I had a good place to get PS2 games, but lost the email address. Anyway, where can I purchase games.
Please respond w/ good sites/prices.
The DMCA is a law that leaves up to many variations of interpretation.
It believes that you should not be able to make backups of your games, because you are circumventing the copyright protection that was placed there in the first place.
Others are proclaiming its fair use, so we should be able to make our own backups.
Most people around here say if you own the game, then a backup of it is fine.
One thing is messing with my brains:
If i buy a damn game, it turns my property, so , why the hell can´t i do what i feel like with what belongs to me?
Didn´t i pay for that?
If my car breaks down can´t i replace the damn parts without permission of the brand?
Poor game studio owners! they´re broke! they need money to buy cigarretes and so...
Yeah, if you own an original game (you payed for it that is), you may want to make a backup of it, cause eg. if the original disc gets damaged, you can still play with the backup. Furthermore, if you own the original game, you can also download its backup from the net.
BUT! Selling your backups... Well, thats far from legal... :)