! Why is that so?
Senior Member
1. August 2007 @ 19:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can get the surround sound with the optical cable going to either my 360 or my DVD player, but how do I get it for my regular TV and the XBOX that is connected to that TV?

There is what you asked............ you asked plain as day,
but how do I get it for my regular TV and the XBOX that is connected to that TV?

Senior Member
1. August 2007 @ 22:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I know. Sorry for the confusion. It was late and I was tired and in a rush lol.

So what's the normal process for getting my speakers to play for my TV and the Xbox that is connected to it? By the way, my Tv doesn't have an in-built tuner, and I don't have an external one either.
Senior Member
2. August 2007 @ 07:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my Tv doesn't have an in-built tuner, and I don't have an external one either.

How do you watch tv? You've got to have an internal or external tuner, just to watch tv shows.

The red, white, and yellow cables should give you what you want. If you plug the Xbox, into the receiver's vcr red, white, and yellow inputs, you should be able to set the receiver on vcr, when playing the Xbox, and get your sound and picture. Of course, you'll have to set your tv's input, to whichever input you used there.

Senior Member
2. August 2007 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To watch Tv I plug a cord into the wall, which is to the antenna, I think.

You say the vcr? You don't mean a video recorder do you? Because I don't have one of those. Or do you mean the back of the amp?
Senior Member
4. August 2007 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After some fiddling, I got it to play the sound for the Xbox and the Tv through the speakers using the red and white cables, but the problem is it only outputs using 2 speakers.

Is there a way to have all 5 speakers work for it?
Senior Member
4. August 2007 @ 06:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Now, again you change?
Oh, I actually want normal stereo sound for my TV and Xbox, not surround sound.

Then, when I showed you that you asked for surround, you said:
Yeah, I know. Sorry for the confusion. It was late and I was tired and in a rush lol.

Now, you're back to asking:
but the problem is it only outputs using 2 speakers.
Is there a way to have all 5 speakers work for it?

You don't know what you want! It's hard to help someone that won't make up his mind what he wants.
I give up! I'm through with this thread...........

Senior Member
4. August 2007 @ 06:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry for being so confusing mate. I'll get help elsewhere.

Thanks for the advice you provided though.
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4. August 2007 @ 08:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If your 5 speakers are attached to the back of your television, its a good indication it has a built in tuner. If your 5 speakers are attached to a device other than your television, its a good indication you have an external tuner by way of an attached device. Change the mode on whatever device you use for your Audio output. go into setup and change the mode. ie Surround mode or 2D surround mode, Cinema, Hall etc etc. this is likely to solve your audio problem.
Senior Member
4. August 2007 @ 18:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If your 5 speakers are attached to the back of your television, its a good indication it has a built in tuner. If your 5 speakers are attached to a device other than your television, its a good indication you have an external tuner by way of an attached device. Change the mode on whatever device you use for your Audio output. go into setup and change the mode. ie Surround mode or 2D surround mode, Cinema, Hall etc etc. this is likely to solve your audio problem.
Yeah, it definitely doesn't have an in-built tuner. For my audio output, I use the Amplifier. I'll try and play with the settings you suggested.
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6. August 2007 @ 09:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I could be wrong, but It sound like you are using one of those surround system where you plug your dvd player and all your speakers directly in the back of your subwoofer if that is the case, my previous suggestion should solve your problem. additionally, look at your remote control to see if there's a " Test Tone " button, if there is, push the button and listen for a short tone to come out of your speakers one at a time. If you hear a tone only from the two speakers and not all the speakers, check your speaker connection. > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > help with a surround sound system and tv!!!

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